Possible arrangements for a deck of 52 playing cards?

  • Thread starter jlmac2001
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Same thing with 52.In summary, for a deck of 52 playing cards, there are 52! distinct permutations, or arrangements, when considering only the order of the cards. When starting with a sorted deck and shuffling it repeatedly, the amount of entropy created is approximately 7.902. This may not be significant compared to the entropy associated with arranging thermal energy among the molecules in the cards.
  • #1
How many possible arrangements are there for a deck of 52 playing cards? ( For simplicity, consider only the order of the cards, not whether they are turned upside down)

Answer: Since there are 52 cards, each card has 52 possiblilites so 52*52=2,704. is this right?

Suppose you start with a sorted deck and shuffle it repeatly, so that all arrangements become accessible. How much entropy do you create in the process? Express answer as pure number (neglecting the factor k) and the SI units.


Stotal=k ln omega(total)= ln(2,704)=7.902
7.902 is the amount of entropy created.

Is this entropy significat compared to the entropy associated with arranging thermal energy among the molecules in the cards?

answer: I don't know?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Not knowing much about entropy I can't answer your complete question, but I can say that there are 52! (that's 52*51*50*49*...* 3*2*1) distinct permutations of your cards (assuming no trickery with orientation) not 52*52:
You can see it pretty easily with 4 items (I'd do three but that's a little too trivial):

Notice how there are 4 cols? And in each column there are 3! ways of arranging the last three numbers? That's where the 4*3*2*1 comes from.
  • #3

The amount of entropy created in shuffling a deck of cards, while significant in terms of the number of possible arrangements, is not significant compared to the entropy associated with thermal energy in the molecules of the cards. The entropy associated with thermal energy is on a much larger scale and is constantly changing and shifting, while the entropy created by shuffling a deck of cards is finite and does not have the same impact.

FAQ: Possible arrangements for a deck of 52 playing cards?

1. How many possible arrangements are there for a deck of 52 playing cards?

There are 52! (52 factorial) possible arrangements for a deck of 52 playing cards. That is approximately 8.0658 x 10^67 possible arrangements.

2. Can you explain what "52 factorial" means?

52 factorial means multiplying all the numbers from 52 down to 1. So, 52! = 52 x 51 x 50 x ... x 1.

3. Is every possible arrangement of a deck of 52 playing cards unique?

Yes, every possible arrangement of a deck of 52 playing cards is unique. This is because even if the cards are in a different order, they still have different combinations of suits and values.

4. How long would it take to go through all possible arrangements of a deck of 52 playing cards?

If you were to go through one arrangement every second, it would take approximately 2.5 x 10^60 years to go through all possible arrangements of a deck of 52 playing cards. This is significantly longer than the estimated age of the universe.

5. Can a computer generate all possible arrangements of a deck of 52 playing cards?

Yes, a computer can generate all possible arrangements of a deck of 52 playing cards using algorithms and programming. However, it would still take a significant amount of time and resources to do so.
