Possible Rectangular Potential Barrier Transmission Problem

In summary: I'll give this a try. In summary, the probability of transmission through the barrier is exponentially decreasing with height and width.
  • #1
1. The Problem Statement
An electron of effective mass m* = 0.2me and energy E = 0.1 eV hits a barrier of height 0.4 eV and width t = 5 nm. What is the probability of transmission through the barrier? Use the simplest estimate which is an exponential function.

Homework Equations

I think the Schrodinger equation?

The Attempt at a Solution

First let me just say that the professor stated that the only prerequisites for this course were the first two introductory classes in physics, which at my university covers mechanics, fluids, electricity and magnetism. I have never taken any course in quantum mechanics or any advanced physics. After Googling around for a while, I learned that this was called a "Rectangular Potential Barrier" problem and requires using the Schrodinger equation(s) to solve. I'll be honest, the only thing I know about Schrodinger is the cat. Now having said that, I am completely at a loss for where to even begin on this problem. If someone could point me in the right direction (possibly towards some decent lecture notes on the topic) that would be great.

Thanks in advance!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3
rude man said:

(This should post on the Advanced Phsics forum)

Thank you for your link, rude man. I will look it over and see if it help me understand it.

Also, I was going to post this in the Advanced Physics section, but the sticky post there said if a problem requires plugging into a formula, then it's probably introductory physics. Based on the research I had done up to that point, it seemed like this just required a formula.
  • #4
Matching the units

I found the following equation in the link:

[itex]T = e^{-2k_2 L}; k_2 = \sqrt{\frac{2m(U-E)}{\hbar}}[/itex]

The Problem I am have, however, is that the units don't seem to cancel each other out. In the end T is simply a dimensionless quantity (probability), but that doesn't work out in the math. Take a look below for my reasoning:

m = 0.2 \times 9.109 \times 10^{-31} ~kg\\

U = 0.4~ eV\\

E = 0.1~ eV\\

\hbar = 6.58 \times 10^{-16} ~eVs\\

L = 5 ~nm

\\ \\
k_2 = \sqrt{\frac{2 \times 0.2 \times 9.109 \times 10^{-31} ~kg ~\times ~(0.4-0.1)~eV}
{6.58 \times 10^{-16} ~eVs}}

The eV in the numerator and denominator cancel each other leaving me with units of

When multiplied by a unit of distance (with the width L), this does not give me a dimensionless quantity. Am I doing something wrong here?

[itex]e^{nm ~\times ~ \sqrt{kg/s}}[/itex]
  • #5
Well, you are absolutely right, and the formula on that link is wrong.

I dug up a better one :smile: :

This time I think you will be pleased with the dimensional consistency of the given equation. As you can see, the denominator under the sq. rt. needs to be (h-bar)^2, not h-bar.

I would still say that, given formula or not, you're dealing with a subject not typically a part of introductory physics, but what the heck.

FAQ: Possible Rectangular Potential Barrier Transmission Problem

What is a rectangular potential barrier?

A rectangular potential barrier is a type of potential energy barrier that has a constant height and width, creating a rectangular shape. It is commonly used in physics and engineering to model various scenarios, such as the transmission of particles through a barrier.

What is the "potential barrier transmission problem"?

The potential barrier transmission problem refers to the challenge of calculating and understanding the transmission of particles through a potential energy barrier, such as a rectangular potential barrier. It is an important problem in physics and has applications in fields such as quantum mechanics and solid-state physics.

How is the transmission coefficient related to the rectangular potential barrier?

The transmission coefficient is a measure of the probability of a particle successfully passing through a potential barrier. For a rectangular potential barrier, the transmission coefficient depends on the height and width of the barrier, as well as the energy and mass of the particle.

What factors affect the transmission of particles through a rectangular potential barrier?

There are several factors that can affect the transmission of particles through a rectangular potential barrier. These include the height and width of the barrier, the energy and mass of the particle, the shape and structure of the barrier, and any external forces acting on the particle.

How is the rectangular potential barrier used in real-world applications?

The rectangular potential barrier has many practical applications in fields such as semiconductor devices, nuclear physics, and quantum computing. It is used to model the behavior of particles in these systems and can provide valuable insights into their properties and performance.
