Possible Brain Scanner Invention?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of creating a brain scanner that can transfer knowledge from one person to another. There is also mention of the importance of blending virtual and natural worlds, and using technology to interpret and communicate internal experiences. The use of brainwave control to help others learn is also briefly mentioned.
  • #1

I am not sure where I should be posting this, so if this is the wrong section, can a moderator please move it?

I have become rather fascinated with the worlds technology and physics.

Now, if you've ever heard of lucid dreaming and I'm sure many of you have.
I lucid dream often, dreaming of inventing new technology.

Lately, and for an unknown reason I have been lucid dreaming of one of many inventions I have created within my little world.

Which is, ah, like some type of brain scanner.
Scanning and syncing the knowledge laying within the brain which the knowledge can then be (copied and) transferred to another being, giving that being the knowledge that the other being compromised.

My question to you is, would this be possible to create?
Possibly syncing someones knowledge (eg; A very knowledgeable physicist which you'd like to gain his/her knowledge of physics without having to study/get a degree) and it being transported into a chip of some sort which can then be inserted into the brain or socket which would be invented to support the chip.

I'm interested to hear what use think.

(No, this wouldn't erase the knowledge from ones brain, no, I do not plan on inventing such a thing I am just open-minded and curious).

Thank you.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
We don't know exactly how the brain works, so it is difficult to say.
  • #3
I've been thinking about this a lot too.

Of course it is possible to create. The first step, in my opinion, is to make casual home use easier and more common. This puts more people on a common ground that is raised toward the achievement of practical brain interfacing technologies.

For instance, fundraising has been successful for this second generation home EEG that connects to your smartphone or iPad.

The more we get kids to see the operation of these devices intuitively, the closer we will get to true direct and rich brain:brain communication.

In my opinion also, is the importance of blending virtual and natural worlds, which I think will come first. Imagine holding a video camera that had hardware and software in it that could interpret a natural world into a live 3D model varying in time? As you were running through a forest of trees, the camera could model the trees as three dimensional objects moving in time just like your brain does. This will allow artificial intelligence to interface with our natural world in a truly organic way.

In brain to brain communication, I think we will find that the most natural way to do it for humans will be to let a computer system interpret a person's internal experiences and then send the interpreted signal to a virtual reality environment for the receiving human. For example see the Gallant lab semiotic mapping + fMRI studies here:

If a computer system can translate your semiotic mapping into another person's semiotic mapping, you can create a form a communication that is transcendent of language... direct semiotic mapping. Input will come encoded in a 4-dimensional visual field and sound. Perhaps in the future we will even be able to add extra proteins to our eyes to "stretch" our octave of color perception, or maybe we can help old people grow back their sound transducing cilia?

It is also secondarily possible (possible! mere speculation...) that a person who has developed control over his brainwaves will be able to "help" a second person to learn to control their brainwaves faster... through some form of communication, or maybe a game. Meditation is the word given to control of the mind on the grossest levels.

For instance see this video:
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Related to Possible Brain Scanner Invention?

1. What is a possible brain scanner invention?

A possible brain scanner invention is a device that uses advanced technology to scan the brain and gather data on its structure and activity. This data can then be used for various purposes, such as diagnosing neurological conditions or studying brain function.

2. How does a brain scanner invention work?

The exact workings of a brain scanner invention may vary depending on the specific technology used, but in general, it involves using sensors or other devices to measure brain activity and translate it into data that can be analyzed.

3. What are the potential benefits of a brain scanner invention?

A brain scanner invention has the potential to greatly advance our understanding of the brain and its functions. It could also aid in the diagnosis and treatment of various brain disorders, and potentially even enhance brain-computer interfaces and other technologies.

4. Are there any potential risks or concerns with a brain scanner invention?

As with any new technology, there may be potential risks or concerns associated with a brain scanner invention. These could include privacy concerns, as well as ethical considerations surrounding the use of such technology, particularly in regards to brain-computer interfaces.

5. When might we see a brain scanner invention become a reality?

There is no definitive timeline for when a brain scanner invention may become a reality, as it depends on the progress of research and development in this field. However, there have been significant advancements in brain imaging technology in recent years, so it is possible that we may see a brain scanner invention in the near future.

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