Post your 2015 fall class schedule

In summary: Starting on the 24th I will be taking:Chemical EngineeringChemical Kinetics and Reactor DesignEngineering Economics and OptimizationMaterials of Chemical EngineeringSeparation and Mass Transfer Operations Laboratory
  • #1
Summer vacation is quickly wrapping up :nb) Time to post your 2015 fall class schedule and share with us what you're taking. Also post when your first day back is :smile:
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Physics news on
  • #2
I start August 24th (which is too late, if you ask me!)

I'm taking:

1. Circuits and Signals III - Primarily deals with signal processing
2. Communications engineering I - mathematical techniques for signal modulation and other aspects of telecommunications
3. Physical electronics - properties of semiconductor devices
4. Microprocessors lab - lab for microprocessors (involves semester long design project)
5. Basic theory of statistics
6. Either electricity and magnetism lab or introduction to modern physics.

Depending on that last choice I'll either be taking 18 or 20 hours, so it should be a fun semester:biggrin:
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #3
Mechanics +lab
Calc I
Astronomy (majors) +lab
Renaissance History
Physics major colloquium 1cr thing-y

I start in September :)
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #4
August 24 Calc3, rigid body mechanics, gen physics 2 with lab.
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  • #5
Calculus 3, Linear Algebra, Object Oriented Java, Philosophy Gen Ed.
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  • #6
Intro to the Mechanics of Solids
Thermodynamic Fundementals
Differential Equations
Contemporary Moral Issues
Statistics for Engineers

Start next Thursday!
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #7
1. grad quantum
2. differentiable manifolds
3. geometry in string theory (math department!)
4. grad stat mech
5. grad math methods

starting august 24th! psyched.
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #8
Start back on the 17th

Advanced computational physics
advanced experimental lab
independent research in physics
oh, and english literature! (i just HAD to put off my gen eds until senior year...)
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #9
Stating August 24

General Chemistry II + Lab
Ordinary Diff Equations
Thermal Physics
Modern Physics
Theoretical Mechanics
Math Methods of Physics & Chem I
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #10
I'm a new entry in Uni, and I'm starting just now my Freshman year in the Physics BSc, hence I will have:
-) Introductory Exams (Basic Maths)
-) Calculus I (Mathematical Analysis)
-) Analytical Geometry
-) Scientific Programming I
-) Scientific Programming Lab I
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #11
Calculus 2: Bigger, better, more integrated.
Engineering 102: Prob Solving & Eng Design - How to design problems and solve engineers.
Engineering 110: Solid State Chemistry - Why solids are better than liquids.
Drawing 1: Drawing for people who can't draw.
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  • #12
Start September 1st.

Partial Differential Equations
Electricity and Magnetism I (Electrodynamics)
Analytical Mechanics
Object Oriented Programming and Data Abstraction (Java 2)
Computer Organization (C)
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #13
Start September 1st - Taking Calc III, linear algebra II, first astronomy course, and gen phys I with lab!
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  • #14
Atmospheric Physics (cloud microphysics and lightning)
Numerical Weather Prediction (Matlab)
Probability and Stats for Scits. & Enginrs.
Senior Research
Sept 1st
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #15
Grade 12 precalculus, physics, and chemistry. Prereqs for university physics next Fall.
For anyone in high school here - finish the first time around! As an adult it'll cost you an arm and a leg!
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Likes Dishsoap and Greg Bernhardt
  • #16
KSG4592 said:
Grade 12 precalculus, physics, and chemistry. Prereqs for university physics next Fall.
For anyone in high school here - finish the first time around! As an adult it'll cost you an arm and a leg!
I graduated from High School just a month ago, in an Aeronautics course here in Italy, and I can tell you pretty easily, whatever you're going to do, take HS seriously. It is going to give you basis you'll need pretty much everywhere, whether you want to start working straight after graduation or either you want to continue in university.
I didn't get much far, not even after a single month after graduating, without needing what I learned lol, and simply because while calculating plane routes and flight mechanics you need Calculus, and that's what I'm going to meet first in uni, both in the introductory exams and the actual calculus course.

