Polarization states via relativistic effect

In summary, the article discusses the three independent states of polarization that a particle with mass can have, and how relativistic effects play a role in this.
  • #1
Gold Member
In the following article


it states,
"massless gauge particles...can have only two independent states of polarization...but the ...massive gauge particles ...have three independent states of polarization...(the difference in the number of polarization states for massive and massless particles of the same spin is a relativistic effect.)" (my emphasis)

Could someone briefly explain, not too technically, what relativistic effect is being referred to, and how it accounts for the extra polarization state?
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  • #2
A particle with mass has a rest frame. In that frame, assuming the particle has spin S, there are 2S+1 spin states. Thus a massive vector boson has three spin states.

A massless particle does not have a rest frame. The spin projection along its direction of motion is the same in every frame. Hence there will be only one spin state. Except - if the particle's interactions conserve parity the particle's mirror image will also exist, and it will have the opposite spin. Thus a parity-conserving massless particle has two spin states.
  • #3
Thank you, Bill_K. That clears up my question.
  • #4
Actually I don't quite get it!
What if the massless photon has perpendicular polarization?
  • #5
karlzr, it would help if you could be precise as to what difficulty this presents.
  • #6
nomadreid said:
karlzr, it would help if you could be precise as to what difficulty this presents.

I try to consider what would happen if a perpendicular spin vector was lorentz boosted to another frame, but there is a related question I feel confused.
Since spin exists only in quantum world, [tex]S_x[/tex],[tex]S_y[/tex],[tex]S_z[/tex] don't commute, why can we write spin into a four-vector form? and what is [tex]S_0[/tex]?
  • #7
karlzr said:
What if the massless photon has perpendicular polarization?
The photon does have perpendicular polarization.

We observe that electromagnetic waves are always polarized transversely, never longitudinally. Such a constraint can only apply to a wave that propagates at c. If it applied to a wave that propagated at less than c, we could move into a frame of reference in which the wave was at rest. In this frame, all directions in space would be equivalent, and there would be no way to decide which directions of polarization should be permitted.

Bill_K said:
A massless particle does not have a rest frame. The spin projection along its direction of motion is the same in every frame. Hence there will be only one spin state. Except - if the particle's interactions conserve parity the particle's mirror image will also exist, and it will have the opposite spin. Thus a parity-conserving massless particle has two spin states.
I'm intrigued by this part of your argument, but I don't quite understand it. You say, "Hence there will be only one spin state." You seem to be saying that if there is a certain type of massless particle T (T=photons, say), then by default we should expect all particles of that type to have the same helicity. It seems to me that this should be a much weaker statement. Say T has spin 1, and I propose four laws of physics: (1) All particles of type T have helicity h=+1. (2) All particles of type T have h=-1. (3) All particles of type T have either h=+1 or h=-1. (4) Particles of type T exist with h=-1, 0, or +1. I don't see any obvious way to rule out any of these based on simple arguments about Lorentz invariance.

In the second part of your argument, "if the particle's interactions conserve parity...," you talk about the particle's interactions, but the connection to what follows isn't clear to me, because you never again mention it interacting with anything. I'm sure what you're saying is valid, but it's a little unclear to me because it seems like you must be omitting a step that's obvious to you but not to me.
  • #8
karlzr said:
I try to consider what would happen if a perpendicular spin vector was lorentz boosted to another frame, but there is a related question I feel confused.
Since spin exists only in quantum world, [tex]S_x[/tex],[tex]S_y[/tex],[tex]S_z[/tex] don't commute, why can we write spin into a four-vector form? and what is [tex]S_0[/tex]?

By the way, to prevent the line breaks you can use itex tags instead of tex.

Even in Newtonian mechanics, it would be simpler in some sense to think of angular momentum as a tensor rather than a vector. It's only a coincidence that in three-dimensional Euclidean space we can reduce the tensor to something that transforms like a vector.

