How Does Position Interact with Spin Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics?

  • #1
TL;DR Summary
How do the position operator x and the spin angular momentum operator S commute?
I know how position and momentum commute, but now I have the spin angular momentum operator involved as well as a dot product. Specifically, what would the commutation [x,S·p] be?
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  • #2
dnl914 said:
I know how position and momentum commute, but now I have the spin angular momentum operator involved as well as a dot product. Specifically, what would the commutation [x,S·p] be?
The spin angular momentum operator commutes with both position and momentum (i.e., its commutator with those operators vanishes), since it operates on a different part of the Hilbert space from those operators (the spin operator operates on the spin degrees of freedom, not the configuration space degrees of freedom).

Note that the total angular momentum operator, which includes orbital angular momentum as well as spin, does not commute with position or momentum (i.e., its commutator with those operators does not vanish).
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  • #3
dnl914 said:
TL;DR Summary: How do the position operator x and the spin angular momentum operator S commute?

I know how position and momentum commute, but now I have the spin angular momentum operator involved as well as a dot product. Specifically, what would the commutation [x,S·p] be?
The answer depends on whether you work in non-relativistic quantum mechanics of relativistic quantum-field theory.

In non-relativistic quantum mechanics the spin is just an additional "intrinsic angular momentum" degree of freedom, which is implement by a set of self-adjoint operators, obeying the angular-momentum commutation relations,
$$[\hat{s}_j,\hat{s}_k]=\mathrm{i} \hbar \epsilon_{jkl} \hat{s}_l.$$
Since it's providing entirely independent degrees of freedom, the spin operators commute with both position and momentum operators,
$$[\hat{s}_j,\hat{x}_k]=0,\quad [hat{s}_j,\hat{p}_k]=0.$$
You get the wave-mechanics description by choosing as a complete set of compatible observables the position, ##\hat{\vec{s}}^2##, and ##\hat{s}_3##.

A particle, in addition of mass, has the spin-quantum number ##s \in \{0,1/2,1 \ldots \}## as and additional intrinsic property. I.e., for a certain kind of partice you have only states with one ##s##. So a complete basis is ##|\vec{x},m_s \rangle## with ##m_s \in \{-s,-s+1,\ldots,s-1,s \}## fulfilling the eigenvalue equations
$$\hat{\vec{x}} |\vec{x},m_s \rangle=\vec{x} |\vec{x},m_s \rangle, \quad \hat{s}_3 |\vec{x},m_s \rangle=\hbar m_s |\vec{x},m_s \rangle, \quad \hat{\vec{s}}^2 |\vec{s},m_s \rangle=\hbar^2 s(s+1) |\vec{x},m_s \rangle.$$
The wave function is now a ##(2s+1)## component "spinor":
$$\psi(\vec{x})=\begin{pmatrix} \langle \vec{x},s|\psi \rangle \\ \langle \vec{x},s-1|\psi \rangle \\ \vdots \\ \langle \vec{x},-s|\psi \rangle \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} \psi_s(\vec{x}) \\ \psi_{s-1}(\vec{x}) \\ \vdots \\ \psi_{-s}(\vec{x}) \end{pmatrix}.$$
The spin operators are represented as ##(2s+1) \times (2s+1)##-dimensional self-adjoint matrices
$$\vec{s}_{m_s m_s'}=\langle m_s|\hat{\vec{s}}|m_s' \rangle.$$
The spin entirely acts on the components of the spinor-valued wave function and does nothing related ##\vec{x}##
$$[\hat{\vec{s}} \psi(\vec{x})]_{m_s}=\sum_{m_s'=-s}^s \vec{s}_{m_s m_s'} \psi_{m_s'}(\vec{x}).$$
The position operator for wave functions is simply the multiplication with ##\vec{x}##, which commutes with the matrix multiplication of the wave funtion for spin. Also momentum is given as an operator acting on position-wave functions as ##\hat{\vec{p}}=-\mathrm{i} \hbar \vec{\nabla}##, which also commutes with the matrix multiplication of the wave function with the spin matrices.

In relativistic QFT it's an entirely different business. There you need the more complicated theory of the unitary representation of the Poincare group.

FAQ: How Does Position Interact with Spin Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics?

What is spin angular momentum in quantum mechanics?

Spin angular momentum is an intrinsic form of angular momentum carried by elementary particles, composite particles (hadrons), and atomic nuclei. Unlike orbital angular momentum, which arises from a particle's motion through space, spin is an inherent property of particles, similar to charge or mass. It is quantized and described by quantum numbers, typically denoted as \(s\) for spin magnitude and \(m_s\) for the spin projection along a chosen axis.

How is the position of a particle related to its spin angular momentum?

In quantum mechanics, the position and spin angular momentum of a particle are generally treated as independent properties. The position is described by spatial coordinates (x, y, z), while spin is described by spin quantum numbers. However, the spin state of a particle can influence its overall quantum state and vice versa, particularly in systems where spin-orbit coupling is significant, such as in atoms with multiple electrons.

What is spin-orbit coupling?

Spin-orbit coupling is an interaction between a particle's spin and its motion through space, specifically its orbital angular momentum. This phenomenon is significant in atomic and molecular systems where the magnetic field generated by the orbiting electron interacts with the electron's intrinsic spin magnetic moment. Spin-orbit coupling leads to shifts in energy levels and can split spectral lines, a phenomenon observable in fine structure.

Can the spin angular momentum of a particle affect its position measurement?

Indirectly, yes. While the spin angular momentum does not directly affect the position measurement, the overall quantum state of a particle, which includes both its position and spin components, can influence measurement outcomes. For instance, in systems with strong spin-orbit coupling, the spin state can affect the spatial distribution of the particle's probability density.

How do position and spin angular momentum operators commute?

In quantum mechanics, the position operators (x, y, z) and the spin angular momentum operators (Sx, Sy, Sz) generally commute. This means that measuring the position of a particle does not affect its spin state and vice versa. Mathematically, this is expressed as \([x, S_i] = 0\), \([y, S_i] = 0\), and \([z, S_i] = 0\) for \(i = x, y, z\). However, the spin operators themselves do not commute with each other, reflecting the uncertainty principle in spin measurements.

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