Poisson brackets and angular momentum

In summary, the conversation discusses three functions in phase space and their Poisson bracket. The Poisson bracket is defined as the product of the partial derivatives of the functions with respect to the phase space variables. The conversation also shows how the Poisson bracket follows certain properties, such as the Leibniz rule. The final part of the conversation discusses the commutator of two angular momentum operators, which can be expressed in terms of the permutation symbol. Using this, it is shown that the commutator satisfies a specific identity, which leads to the conclusion that the commutator of the angular momentum operator with the squared magnitude of the angular momentum is equal to zero.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let f(q, p), g(q, p) and h(q, p) be three functions in phase space. Let Lk =
εlmkqlpm be the kth component of the angular momentum.
(i) Define the Poisson bracket [f, g].
(ii) Show [fg, h] = f[g, h] + [f, h]g.
(iii) Find [qj , Lk], expressing your answer in terms of the permutation symbol.
(iv) Show [Lj , Lk] = qjpk−qkpj . Show also that the RHS satisfies qjpk−qkpj =
εijkLi. Deduce [Li, |L|2] = 0.
[Hint: the identity εijkεklm = δilδjm − δimδjl may be useful in (iv)]

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

i) [f,g]=[itex]\frac{\partial f}{\partial q_i}\frac{\partial g}{\partial p_i}\frac{\partial f}{\partial p_i}\frac{\partial g}{\partial q_i}[/itex]

ii) easy to show from the definition in i)

iii) after a bit of working, I get εlmkql

iv) my working is quite long, but I get [Lj,Lk]=qjpk-qkpjijkLi as required.

The bit I'm having trouble with is the very last bit of the question, to deduce [Li, |L|2] = 0.

Since it's only a small part of the question, it seems as though this part should be fairly simple so maybe I'm overlooking something, but I don't get 0. This is my working:

[Li, |L|2]=[Li, LjLj]=Lj[Li, Lj]+[Li, Lj]Lj=2Lj[Li, Lj]

I'm not entirely sure where to go from here so any help (or pointing out of any glaring errors) would be great.
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  • #2
I don't really see how in the last line you get to 2L_j[L_i,L_j] if this commutator contains a L_k and the L_subscripts don't commute.
  • #3
I'm not really sure what you mean, there's no L_k involved in the last line? And I'm not really sure what you mean by a commutator, either..
  • #4
Haha I was being infinitely stupid. I forgot you were talking about Poisson brackets. I have a lame excuse for it though namely that I usually use { , } for poisson and [ , ] for commutator. Now to redeem myself I will actually look at this last exercise. be back shortly!
  • #5
So here it goes. Leave the last equality out and when you get

[itex] L_j[L_i,L_j]+[L_i,L_j]L_j = L_j\epsilon_{kij} L_k + \epsilon_{kij} L_kL_j = \epsilon_{kij}L_jL_k - \epsilon_{jik} L_kL_j = \epsilon_{kij}L_jL_k - \epsilon_{kij} L_jL_k = 0 [/itex]

Where in the equality before last I just relabel j to k and vice versa in the second summand.
  • #6
Ah, I get it. That makes a lot of sense, cheers :)

FAQ: Poisson brackets and angular momentum

What are Poisson brackets?

Poisson brackets are a mathematical tool used in classical mechanics to describe the relationship between physical quantities known as dynamical variables. They are used to determine the rate of change of one variable with respect to another variable.

How are Poisson brackets calculated?

To calculate a Poisson bracket, you must first determine the partial derivatives of the two variables with respect to the canonical coordinates (position and momentum). These derivatives are then multiplied together and summed to get the Poisson bracket. It is represented by curly braces, {A, B}.

What is angular momentum?

Angular momentum is a measure of the amount of rotational motion an object has. It is defined as the cross product of an object's position vector and its linear momentum. In simpler terms, it is the momentum an object has due to its circular or spinning motion.

How are Poisson brackets related to angular momentum?

Poisson brackets are related to angular momentum in that they are used to calculate the rate of change of angular momentum with respect to other variables. In classical mechanics, angular momentum is conserved, meaning it remains constant over time, and Poisson brackets are used to mathematically express this conservation law.

Why are Poisson brackets important in physics?

Poisson brackets are important in physics because they allow us to mathematically describe the behavior of physical systems, such as particles or objects in motion. They also help us understand the relationships between different physical quantities and how they change over time. Poisson brackets are a fundamental tool in classical mechanics and have applications in other branches of physics, such as quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics.

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