Possible decay states strong interaction, parity conservation

In summary, the question is about the parity of meson states decaying to a ##1S## state and the solution involves considering the total angular momentum and parity of the decay products. The parity is found by multiplying all individual parity values. The spin of decay products can be determined from a table of mesons or by looking up the symbol. The unexcited version of a particle usually has ##s=0## while the excited version has ##s=1##.
  • #1
The question is for which of the ##1P## meson states - ##1^{1}P_{1}, 1^{3}P_{0},1^{3}P_{1}, 1^{3}P_{2} ## ##D_{s}## states decaying to a ##1S## state is the decay: ##D_{s}**^{+} -> D_{s}^{+}\pi^{0} ## possible?


So the strong interaction conserves parity. Parity of meson is given by ## (-1)^{l+1} ##, for the ##1s## states, ##l=0## and so ##p=1##.

The solution than states as both the decay products have zero spin the total angular momentum of the decaying particle must be equal to the orbitial angular momentum of ##D_{s}^{+}\pi^{0}## system.

So I agree with this last comment, but I have no idea why both decay products have ##0## spin?
I know that a meson is a quark and its antiquark, and so the spin adds to either ##1## or ##0##. But how do we know which it is?

The solution then uses parity of the ##D_{s}^{+}\pi^{0}## system is ##P = (−1)^{l} × −1 × −1 ## *2.
Im confused where this comes from - so I know that the parity of a meson in it's lowest states - i.e- ##l=0## is ##-1##. And I know that for a system of particles ##P=(-1)^{l}##, but, I've never seen how to consider the parity of two particles decayed. Is this how you 'add' the parities ?

And so how exactly should you think of the system of decay products. So a particle has an intrinsic parity. Is this a particle or a quark? I.e is ##P=(-1)^{l}## coming from thinking of a system of quarks or a system of the two particles ##D_{s}^{+}\pi^{0}##?

(From which the solution follows from the fact that we require ##P=1##, again I'm okay with this once I understand expression *2.)

Thanks, your help is really appreciated !
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  • #2
binbagsss said:
So I agree with this last comment, but I have no idea why both decay products have 0 spin?
You can look that up (and one can argue that "spin zero" is part of the definition of those particles).

Parity is multiplicative - you multiply all parity values to get the total quantum number.
binbagsss said:
So a particle has an intrinsic parity. Is this a particle or a quark?
Both descriptions work, but as you deal with hadrons here it is easier to consider those.
  • #3
mfb said:
You can look that up (and one can argue that "spin zero" is part of the definition of those particles).

As in from a table of mesons?
And there's no other way of knowing?
  • #4
Okay, I've had a look a the next part of the question which is to do the same (find the possible states) for the decay ##D_{s}^{+}** -> D_{s}*^{+} \pi ^{0} ##.

And I follow the solution , if it is the case that the ##D_{s}*^{+} ## has ##s=1## , (it doesn't actually state this but I'm pretty sure it's being used).

Is this the case in general, the unexcited version of the particle has ##s=0## and the excited ##s=1##?

Thanks .
  • #5
binbagsss said:
As in from a table of mesons?
And there's no other way of knowing?
You have to find out what the symbol "##\pi^0##" means - you either know it or you have to look it up.

What is the s=0, s=1 now?
  • #6
mfb said:
What is the s=0, s=1 now?
Sorry? I'm unsure what you are asking?
  • #7
Where does it come from and what does it mean?
  • #8
mfb said:
Where does it come from and what does it mean?
Sorry in post 4 ##s## stands for spin.
  • #9
Sometimes spin 1 states are called excited states, sometimes they have their own particle name. That is not completely consistent.

Related to Possible decay states strong interaction, parity conservation

What is the strong interaction?

The strong interaction is one of the four fundamental forces of nature. It is responsible for holding together the nucleus of an atom, and is the strongest of the four forces.

What are possible decay states in the strong interaction?

In the strong interaction, particles can decay into different states, such as into two or more hadrons (particles made up of quarks). These states are known as possible decay states of the strong interaction.

How does the strong interaction conserve parity?

Parity conservation in the strong interaction means that the laws of physics are the same for a process and its mirror image. This means that if the particles involved in a process are swapped with their mirror image particles, the process would still occur in the same way.

What is the role of the strong interaction in nuclear stability?

The strong interaction plays a crucial role in nuclear stability. It is responsible for binding together the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom, preventing them from repelling each other due to their positive charges. Without the strong interaction, atoms would not be able to exist.

How does the strong interaction affect the behavior of quarks?

The strong interaction is what binds quarks together to form particles such as protons and neutrons. Quarks are never found in isolation due to the strong interaction, which is why they are always found in groups called hadrons.

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