Possibility of superluminal signals using quantum entanglement

In summary, this thought experiment explores the potential use of quantum entanglement for superluminal communication. However, upon closer examination, it is revealed that the proposed method is not feasible due to the inability to control the spins of the particles and the inability to determine their superposition state. While entangled particles may seem to send superluminal information to their partners, the laws of quantum mechanics prevent this from being utilized for faster than light communication.
  • #1
Superluminal signals using quantum entanglement

Please consider this thought experiment. Would this provide a means for communicating faster than light or is there an error somewhere in it?

SUMMARY: Person B can instantly know whether or not Person A did measurements on his particles by looking for an interference pattern with his entangled partner particles.

A source sends entangled particle pairs in opposite directions. Each particle and its partner are in a superpostion of spin-up and spin-down states. As a particle reach Person A, he can choose to do a spin measurement or let it go by unmeasured. If he let's it go by, then its entangled partner will remain in a superposition. If he does a measurement, then its partner will instantly collapse to a definite spin state. Person B wants to know if his particle is in a superposition or a definite spin state. (He doesn't care if it is spin-up or spin-down.) So he puts a device in its path that uses a magnetic field to deflect it upward if its spin is up, downward if its spin is down, and both ways if it is in a superposition. The device brings the two paths out through slits that are very close together. Just as in the standard double slit experiment, if the particle followed both paths, it will interfere with itself and hit a screen at a spot allowed by the interference pattern mathematics.

Person B can not see an interference pattern with only one particle, so let's use batches of 1000 particles each. Person A receives particles one at a time every millisecond. He let's 1000 pass by to transmit a "1". He measures 1000 in a row to transmit a "0". Person B let's 1000 entangled partner particles pass through his double slit device, one at a time, and hit a screen. If he sees interference fringes, he writes down a "1". If he sees two spots behind the slits but no fringes, he writes down a "0". He then clears the screen and does the same thing with the next batch of 1000 particles.

The two scientists could be any distance apart, even many light-years. The collapse of the B particle's wavefunctions will occur instantly when (and if) person A does a measurement. So a binary message could be sent faster than light. This experiment could actually be done in a modern physics lab using high speed electronic devices.

Where is the error in this plan? Or could information really be transmitted faster than light, in violation of special relativity?
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  • #2
kochanskij said:
So he puts a device in its path that uses a magnetic field to deflect it upward if its spin is up, downward if its spin is down, and both ways if it is in a superposition...
Where is the error in this plan?

You can't build such a device. Apply a magnetic field to a particle in a superposition of spin up and spin down, and you'll get one of two results: up or down.
  • #3
So a big list of 0101010101 refers to what, exactly?
  • #4
Much thanks to Nugatory for the simple direct answer and to Al for the reference to a detailed explanation.

I didn't really think that I discovered a superluminal signaling device, but I couldn't find where it went wrong. Now I understand and agree with you.

It seems entanglement can't be used to send faster than light messages because:
1. the transmitting person can not control the spins of his particles (They are random)
2. the receiving person can not determine whether his particles are in a superposition state or a definite state just before he makes a measurement (Their wavefunction is not an observable property)

It is tantalizing that entangled particles seem to send superluminal info to their partners, but the laws of quantum mechanics conspire to prevent us from doing it !
  • #5
Nugatory said:
You can't build such a device. Apply a magnetic field to a particle in a superposition of spin up and spin down, and you'll get one of two results: up or down.
Actually, the magnet will only correlate the Sz eigenstates with approximate px eigenstates, i.e. it will put the particle in a superposition of "moving to the left with spin up" and "moving to the right with spin down".

(Maybe it's left where I said right and vice versa. I didn't think that part through, because it's not very interesting).
  • #6
kochanskij said:
It is tantalizing that entangled particles seem to send superluminal info to their partners ...
It doesn't seem that way to many (dare I say most?) people.
  • #7
Person B will get a blob and will never get an interference pattern in all cases. The interference pattern is buried/hidden/embedded inside the blob.

To get (separate/filter) the interference pattern; B needs to compare with A.

There is way to get "partial" interference pattern but it does not help in transmitting information (FTL) either.

kochanskij said:
Superluminal signals using quantum entanglement

Please consider this thought experiment. Would this provide a means for communicating faster than light or is there an error somewhere in it?

SUMMARY: Person B can instantly know whether or not Person A did measurements on his particles by looking for an interference pattern with his entangled partner particles.

A source sends entangled particle pairs in opposite directions. Each particle and its partner are in a superpostion of spin-up and spin-down states. As a particle reach Person A, he can choose to do a spin measurement or let it go by unmeasured. If he let's it go by, then its entangled partner will remain in a superposition. If he does a measurement, then its partner will instantly collapse to a definite spin state. Person B wants to know if his particle is in a superposition or a definite spin state. (He doesn't care if it is spin-up or spin-down.) So he puts a device in its path that uses a magnetic field to deflect it upward if its spin is up, downward if its spin is down, and both ways if it is in a superposition. The device brings the two paths out through slits that are very close together. Just as in the standard double slit experiment, if the particle followed both paths, it will interfere with itself and hit a screen at a spot allowed by the interference pattern mathematics.

Person B can not see an interference pattern with only one particle, so let's use batches of 1000 particles each. Person A receives particles one at a time every millisecond. He let's 1000 pass by to transmit a "1". He measures 1000 in a row to transmit a "0". Person B let's 1000 entangled partner particles pass through his double slit device, one at a time, and hit a screen. If he sees interference fringes, he writes down a "1". If he sees two spots behind the slits but no fringes, he writes down a "0". He then clears the screen and does the same thing with the next batch of 1000 particles.

The two scientists could be any distance apart, even many light-years. The collapse of the B particle's wavefunctions will occur instantly when (and if) person A does a measurement. So a binary message could be sent faster than light. This experiment could actually be done in a modern physics lab using high speed electronic devices.

Where is the error in this plan? Or could information really be transmitted faster than light, in violation of special relativity?

Related to Possibility of superluminal signals using quantum entanglement

1. What is quantum entanglement?

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum physics where two or more particles become connected in such a way that the state of one particle is dependent on the state of the other, even when they are separated by large distances.

2. Can quantum entanglement be used to send information faster than the speed of light?

No, quantum entanglement cannot be used to send information faster than the speed of light. While the state of one particle may be affected by the state of the other, this does not allow for the transfer of information as the states of the particles cannot be controlled or manipulated.

3. What is the "no-communication theorem" and how does it relate to superluminal signals?

The no-communication theorem states that it is impossible to use quantum entanglement to send information faster than the speed of light. This means that even though particles may be entangled, there is no way to use this entanglement to communicate information instantly.

4. Are there any practical applications for superluminal signals using quantum entanglement?

Currently, there are no known practical applications for superluminal signals using quantum entanglement. However, researchers are exploring the potential uses of quantum entanglement in fields such as quantum computing, secure communication, and teleportation.

5. Is there any evidence to support the possibility of superluminal signals using quantum entanglement?

There is currently no scientific evidence to support the possibility of superluminal signals using quantum entanglement. The no-communication theorem and other fundamental principles of quantum physics suggest that it is not possible to use entanglement to send information faster than the speed of light.

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