Poisson brackets, commutators, transformations

In summary, the conversation discussed the fundamental connection between classical and quantum mechanics through the Poisson bracket and commutator, as well as the justification for the Schrodinger equation. The topic of infinitesimal transformations and symmetries was also brought up, with a recommendation for L. E. Ballentine's book on quantum mechanics.
  • #1
Hi all,

I've taken a two-course undergrad QM sequence and have been reading Shankar's Principles of Quantum Mechanics. There is some reference to the similarity between the Poisson bracket in Hamiltonian mechanics and the commutator in QM. E.g.

[tex]\{x, p\} = 1[/tex] (PB)
[tex][x, p] = i \hbar[/tex] (commutator)

At various points in the book it seems to me that Shankar suggests that this commutation relation is a very fundamental thing. However, I don't understand where it comes from. I do understand the derivation of the poisson bracket relation. Why does the canonical commutation relation hold? An equivalent question, I guess, is why the momentum operator in the x basis is
[tex]-i \hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial x}[/tex]
or why there is the Fourier-transform relationship between position and momentum space. I don't see why these things must be true either. Ditto for the angular momentum operators. Also, why the parallel between the classical poisson bracket and the QM commutator? What is the fundamental connection between position and momentum that transcends classical and quantum mechanics?

In Shankar there's a section on generators of infinitesimal canonical transformations in Hamiltonian mechanics, stating that

[tex]Q = q + \varepsilon \frac{\partial g}{\partial p}[/tex]
[tex]P = p - \varepsilon \frac{\partial g}{\partial q}[/tex]

gives an infinitesimal canonical transformation and that [tex]g[/tex] is the generator of the translation. If the Hamiltonian is invariant under the transformation generated by g, then g is conserved. E.g. [tex]g = p[/tex] is the generator of translations; therefore, translational symmetry gives conservation of momentum. I'm OK with that. However in QM infinitesimal transformations seem to be given by

[tex]T(\varepsilon) = I - \frac{i \varepsilon}{\hbar} G[/tex]

where the operator G is the generator of an infinitesimal transformation. Where does this factor of [tex]\frac{i}{\hbar}[/tex] come from?! Shankar doesn't justify this form for infinitesimal transformations in QM.

I can follow the classical derivations of the fact that the momentum, angular momentum, and Hamiltonian are the generators of infinitesimal translations, rotations, and time translations respectively, and how this leads to the corresponding conservation laws. However, I don't understand why this is true in QM too. Which means I don't understand the justification for the Schrodinger equation itself, I think.

In looking at related stuff on Wikipedia I see a lot of references to "symplectic spaces" and stuff. From what class or textbook or website would one learn about such things?

Thanks for any help!
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  • #2
Try L. E. Ballentine "Quantum mechanics. A modern development". Perhaps it will answer some of your questions.
  • #3
First of all, the relation is pretty fundamental. Dirac constructed his formulation of QM by this very principle: "Classical poisson bracket -> commutator, multiplied by i.hbar". The technical name for the procedure is canonical quantisation, and is very important in many presentations of quantum field theory.

Regarding the infinitesmal translations in QM: I've not seen the reciprocal factor of hbar before, but as far as I can tell it doesn't affect anything important. What is important is the factor of i in front of the infinitesmal epsilon. In QM symmetry operations are associated with unitary operators, so that transition probabilities are preserved. (The only exception is time reversal, which is an anti-unitary operator- don't worry about it.) If G is a hermitian operator, then you'll see that multiplying T by its adjoint gives the identity operator if you take second order quantities in epsilon to vanish. So symmetry transformations are generated by hermitian operators- which, remember, are observables.
Also, the Schroedinger equation is a postulate of QM. It can't be rigorously justified, but Schrodinger spotted the formal analogy and it worked.
  • #4
Thanks for the replies. Looks like there's a copy of Ballentine's book in my school's library, so I'll have a look at it.

Related to Poisson brackets, commutators, transformations

1. What are Poisson brackets?

Poisson brackets are a mathematical concept used in classical mechanics to describe the relationship between two physical quantities, such as position and momentum. They are denoted by curly braces { , } and represent the degree to which two quantities change together.

2. What is the difference between a Poisson bracket and a commutator?

Poisson brackets and commutators are both mathematical tools used to describe the relationship between physical quantities. However, Poisson brackets are used in classical mechanics, while commutators are used in quantum mechanics. Additionally, Poisson brackets use classical variables, such as position and momentum, while commutators use quantum operators, such as position and momentum operators.

3. How are Poisson brackets used in Hamiltonian mechanics?

In Hamiltonian mechanics, Poisson brackets are used to determine the equations of motion for a system by calculating the time derivatives of the position and momentum variables. They are also used to define the Hamiltonian, which is a function that describes the total energy of a system.

4. What is the significance of the transformation property of Poisson brackets?

The transformation property of Poisson brackets states that the brackets remain unchanged under certain transformations of the coordinates and momenta. This property allows us to use Poisson brackets to analyze systems in different coordinate systems or to perform canonical transformations.

5. How are Poisson brackets related to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle?

Poisson brackets are related to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle through the commutation relations between position and momentum. The uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to simultaneously know the exact position and momentum of a particle, and this is reflected in the non-commutativity of the position and momentum operators in quantum mechanics.

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