Plotting PDF for Inter Packet Arrival Times

In summary, the conversation is about a new member joining MATLAB and needing help with plotting a PDF for given data from a .dat file. The data has three columns, with the first representing port numbers and the second and third columns being inter packet arrival times for two different packets. The member has imported the data but is struggling with reproducing the PDF shown in the attached plot. They are looking for advice on how to approach the problem and understand the underlying mathematics.
  • #1
Hi Everyone,

Iam new one to join the MATLAB .My task is to plot PDF for the given data from the .dat file
I have three columns which contains as below like .The first column says port no , second and third is the inter packet arrival times of packet 1 and packet 2 . The whole data is huge ,so i have taken only few sample of it and pasted here . out this I need to plot PDF of the second and third column alone. Also see the attached plot . I need to reproduce some what similar to it. Kindly help me in how to proceed with this.

80 0.005177 0.000118
80 0.000118 0.000251
80 0.000251 0.009230
80 0.009230 0.001253
80 0.001253 0.000168
80 0.009923 0.000126
80 0.000126 0.000182
80 0.000182 0.009233
80 0.009233 0.024833
80 0.024833 0.000209
80 0.000209 0.000161
80 0.000161 0.000152
80 0.000152 0.008845
80 0.008845 0.001277
80 0.001277 0.000170
80 0.000170 0.008761
80 0.008761 0.000168
80 0.000168 0.000148
80 0.000168 0.184677


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  • #2
What have you attempted so far?
  • #3
Iam new to MATLAB .As of now i have just imported the data into the matlab. I just playing around with the PDF and hist command to reproduce the somewhat similar to it. But i haven't achieved it. So if you could explain the above commands with regards to the above data and graph that would be helpful and encouraging .

  • #4
Forget about Matlab for a minute and focus on the mathematics. Suppose that you have some data of the form

X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n \sim F

i.e., you have n observations that you think are distributed according to some distribution F. How do you obtain the PDF for the distribution F from the data?
  • #5


There are a few steps you can take to plot the PDF for the inter packet arrival times. First, you will need to import the data from the .dat file into MATLAB. This can be done using the "importdata" function. Once the data is imported, you can use the "histogram" function to plot the PDF for each column separately. You can also adjust the number of bins in the histogram to get a smoother plot. To reproduce the plot attached, you can use the "hold on" command after plotting the first column's PDF and then plot the second column's PDF on the same figure. You can also use the "legend" function to label the two PDFs. If you need more specific help, please provide some code that you have tried and we can assist further. Best of luck with your task!

Related to Plotting PDF for Inter Packet Arrival Times

1. What is a PDF?

A PDF (Probability Density Function) is a mathematical function that describes the probability of a continuous random variable taking on a certain value or falling within a certain range of values.

2. How is a PDF useful in plotting inter packet arrival times?

A PDF can be used to analyze the distribution of inter packet arrival times and determine the likelihood of certain arrival times occurring. This information can be useful in optimizing network performance and identifying any anomalies or patterns in packet delivery.

3. What are the steps for plotting a PDF for inter packet arrival times?

The first step is to collect data on inter packet arrival times. Then, the data is sorted and grouped into intervals. Next, the number of intervals is determined and the probability of each interval is calculated. Finally, the data is plotted on a graph with intervals on the x-axis and probabilities on the y-axis.

4. What are some common shapes of PDFs for inter packet arrival times?

Some common shapes of PDFs for inter packet arrival times include exponential, uniform, and normal distributions. The shape of the PDF can provide insights into the behavior and patterns of packet arrival times in a network.

5. How can the information from plotting a PDF for inter packet arrival times be used in network management?

The information from a PDF can be used to optimize network performance by identifying areas for improvement, such as reducing delays in packet delivery. It can also be used for predicting future network behavior and identifying any potential issues or anomalies in packet delivery.

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