Polynomial solution to Legendre's equation

  • Thread starter Mark Brewer
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In summary, the problem is to show that for l as an integer, the polynomial solution to Legendre's equation can be expressed as y_l(x) = K_l ∑ from k = 0 to (l/2) of (((-1)^k) / k!) (((2l - 2k)!) / (l-k)! (l - 2k)!) (x^(l-2k)), where K_l is an arbitrary constant depending on l and x (floor) stands for the largest integer less than or equal to x. The given hints suggest rewriting the recurrence relation in the form a_l-2k = f(l,k) a_l-2k+2 and using algebraic manipulation to obtain
  • #1
Mark Brewer
Member warned about posting with no effort

Homework Statement

Starting from the recurrence relation, show that, when l is an integer, the polynomial solution to Legendre's equation is
yl(x) = Kl ∑ from k = 0 to (l/2) of (((-1)k) / k!) (((2l - 2k)!) / (l-k)! (l - 2k)!) (xl-2k)

where Kl is an arbitrary constant (depending on l) and x (floor) stands for the largest integer less than or equal to x. Hint. THis is a tricky exercise in algebraic manipulation. Rewrite the recurrence relation in the form al-2k = f(l,k) al-2k+2, (where you are to evalute f(l,k) explicitly), then run out the recurrence to obtain the desired result. You will need to be clever in manipulating factorial expression. For example, somewhere along the line you will have to use the formula (l)(l-1)...(l-2k+1) = ((l!) / (l-2k)!), and a bunch more like it.
Mod note: Fixed. One of your closing subscript tags -- [/sub]) was actually [sub].

Homework Equations

recurrence equation: am+2 = [((l-m)(l+m+1) / (m+2)(m+1))

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm lost to where to start. Any help to get me started would be much appreciated.]
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  • #2
I'm not sure why the second half of my problem is in a subscript. The double checked the problem by previewing it, but I could get the text out of being in a subscript. My apologies for this.
  • #3
You need to try something -- that's the rule here at this forum. You could start with the hints given in the problem.

Also, this doesn't look like a recurrence equation to me. The right side should have ##a_m## and ##a_{m+1}## in it.

Mark Brewer said:
recurrence equation: am+2 = [((l-m)(l+m+1) / (m+2)(m+1))

FAQ: Polynomial solution to Legendre's equation

1. What is Legendre's equation?

Legendre's equation is a second-order ordinary differential equation named after French mathematician Adrien-Marie Legendre. It is used to describe the behavior of many physical systems, such as the motion of planets and the propagation of sound waves.

2. What is a polynomial solution to Legendre's equation?

A polynomial solution to Legendre's equation is a solution in the form of a polynomial function. This means that the solution can be written as a sum of various terms, each with a different power of the independent variable.

3. How is Legendre's equation solved?

Legendre's equation can be solved using various techniques, including power series, the Frobenius method, and the Laplace transform. These methods involve manipulating the equation to reduce it to a simpler form that can be solved analytically.

4. What is the significance of polynomial solutions to Legendre's equation?

The polynomial solutions to Legendre's equation are important because they can be used to describe the behavior of physical systems, especially those with spherical or cylindrical symmetry. They also have applications in fields such as quantum mechanics and electromagnetism.

5. Are there any limitations to polynomial solutions of Legendre's equation?

Yes, there are some limitations to polynomial solutions of Legendre's equation. One limitation is that they may not always exist for certain values of the independent variable. Another limitation is that they may not be valid solutions for all boundary conditions, and other techniques may be needed to find solutions in these cases.
