Poisson noise on ##a_{\ell m}## complex number: real or complex?

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TL;DR Summary
I try to get clarifications about the Poisson's noise with spherical harmonics of Legendre transformation
1) In a cosmology context, when I add a centered Poisson noise on ##a_{\ell m}## and I take the definition of a ##C_{\ell}## this way :

##C_{\ell}=\dfrac{1}{2\ell+1} \sum_{m=-\ell}^{+\ell} \left(a_{\ell m}+\bar{a}_{\ell m}^{p}\right)\left(a_{\ell m}+\bar{a}_{\ell m}^{p}\right)^* ##

Is Poisson noise a complex number or is it simply a real number ? knowing that variance of Poisson is equal in my case :

##\text{Var}(\bar{a}_{\ell m}^{p}) = \dfrac{1}{n_{gal}\,f_{sky}}## where ##n_{gal}## the density of galaxies and ##f_{sky}## the fraction of sky observed.

I work with fluctuations of matter density (not temperature fluctuations).

2) What is the variance of real part and imaginary part of an ##a_{\ell m}## : usually, one says that :

##\text{Var}(a_{\ell m}) = C_{\ell}## but given the fact that ##a_{\ell m}## is a complex number, we could say that :

##\text{Var}(\text{Re}(a_{\ell m}))## has a variance equal to ##\dfrac{C_\ell}{2}##


##\text{Var}(\text{Im}(a_{\ell m}))## has a variance equal to ##\dfrac{C_\ell}{2}##

since :

& \left|a_{\ell m}\right|^2=\operatorname{Re}\left(a_{\ell m}\right)^2+\operatorname{Im}\left(a_{\ell m}\right)^2 \\
& E\left[\left|a_{\ell m}\right|^2\right]=E\left[\operatorname{Re}\left(a_{\ell m}\right)^2\right]+E\left[\operatorname{Im}\left(a_{\ell m}\right)^2\right]=C_{\ell}

Is it correct ?

Any clarification is welcome.

FAQ: Poisson noise on ##a_{\ell m}## complex number: real or complex?

What is Poisson noise?

Poisson noise, also known as shot noise, is a type of statistical noise that arises from the discrete nature of signal events, such as photon detection in optical systems. It follows a Poisson distribution where the variance is equal to the mean of the signal.

How does Poisson noise affect complex numbers like ##a_{\ell m}##?

When Poisson noise is added to complex numbers such as ##a_{\ell m}##, it affects both the real and imaginary components. The noise can be modeled separately for the real and imaginary parts, each following a Poisson distribution, resulting in a complex number with noisy components.

Is the Poisson noise on ##a_{\ell m}## real or complex?

Poisson noise itself is inherently real because it is based on counting discrete events. When applied to complex numbers like ##a_{\ell m}##, the noise is typically added independently to the real and imaginary parts, making the overall noise complex.

Can Poisson noise be modeled differently for real and imaginary parts of ##a_{\ell m}##?

Yes, Poisson noise can be modeled separately for the real and imaginary parts of ##a_{\ell m}##. Each part can be treated as having its own Poisson-distributed noise, which means that the real and imaginary components can have different noise characteristics.

How can Poisson noise be mitigated in complex numbers like ##a_{\ell m}##?

Mitigating Poisson noise in complex numbers like ##a_{\ell m}## often involves techniques such as signal averaging, where multiple measurements are averaged to reduce noise, or using advanced filtering methods like Wiener filtering. Additionally, Bayesian methods can be employed to estimate the underlying signal more accurately by incorporating prior knowledge about the signal and noise characteristics.
