Possible to percieve God in this ?

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In summary, Newton's third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This law applies to all forces, including those exerted by objects on each other and by planets on stars. Plank's Constant, which has units of energy and time, can also be expressed as momentum times distance. The triangle inequality theorem is correct, and when counting a triangle, the triangle action point is not included. A simplex, or pyramid, can be made from a plane triangle to the vertices, and there are two properties of a vertex: three joined semicircles and being a vertex. The line resulting from these properties is the result of the simplex and must mean that the action is in the centre of the three joined pent
  • #1
This is from Wikipedia.

Newton's third law

Alternative formulations:

* Whenever one body exerts force upon a second body, the second body exerts an equal and opposite force upon the first body.
* For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

If you strike an object with a force of 200 N, then the object also strikes you (with a force of 200 N). Not only does a bullet exert force upon a target; but, the target exerts equal force upon the bullet. Not only do planets accelerate toward stars; but, stars accelerate toward planets. The reaction force has the same line of action, and is of the same type and magnitude as the original force.


Plank's Constant.

Planck's constant has units of energy multiplied by time, which are the units of action. These units may also be written as momentum times distance (N·m·s), which are the units of angular momentum.

Also A line conserves Energy. Action = Action, Line = Line.

1.) On a Pentagon.
Two linear points are:
(A) Equal, and opposite reaction.
(B) Planks constant.

2.) The pentagon is on a plane.
A plane can be defined by three points.(Euclidean geometry)

3.) Three points can conserve energy.
Three lines Conserve energy too.

4.) (Action = Reaction = 1 Line)
(Geometry = 3 planar, non-colinear, points)
= 3 Points conserve energy, A Triangle.

5.) The Triangle contains Action.

6.) Using the definition for a plane.

The Triangles Action = The triangles Reaction
2 Reaction

Where is the fourth line ?
The triangle inequality theorem is correct.

7.) When we count a Triangle, we don't count the Triangle Action point.
The Triangle contains action. Less than 2 Reactions
2 Reactions, equal and opposite the Triangle Action.
Therefore. 2 Reactions = 2 Reactions.

8.) Create the triangle Centre Action.
The reaction will be 5 Lines
Reacting to the Action.

9.) Using division.
A cup can be acted upon to cause 5 linear reactions, filling the cup.

10.) The planes points have two opposite perpendicular vertices.

11.) A simplex (Pyramid), is made from the plane triangle to the vertices.

12.) Make three circumferences. Using the two opposite perpendicular vertices, and the triangle that defines the plane.

13.) One vertex has two properties. Three joined semicircles. And being a vertex.

14.) Vertex action/Semicircle action, = ( Action = = + Opposite reaction. A Line.)

15.) The line is the result. The action must be from the centre of the triangle.
The image made must be the pentagon. The result of the simplex(Pyramid) Must mean Action is in the centre of the three joined pentagons. 3 Dimensions, and time from Action.

16.) Metric from the three pentagon points are reactions from nothing = Action.
If God is Nothing, does that mean God is action ? Mankind acts in thought, etc...

Is Height infinite ? Is the cosmos infinite ? Height has a limit. The plane is within the three pentagons. So, a plane is confined as well.

Metic that allows action from nothing. How powerful is action from Nothing ? Can you measure it ? Your thoughts have power, is it more more powerful than action from nothing ?

I posted the ideas that made the quote up, in the theory development forum. Since it can't be "Tested", it doesn't belong there. :smile:

So it's "Philosophy" then, is it ? :smile:

Alright. I'll post it in the Philosophy forum.


Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Actually, no, it doesn't belong on the site at all.

- Warren

FAQ: Possible to percieve God in this ?

1. Is it possible to scientifically prove the existence of God?

No, as a scientist, I believe that the existence of God is a matter of faith and cannot be proven scientifically. Science deals with observable and measurable phenomena, while belief in God is a matter of personal experience and faith.

2. How can one perceive God if they cannot see or touch Him?

Perceiving God does not necessarily require physical senses. Many people believe they can feel God's presence through prayer, meditation, or other spiritual practices. Some also argue that the evidence of God's existence can be seen in the beauty and complexity of the natural world.

3. Can everyone perceive God or is it only possible for certain people?

Perceiving God is a personal and subjective experience, so it may be different for each individual. Some people may have a stronger sense of spirituality or connection to God, while others may not perceive it at all. It is not limited to a certain group of people.

4. Is it necessary to have faith in order to perceive God?

Having faith in a higher power or belief in God can certainly enhance one's perception of God. However, it is not a requirement. Some people may perceive God through personal experiences, philosophical reasoning, or other means without having a belief in God.

5. Can science and spirituality coexist in perceiving God?

Yes, they can. Science and spirituality are not mutually exclusive. Many scientists also have a strong sense of spirituality and perceive God in their own ways. It is possible to use scientific methods to understand the world and still have a belief in a higher power.
