Polynomial Equation-Application

  • Thread starter notsosmartman
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In summary, the problem involves four ball bearings with radii differing by 1mm. The largest sphere's radius is represented by "x" and the sum of the smaller three spheres' volumes equals the volume of the largest sphere. This can be represented by an equation and solved for "x".
  • #1
First of all this is from a book I own. It is not for any class or assignment. I am just curios on how you would go about solving such a problem.

The radii of four different-sized ball bearings differ by 1.0mm in radius from one size to the next. If the volume of the largest equals of the other three combined, find the radii.

Any help is greatly appreciated!
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Well, the first thing to do when approaching these problems is to define an attribute as your variable and this is the part which many people find the most difficult. For this question, it might make sense to call the radius of the largest sphere "x".

Now we know that the radii differ by 1mm for each successive sphere, and we also know that the volume of the smaller three sum up to the larger sphere.

Therefore we know that

[tex]\frac{4}{3}\pi((x-1)^{3} + (x-2)^{3} + (x-3)^{3}) = \frac{4}{3}\pi x^{3}[/tex]

which we can simplify into

[tex]x^{3} - 9x^{2} + 21x - 18 = 0[/tex]

now there are numerous ways to solve this equation which I will not go into.

FAQ: Polynomial Equation-Application

1. What is a polynomial equation?

A polynomial equation is an equation that contains one or more variables raised to non-negative integer powers and constant coefficients. It can be written in the form of ax^n + bx^(n-1) + ... + cx + d, where n is a non-negative integer and a, b, c, and d are constants.

2. How are polynomial equations used in real-life applications?

Polynomial equations are used in various fields such as engineering, physics, economics, and computer science. They are used to model and solve problems related to growth, motion, optimization, and many other real-life situations. For example, a quadratic polynomial equation can be used to model the trajectory of a projectile, and a polynomial regression model can be used to analyze trends in data.

3. What are the different types of polynomial equations?

The different types of polynomial equations include linear, quadratic, cubic, quartic, and higher degree polynomials. A linear polynomial has a degree of 1, a quadratic polynomial has a degree of 2, a cubic polynomial has a degree of 3, and a quartic polynomial has a degree of 4. Higher degree polynomials have degrees greater than 4.

4. How do you solve a polynomial equation?

To solve a polynomial equation, you can use various methods such as factoring, the quadratic formula, and synthetic division. For higher degree polynomials, you can use numerical methods such as the Newton-Raphson method or the bisection method. It is also important to remember to check for extraneous solutions and to use the fundamental theorem of algebra to find all possible solutions.

5. Can polynomial equations have complex solutions?

Yes, polynomial equations can have complex solutions. This is because complex numbers are solutions to equations with real coefficients. For example, the polynomial equation x^2 + 1 = 0 has the complex solutions i and -i, where i is the imaginary unit. Complex solutions may also arise when using numerical methods to solve polynomial equations.
