Position Operator: Mathematically Defined

In summary, the position operator in quantum mechanics is defined as the eigenvalue of the position eigenvector, which is a distribution and not a square-integrable function. The momentum-position commutator is valid for all wave functions, not just delta functions, although delta functions are not square-integrable and therefore require special treatment in calculations.
  • #1
Naman Jain Kota
Well i am noobie to quantum physics so i matbe totally incorrect so please bear with me.
I had question how is position operator defined mathematically.
I was reading the momentum position commutator from http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/physics/...pring-2013/lecture-notes/MIT8_04S13_Lec05.pdf (page 2 of pdf)
They have used position operator = eigenvalue (ie position itself) times wavefunction http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/physics/...pring-2013/lecture-notes/MIT8_04S13_Lec05.pdf

But i doubt that the relation will be valid only for delta wavefunction (paralell to as momentum relation is valid in case of eix. I understood it as momentum is well defined in only that case so similarly position will be defined clearly in delta function only.)
So am i correct, also point pitfalls in my understandings
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
In the wave-mechanics formulation (the position representation of Hilbert space) you associate with the Hilbert space vector a function ##\psi(\vec{x})##, which is square integrable, i.e.,
$$\int_{\mathbb{R}^3} \mathrm{d}^3 \vec{x} |\psi(\vec{x})|^2$$
exists. Such functions build a Hilbert space (let's leave out the mathematicle subtlties here), the space of square integrable functions. The scalar product is defined by
$$\langle \psi_1|\psi_2 \rangle=\int_{\mathbb{R}^3} \mathrm{d}^3 \vec{x} \psi_1^*(\vec{x}) \psi_2(\vec{x}),$$
which always exists for ##\psi_1## and ##\psi_2## being square integrable.

Now you can easily check that the operators ##\hat{x}_i## and ##\hat{p}_i##, defined by
$$\hat{x}_i \psi(\vec{x})=x_i \psi(\vec{x}), \quad \hat{p}_i \psi(\vec{x})=\frac{\hbar}{\mathrm{i}} \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i} \psi(\vec{x})$$
obey the commutator relations for position and momentum,
$$[\hat{x}_i,\hat{x}_j]=0, \quad [\hat{p}_i,\hat{p}_j]=0, \quad [\hat{x}_i,\hat{p}_j]=\mathrm{i} \hbar.$$

Now the eigenvalue problem for such operators is a bit more complicated than for operators in a finite-dimensional vector space. Take the momentum operator as an example. The eigenvalue equation reads
$$\hat{p}_j u_{\vec{p}}(\vec{x})=p_j u_{\vec{p}}(\vec{x}).$$
You can solve this equation, using the definition of the momentum operator easily to be
$$u_{\vec{p}}(\vec{x})=N \exp \left (\frac{\mathrm{i} \vec{p} \cdot \vec{x}}{\hbar} \right), \quad N=\text{const}.$$
But now you see that for any ##\vec{p} \in \mathbb{R}^3## this is not a square-integrable function, i.e., it's not in the Hilbert space! Rather it's a distribution (or generalized function). You can formaly evaluate a scalar product of two such generalized eigenfunctions to give
$$\langle u_{\vec{p}}|u_{\vec{p}'} \rangle = |N|^2 (2 \pi)^3 \hbar^3\delta^{(3)}(\vec{p}-\vec{p}').$$
So it's convenient to define
$$N=\frac{1}{(2 \pi \hbar)^{3/2} }.$$
A similar argument leads to the "position eigenvectors". The position eigenvector to eigenvalue ##\vec{x}_0## must be
So again it's a distribution. You cannot even square it!

Nevertheless you can use the generalized eigenvectors for very important calculations. E.g., if you have given a particle to be in a state represented by the (square integrable!) wave function ##\psi## and want to know the probaility distribution for momentum, you just evaluate formally
$$\tilde{\psi}(\vec{p})=\langle u_{\vec{p}}|\psi \rangle=\int_{\mathbb{R}^3} \mathrm{d}^3 \vec{x} u_{\vec{p}}^*(\vec{x}) \psi(\vec{x}),$$
which just is the Fourier transform. If ##\psi## is normalized to 1, you get the momentum-probability distribution via Born's rule as
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FAQ: Position Operator: Mathematically Defined

1. What is the position operator in mathematics?

The position operator in mathematics is a mathematical representation of the concept of position, which is the location of an object in space relative to a reference point. It is typically denoted as x and is used to describe the position of a particle in quantum mechanics.

2. How is the position operator defined in mathematics?

The position operator is defined as a linear operator that acts on a wave function to produce the position of a particle. In one dimension, it is represented by the expression x̂ = x, where x is the position of the particle and x̂ is the position operator.

3. What is the significance of the position operator in quantum mechanics?

The position operator is a fundamental component of quantum mechanics as it allows us to describe the position of a particle in terms of its wave function. It also plays a crucial role in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which states that the more precisely we know the position of a particle, the less precisely we can know its momentum.

4. How is the position operator used in mathematical calculations?

The position operator is used in mathematical calculations to determine the expectation value of a particle's position, as well as to calculate the probability of finding the particle at a specific position. It is also used in the Schrödinger equation, which describes the time evolution of a quantum system.

5. What are some real-world applications of the position operator in mathematics?

The position operator has many real-world applications, especially in fields such as quantum mechanics, chemistry, and engineering. It is used in the development of technologies such as transistors, lasers, and medical imaging devices. It is also essential in understanding the behavior of atoms and molecules, which has implications in fields such as material science and drug development.

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