Plotting Log as part of an equation in mathematica

In summary, The conversation is about trying to plot log as part of an equation in Mathematica. The person is experimenting with different numbers and formulas to control the steepness or shallowness of the curve. They are trying to mimic and simplify a formula to produce a graph similar to a wellhead diagram, where the water table level is controlled by the porosity of the rock and the flow of the well. The formula includes variables such as safe well discharge, hydraulic conductivity, depth, and radius of influence. The person is using Mathematica to plot both base 10 log and natural log functions.
  • #1
Hello I'm trying to plot log as part of an equation in mathematica and it does not seem to be working for me.

for example I'm using Plot y = 25x / log10 (x) - 50x

I'm just experimenting with different numbers and formulas to see what happens to the log curve.


What I'm doing in more detail, is that I want to be able to change variables so that the curve can become steeper or shallower. I want to introduce about 4 or 5 different variables to control it.

I want to try and mimic and simplify this formula to produce the graph above. Where the water table level is controlled by the porosity of the rock and the flow of the well. Low porosity and low discharge from the well result in a steep curve and vise versa.

Q = 2π K (Db - Dm) (Dw - Dm) / ln (Ri/Rw)

where Q = safe well discharge - i.e. the steady state discharge at which no overdraught or groundwater depletion occurs - (m3/day), K = uniform hydraulic conductivity of the soil (m/day), D = depth below soil surface, Db = depth of the bottom of the well equal to the depth of the impermeable base (m), Dm = depth of the watertable midway between the wells (m), Dw is the depth of the water level inside the well (m), Ri = radius of influence of the well (m), Rw=radius of the well (m), ln = natural logarithm, and π = the number pi.

The radius of influence of the wells depends on the pattern of the well field, which may be triangular, square, or rectangular. It can be found as:

Ri = sqrt (At/πN)
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  • #2
For base 10 log

Plot[25x / Log[10,x] - 50x,{x,1,100}]

For natural log

Plot[2π K (Db - Dm) (Dw - Dm) / Log[Ri/Rw],{something,somethingelse,somethingother}]

Related to Plotting Log as part of an equation in mathematica

1. How do I plot a logarithmic equation in Mathematica?

To plot a logarithmic equation in Mathematica, first define the equation using the Log function. Then, use the Plot or LogPlot function to generate a graph of the equation.

2. Can I change the base of the logarithm in the plot?

Yes, you can change the base of the logarithm in the plot by specifying it as the second argument in the Log function. For example, Log[x, 10] will plot the logarithm of x with a base of 10.

3. How can I adjust the range of the x and y axes in the plot?

You can adjust the range of the x and y axes in the plot by using the PlotRange option in the Plot or LogPlot function. Specify the desired range as a list in the format {{xmin, xmax}, {ymin, ymax}}.

4. Is it possible to add a grid to the plot?

Yes, you can add a grid to the plot by using the GridLines option in the Plot or LogPlot function. Specify the desired grid lines as a list in the format {{x1, x2, ...}, {y1, y2, ...}}.

5. How can I change the appearance of the plot, such as the color and style of the lines?

To change the appearance of the plot, you can use options such as PlotStyle and PlotMarkers in the Plot or LogPlot function. These options allow you to specify the color, style, and shape of the lines used in the plot.
