Poisson's Eq. with separable variables?

In summary: Thanks for the input. I'm working on a thermal stress problem in an engineering setting. I have encountered an inhomogeneous differential equation of the following general form:\nabla^2 \Phi(r,z) = F_r(r)F_z(z)I solved the homogeneous equation for \Phi(r,z) using Green's Functions, and found that \Phi(r,z) is separable. I was expecting this to be straightforward, but it's still beyond my ken.
  • #1
In trying to solve a thermal stress problem, I have encountered an inhomogeneous differential equation of the following general form:
[tex] \nabla^2 \Phi(r,z) = F_r(r)F_z(z)[/tex]
Solving the homogeneous case is no problem, as it is kind of a classic. Is there a route to finding a particular solution for the inhomogeneous case? Since my "charge density" (it's really temperature) is separable, I expected this to be straightforward.

It may, in fact, be straightforward, but it is still beyond my ken.

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  • #2
You can solve the equation using Green's Functions.

The idea is to solve the equation
[itex]\nabla^2 G(r,r',z,z') = \delta(r - r',z-z')[/itex]

Once you know G you can integrate to find [itex]\Phi[/itex]

[itex]\Phi(r,z)= \int d^3r' F_r(r')F_z(z') \delta(r - r',z-z') [/itex]
  • #3
badkitty said:
In trying to solve a thermal stress problem, I have encountered an inhomogeneous differential equation of the following general form:
[tex] \nabla^2 \Phi(r,z) = F_r(r)F_z(z)[/tex]
Solving the homogeneous case is no problem, as it is kind of a classic. Is there a route to finding a particular solution for the inhomogeneous case? Since my "charge density" (it's really temperature) is separable, I expected this to be straightforward.

It may, in fact, be straightforward, but it is still beyond my ken.

You didn't really give us much info. What is you domain? What are the boundary conditions? Often a particular solution can be found by techniques like a) expanding the source term in eigenfunctions of the homogeneous problem, or b) integral transform techniques. Sometimes you can use the method of images to find the Green's function mentioned by the_wolfman. Again, without more info I'm not sure what more I can say to help you. Also, are F_r and F_z arbitrary or specific given functions?


FAQ: Poisson's Eq. with separable variables?

1. What is Poisson's Equation with separable variables?

Poisson's Equation with separable variables is a partial differential equation that describes the relationship between a potential function and its sources in a three-dimensional space. It is commonly used in physics and engineering to solve problems involving electrostatics, fluid dynamics, and heat transfer.

2. What is the general form of Poisson's Equation with separable variables?

The general form of Poisson's Equation with separable variables is ∇²Φ = f(x,y,z), where ∇² represents the Laplace operator and Φ is the potential function. The function f(x,y,z) represents the sources that contribute to the potential at a given point.

3. How is Poisson's Equation with separable variables solved?

Poisson's Equation with separable variables can be solved by using the method of separation of variables. This involves assuming that the potential function can be expressed as a product of two functions, each of which only depends on one variable. The resulting equations can then be solved separately to find the solution for the potential function.

4. What are the applications of Poisson's Equation with separable variables?

Poisson's Equation with separable variables has many applications in physics and engineering. It is commonly used to solve problems related to electrostatics, such as finding the electric potential for a given charge distribution. It is also used in fluid mechanics to calculate the flow of a fluid around obstacles, and in heat transfer to determine temperature distributions.

5. What are some limitations of Poisson's Equation with separable variables?

One limitation of Poisson's Equation with separable variables is that it can only be used for problems with simple geometries and boundary conditions. It also assumes that the sources are stationary and do not change over time. Additionally, the method of separation of variables may not always yield a closed-form solution, making it difficult to solve for more complex problems.

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