Position vs. Harmonic basis for solving S.E.

In summary, Christianjb suggests that using a harmonic basis is preferable because it is more accurate for a confining potential. He also mentions that truncation errors can occur if the grid spacing is not large enough to accommodate the larger eigenfunctions.
  • #1
I've monkeyed up a code which solves the 2D S.E. in a harmonic basis- i.e. writing the wf as a linear combination of harmonic oscillator states.

Has anyone got any references/comments on the relative accuracy/efficiency/drawbacks of using a harmonic basis instead of using the more direct position basis?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I don't know of a reference, but my guess would be that the harmonic basis is better for a confining potential, as with quarks.
If the large distance behavior of the wave function, were exp{-x/a},
then I think the harmonic basis would not be so good.
Most quark calculations use a harmonic basis.
  • #3
In my experience, (in quantum optics) using the fock (i.e. eigenstates of the simple harmonic oscillator) basis to solve the SE can be messy depending on the Hamiltonian. For example, a beam splitter transforms fock states in a complicated manner, but its action on quadrature eigenstates (position and momentum eigenstates) is more transparent.
  • #4
Thanks for the replies.

I guess if it's good enough for doing quarks then it ought to be good enough for me!

I'd still like to see a reference looking at the numerical aspects- error analysis etc.

My system is near harmonic- so it makes sense to me to use harmonic basis functions. I also like the fact that the kinetic energy matrix elements can be calculated analytically in this basis.

One disadvantage I have encountered is that the position grid spacing isn't always large enough to accommodate larger harmonic eigenfunctions, so I get some truncation error.
  • #5
Hello christianjb,

would you mind giving a small tutorial on how you solved the Schrödinger equation?

For example what programs did you use? Maybe you could post the sourcecode?
  • #6
Edgardo said:
Hello christianjb,

would you mind giving a small tutorial on how you solved the Schrödinger equation?

For example what programs did you use? Maybe you could post the sourcecode?

Solving the 1D or 2D S.E. is not a particularly difficult problem once you get familiar enough with manipulating QM expressions.

Perhaps the most straightforward way is to use the familiar position basis (x-basis). That makes it easy to put the potential elements into the Hamiltonian, but you've got to use a finite difference scheme to put the KE elements in (i.e. evaluating the d^2/dx^2 operator).

I like using a H.O. basis because the KE matrix elements can be worked out analytically. However, the trade-off is that you then have to calculate the integrals over the basis functions of the PE terms.

Whatever your approach- you'll need to solve an eigenvalue/eigenvector eqn. at some point. I use the 'jacobi' subroutine from Numerical Recipes to do that.

Not a very good answer. I'm a bit pressed for time right now- but try starting up a new thread if you want to know the details and various peoples' approaches.

I'm sure there are lots of pages on the internet that give step by step instructions.
  • #7
A variational calculation might be easier.

FAQ: Position vs. Harmonic basis for solving S.E.

What is the difference between position and harmonic basis for solving the Schrödinger equation (S.E.)?

The position basis for solving the Schrödinger equation uses the position of a particle as the variable in the equation, while the harmonic basis uses the quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator as the variable. In the position basis, the wave function represents the probability of finding a particle at a specific position, while in the harmonic basis, it represents the probability of finding a particle in a specific energy state.

Which basis is more commonly used in solving the S.E.?

The position basis is more commonly used in solving the Schrödinger equation, as it is more intuitive and easier to visualize. However, the harmonic basis is also widely used, particularly in cases where the potential is harmonic, such as in the case of a quantum harmonic oscillator.

How do the two bases relate to each other?

The two bases are related by a mathematical transformation known as a Fourier transform. This transformation allows one to switch between the two bases and obtain equivalent solutions to the Schrödinger equation.

Which basis is more suitable for certain types of problems?

The position basis is more suitable for problems involving particles in a specific location or potential, while the harmonic basis is more suitable for problems involving harmonic oscillators or systems with multiple energy states.

Can both bases be used to solve any type of Schrödinger equation?

Yes, both bases can be used to solve any type of Schrödinger equation. However, the choice of basis may depend on the specific problem and the desired level of simplicity or complexity in the solution.