This may be helpful: http://physics.stackexchange.com/qu...ngular-momentum-in-special-general-relativity
  • #9
bcrowell said:
The photon does have perpendicular polarization.

We observe that electromagnetic waves are always polarized transversely, never longitudinally. Such a constraint can only apply to a wave that propagates at c. If it applied to a wave that propagated at less than c, we could move into a frame of reference in which the wave was at rest. In this frame, all directions in space would be equivalent, and there would be no way to decide which directions of polarization should be permitted.

I try to interpret your statement. For a massive particle, a positive helicity state can always be transformed to a negative helicity or zero helicity after a lorentz tranformation. So there must be three polorizations (as for this point, I believe this result should also be achieved through a vector or tensor transformation [itex]S'=\Lambda S[/itex], where [itex]\Lambda[/itex] is the transformation matrix, but how?).
However, this is not the case for massless particles like photon. A photon with positive helicity could never be transformed to negative helicity state. But I can see why there is no photon with zero helicity? could you please give a more detailed explanation? Thanks for your time!

bcrowell said:
By the way, to prevent the line breaks you can use itex tags instead of tex.

Even in Newtonian mechanics, it would be simpler in some sense to think of angular momentum as a tensor rather than a vector. It's only a coincidence that in three-dimensional Euclidean space we can reduce the tensor to something that transforms like a vector.

But still, can we put noncommutative quantities such as [itex]s_x[/itex], [itex]s_y[/itex], [itex]s_z[/itex] together into the same tensor? After all, they can never be determined simultaneously.
  • #10
karlzr said:
as for this point, I believe this result should also be achieved through a vector or tensor transformation [itex]S'=\Lambda S[/itex], where [itex]\Lambda[/itex] is the transformation matrix, but how?).
You actually need two [itex]\Lambda[/itex]'s in there, because S is a rank-2 tensor, as described in the stackexchange link I posted above.

karlzr said:
But I can see why there is no photon with zero helicity?
I don't know. I think this corresponds to the fact that there are no longitudinally polarized photons, but I don't have a good explanation for why there are no longitudinally polarized photons. If you don't get a good answer here, maybe try the qm or particle physics forums.

karlzr said:
But still, can we put noncommutative quantities such as [itex]s_x[/itex], [itex]s_y[/itex], [itex]s_z[/itex] together into the same tensor? After all, they can never be determined simultaneously.
The issue isn't that they don't commute, the issue is that the collection of the three of them makes a three-vector, not a relativistic four-vector. That's why the rank-2 tensor works better in relativity -- it transforms like a tensor.

FAQ: Polarization states via relativistic effect

1. What is the relativistic effect on polarization states?

The relativistic effect on polarization states refers to the changes in the polarization of light due to the motion and velocity of the source. This occurs because the motion of the source affects the electric and magnetic fields of the light waves, resulting in a shift in the polarization angle.

2. How does the relativistic effect impact the polarization of light?

The relativistic effect can cause a rotation of the polarization angle, resulting in a change in the polarization state of light. This effect is more pronounced at higher velocities and can lead to a complete reversal of the polarization state in extreme cases.

3. Can the relativistic effect be observed in everyday situations?

Yes, the relativistic effect on polarization states can be observed in everyday situations, such as the polarization of light from stars and other astronomical objects. However, it is most noticeable in objects that are moving at very high speeds, such as particles in accelerators or jets of plasma in astrophysical environments.

4. How does the relativistic effect affect our understanding of light?

The relativistic effect on polarization states is an important concept in the field of modern physics, as it helps us understand the behavior of light at high velocities and in extreme environments. It also has practical applications in fields such as astrophysics, particle physics, and telecommunications.

5. Is the relativistic effect the only factor that can change the polarization of light?

No, there are other factors that can also affect the polarization of light, such as interactions with materials and electromagnetic fields. However, the relativistic effect is a significant factor in certain scenarios and should be considered when studying the polarization of light in those situations.
