Pointwise and uniform convergence of fn(x) = (1-x)^(1/n)

In summary, the conversation discusses the convergence of the sequence {fn(x) = (1-x)^(1/n)} on the interval [0,1]. It is established that the sequence converges pointwise to f(x) = 1, but it is unclear if it converges uniformly. There is a discussion about proving uniform convergence and it is suggested that the sequence does not converge uniformly on [0,1]. It is also suggested that adding a point to the interval may not affect uniform convergence, but since the sequence does not converge uniformly on [0,1], it will also not converge uniformly on [0,1]. Another approach is to take epsilon=1/2 and prove via the definition that the sequence does not converge
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let fn(x) = (1-x)^(1/n) be defined for x an element of [0,1). Does the sequence {fn} converge pointwise? Does it converge uniformly?

Homework Equations

The formal definition of pointwise convergence:
Let D be a subset of R and let {fn} be a sequence of real valued functions
defined on D. Then {fn} converges pointwise to f if given any x in D and
given any epsilon > 0, there exists a natural number N = N(x, epsilon) such that
|fn(x) − f(x)| < epsilon for every n > N.

The formal definition of uniform convergence:
Let D be a subset of R and let {fn} be a sequence of real
valued functions defined on D. Then {fn} converges uniformly to f if given
any " > 0, there exists a natural number N = N(") such that
|fn(x) − f(x)| < epsilon for every n > N and for every x in D.

The Attempt at a Solution

I managed to prove that fn(x) converges pointwise by the following:
For x=0, fn(0) = (1-)^(1/n) = 1^(1/n) = 1, so lim(n->inf)fn(0) = 1.
For 0<x<1, 0 < (1 - x) < 1 and lim(n->inf)(1/n)=0, so lim(n->inf)fn(x) = (1-x)^0 = 1.
Thus, {fn(x)} converges pointwise to f(x) = 1.

However, I am having trouble proving whether or not it converges uniformly. By the definition, it converges uniformly if given and epsilon > 0, there exists a natural number N = N(epsilon) such that
|(1-x)^(1/n) - 1| < epsilon for ever n > N

I can see intuitively that for an epsilon, increasing n will cause (1-x)^(1/n) to approach one until the difference is less than epsilon, but how can I state this? Is there a way to explicitly set define N in terms of epsilon or vice versa? Is that necessary? Can I just explain that the first term of the difference approaches the second (and thus the difference approaches 0) as n increases, so there is an N for which the difference is less than epsilon when n > N?
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  • #2
I doubt very much that this sequence converges uniformly.
It is clear that this sequence does not converge uniformly on [0,1] (since the limit will not be continuous).

Maybe you can show the following: if the sequence converges uniformly on [0,1), then it will converge uniformly on [0,1]. I mean, you're just adding one point, that shouldn't mess with uniform convergence. But since the sequence does not converge uniformly on [0,1], it will then also not converge uniformly on [0,1)

Alternatively, you can take epsilon=1/2, and prove via the definition that the sequence does not converge uniformly...

FAQ: Pointwise and uniform convergence of fn(x) = (1-x)^(1/n)

1. What is the difference between pointwise and uniform convergence?

Pointwise convergence means that for every x in the domain, the sequence of function values fn(x) converges to the limit function f(x). Uniform convergence means that the convergence is independent of the value of x and holds for all x in the domain.

2. How do you determine if a sequence of functions converges pointwise?

To determine pointwise convergence, we need to take the limit of the sequence of functions as n approaches infinity. If the limit exists for each x in the domain, then the sequence converges pointwise.

3. Is pointwise convergence a sufficient condition for uniform convergence?

No, pointwise convergence is not a sufficient condition for uniform convergence. A sequence of functions can converge pointwise but not uniformly. To show uniform convergence, we need to prove that the convergence is independent of x and holds for all x in the domain.

4. How do you prove uniform convergence of a sequence of functions?

To prove uniform convergence, we can use the Cauchy criterion for uniform convergence. This states that for every ε > 0, there exists an N in the natural numbers, such that for all n > N and for all x in the domain, |fn(x) - f(x)| < ε. If this criterion is satisfied, then the sequence of functions converges uniformly.

5. What is the significance of uniform convergence in analysis?

Uniform convergence is important in analysis because it guarantees that the limit function is continuous. This is useful in many applications, such as approximating functions and solving differential equations. It also allows us to interchange the order of taking limits and integrals, which is crucial in many mathematical proofs.

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