Polarization 4-vectors to get matrix element in QFT

In summary, the first section of the Quantum Field Theory book by Peskin and Schroeder deals with an electron and positron colliding to produce a positive and negative muon at an angle theta to the line of the collision. To calculate the matrix elements, one needs to determine the polarization vectors of each particle, which are given in the book as (0,1,i,0) for the electron and (0,cos theta, i, sin theta) for the intermediate photon. These vectors can be derived from classical electrodynamics and a standard rotation matrix. Other matrix elements are also provided in the book without proof, but further explanation of these cases is given later on in the book.
  • #1
I'm working through the start of the Quantum Field Theory book by Peskin and Schroeder. The first section deals with an electron and positron colliding to give a positive and negative muon traveling along a line at an angle theta to the line of the e,p collision.(This is using center of mass coordinates). Calculating the matrix elements involves working out the polarization vectors of each particle. For the case in the book it gives (0,1,i,0) for the elctron and (0,cos theta, i, sin theta). I don't know how they get these though. They also give the other matrix elements without proof. Could anyone explain to me how to work out these vectors?
Thanks alot
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  • #2
jameson2 said:
[...] Calculating the matrix elements involves working out the polarization vectors of each particle. For the case in the book it gives (0,1,i,0) for the electron and (0,cos theta, i, sin theta). I don't know how they get these though.

Actually, the polarization vector [itex]\epsilon^\mu = (0,1,i,0)[/itex] refers to the intermediate photon, not the electron. So it's just a standard result from classical electrodynamics for circularly polarized light (corresponding to a angular momentum eigenstate in the quantum case). See, e.g., Jackson's "Classical Electrodynamics" for more detail on the classical aspects.

To get the other vector [itex](0,\cos\theta, i, -\sin\theta)[/itex], just involves a standard rotation matrix in the xz plane. E.g., (suppressing the t,y components),
\pmatrix{\cos\theta & \sin\theta \cr -\sin\theta & \cos\theta} \pmatrix{1 \cr 0}
~=~ \pmatrix{\cos\theta \cr -\sin\theta}
They also give the other matrix elements without proof.

Remember that ch1 is only meant to be an "invitation", or a "taste". Such cases are worked out in far more detail later in the book.

FAQ: Polarization 4-vectors to get matrix element in QFT

1. What is a polarization 4-vector in QFT?

A polarization 4-vector in QFT is a mathematical tool used to describe the polarization of a particle in a quantum field theory. It is a four-component vector that represents the possible directions of spin or polarization for a given particle.

2. How are polarization 4-vectors used to calculate matrix elements in QFT?

Polarization 4-vectors are used to calculate matrix elements in QFT by providing a complete description of the polarization state of a particle. This allows for the calculation of transition amplitudes and cross sections for particle interactions.

3. What is the significance of using polarization 4-vectors in QFT calculations?

The use of polarization 4-vectors in QFT calculations allows for a more precise and complete description of particle interactions. It takes into account the spin and polarization states of particles, which can have a significant impact on the outcome of interactions.

4. Are polarization 4-vectors essential for QFT calculations?

Yes, polarization 4-vectors are essential for QFT calculations as they provide a crucial part of the mathematical framework for describing and predicting particle interactions. Without them, the calculations would be incomplete and inaccurate.

5. How do polarization 4-vectors relate to the concept of gauge invariance in QFT?

Polarization 4-vectors are crucial for maintaining gauge invariance in QFT calculations. They are used to ensure that the calculations are independent of the choice of gauge, which is necessary for the consistency and accuracy of the theory.

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