Poincaré recurrence and maximum entropy

In summary, the fluctuations theorem says that there will be fluctuations in microscopic scale that results local decreases in entropy even in isolated systems. According to the Poincaré recurrence theorem, after sufficiently long time, any finite system can turn into a state which is very close to its initial state. It means second law of thermodynamics will be broken in even macroscopic scale.
  • #1
Fluctuation theorem says that there will be fluctuations in microscopic scale that results local decreases in entropy even in isolated systems. According to the Poincaré recurrence theorem, after sufficiently long time, any finite system can turn into a state which is very close to its initial state. It means second law of thermodynamics will be broken in even macroscopic scale.

We can always observe fluctuations in non-equilibrium systems, however, my question is; If a system eventually reaches to the maximum entropy state (everything is in absolute equilibrium), then do we expect fluctuations even in that state? Or after reaching maximum entropy, the system will remain same always or not? In other words, does Poincaré recurrence theorem valid for systems with maximum possible entropy?
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  • #2
It means second law of thermodynamics will be broken in even macroscopic scale.
The timescale just influences the size of the "violations" you can get.
If a system eventually reaches to the maximum entropy state (everything is in absolute equilibrium), then do we expect fluctuations even in that state?
  • #3
cryptist said:
Fluctuation theorem says that there will be fluctuations in microscopic scale that results local decreases in entropy even in isolated systems. According to the Poincaré recurrence theorem, after sufficiently long time, any finite system can turn into a state which is very close to its initial state. It means second law of thermodynamics will be broken in even macroscopic scale.

We can always observe fluctuations in non-equilibrium systems, however, my question is; If a system eventually reaches to the maximum entropy state (everything is in absolute equilibrium), then do we expect fluctuations even in that state? Or after reaching maximum entropy, the system will remain same always or not? In other words, does Poincaré recurrence theorem valid for systems with maximum possible entropy?

This is all true, but macroscopic system are so large that you will never observe a significant deviation.
  • #4
cryptist said:
We can always observe fluctuations in non-equilibrium systems, however, my question is; If a system eventually reaches to the maximum entropy state (everything is in absolute equilibrium), then do we expect fluctuations even in that state? Or after reaching maximum entropy, the system will remain same always or not? In other words, does Poincaré recurrence theorem valid for systems with maximum possible entropy?
The difference between a high entropy state and a low entropy state is that a fluctuation in a low entropy state is very likely to increase the entropy, leading to a system that looks somewhat different. By contrast, a fluctuation in a high-entropy state is very likely to lead to a another state that has just as much entropy (this is what makes a state high entropy in the first place: most possible configurations of the system are high entropy configurations).

So the fluctuations are always ongoing, it's just that once equilibrium is reached, further fluctuations just lead to different microscopic configurations that look like the same equilibrium state.

That said, a fluctuation from a high entropy state will not always lead to another high entropy state. Occasionally low entropy states will occur. But these are rare, because there just aren't that many low entropy configurations available.
  • #5
I think I get my answer; there is always a possibility of fluctuations even system reaches its maximum entropy state.

Thank you all for your answers.

FAQ: Poincaré recurrence and maximum entropy

1. What is Poincaré recurrence?

Poincaré recurrence refers to a mathematical concept that states that a dynamical system, such as a physical system, will eventually return to a state that is arbitrarily close to its initial state after a long period of time. This idea was first introduced by the French mathematician Henri Poincaré in the late 19th century.

2. How does Poincaré recurrence relate to entropy?

In a system that exhibits Poincaré recurrence, the entropy (or disorder) of the system will eventually return to its initial state as well. This is because the system will repeat its trajectory and therefore the same amount of information will be contained within it. This connection between Poincaré recurrence and entropy is important in the study of chaotic systems.

3. What is maximum entropy?

Maximum entropy is a principle in statistical mechanics that states that a system will naturally tend towards a state of maximum disorder or randomness. In other words, a system will have the greatest amount of entropy when it is in equilibrium or at its most disordered state.

4. How is maximum entropy related to Poincaré recurrence?

Maximum entropy and Poincaré recurrence are closely related concepts. In systems that exhibit Poincaré recurrence, the entropy will eventually reach its maximum value, as the system becomes increasingly disordered with each recurrence. This is due to the fact that Poincaré recurrence leads to a mixing of the system, causing an increase in entropy.

5. Are Poincaré recurrence and maximum entropy applicable to all physical systems?

Poincaré recurrence and maximum entropy are applicable to many physical systems, particularly those that exhibit chaotic behavior. However, there are some systems, such as quantum systems, that do not follow these principles. Additionally, the applicability of these concepts may vary depending on the specific conditions and assumptions of the system being studied.

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