And don't forget that if you manage to get a good grade (one that suits yourself) you will be having an easier time after that. Good luck!
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Likes KSG4592 and Greg Bernhardt
  • #17
Introductory Field Theory
Group Theory
Standard Model / Anomalies
General Relativity
Quantum Electrodynamics
Quantum Field Theory I
Cosmology I
Computing for Physicists

Lots of ground to cover in one semester! Starting in the first week of October.
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #18
1. Electronics 2 + Lab: OP amp + MOSFET circuit analysis.
2. FPGA Design (grad course): Covers FPGA architecture, design methods, and evolvable hardware.
3. Senior Design 1: Plan is to design an FPGA-based video processor for handling composite and RGB video input, similar to XRGB-mini/framemeister.
4. Spanish 2

Starts the 24th. I'll be volunteering as a peer adviser for prospective undergrad researchers and will also be working 15 hours a week as a research assistant in the computer arch lab. I'm also trying to submit a paper to a journal for review by November, this is going to be one heck of a semester!
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #19
BEng Final Year Project (taken over the entire year, equivalent credits to one full course in each semester. If you fail this you don't get a degree :x )
Materials (final year BEng course, normally taken as the 4th materials engineering course by materials engineers)
Electromagnetics and Wave Propagation
Quantum Mechanics I

Start mid sept so got a while still :3
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #20
This sem am doing:
Advanced Algebra
Differential Geometry
Lie Theory
Statistical Mechanics
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #21
I start on August 24th. I am taking

Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design
Engineering Economics and Optimization
Materials of Chemical Engineering
Separation and Mass Transfer Operations Laboratory
Introduction to Combinatorics 1

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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #22
Calculus 3 with applications (multivariable)
Computer science 2 (basically java programming 2)
survey of probability and statistics
finite mathematical structures (I think it is a combinatorics class)

starting august 24th
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #23
Quantum Mechanics I
Nuclear & Elementary Particle Physics
Elecronic Circuits Lab
Atomic Physics Lab

Starting in the first week of October
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Likes Greg Bernhardt and DontDeimos
  • #24
Senior year as an Astrophyics major starting Aug. 24th!

1. Stellar Astrophysics
2. Electricity & Magnetism II
3. Quantum Mechanics
4. Ordinary Differential Equations ( I took this as a combined class with Linear Algebra a while ago, but I'm getting a minor in math so I have to take it separately :-/ )

Oh and I'm starting research with one of my professors studying globular clusters for my senior project!
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #25
DontDeimos said:
Senior year as an Astrophyics major starting Aug. 24th!

1. Stellar Astrophysics
2. Electricity & Magnetism II
3. Quantum Mechanics
4. Ordinary Differential Equations ( I took this as a combined class with Linear Algebra a while ago, but I'm getting a minor in math so I have to take it separately :-/ )

Oh and I'm starting research with one of my professors studying globular clusters for my senior project!
I take stellar astrophysics I next fall, let me know how you liked that class!
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #26
Starting September 9th:

Intro to Archaeology
Beginners' French Level 1
Vibrations, Waves and Optics
Intermediate Calculus

Gotta love needing those arts courses.
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #27
Starting Sept 24

1. Statistical and thermal physics
2. Mathematical Methods of Physics and Engineering
3. Linear Algebra
4. Some crappy capstone course about something.

I'm very excited for stat mech and mathematical methods. Been studying ahead the last 2 months.
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  • #28
1. Analysis I
2. Mathematical Statistics I
3. Abstract Linear Algebra
4. Crimnology/Evolution and Extinction/Mathematical Microeconomics
5. Independent Study - Undergraduate Research

I am still deciding which course should I take from the option 4...all are so interesting courses.
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #29
I'm transferring into UIUC from a community college as a junior this fall, so lots of changes for me. Classes start August 24th.

I'm going to have

Special Relativity and Math Methods in the Physical Sciences, which covers SR and the math used in upper division undergraduate physics
Classical Mechanics I
Honors Fundamental Mathematics, which is an honors section of what basically amounts to an intro to formal proofs in upper level math
Intro Computer Programming for Science and Engineering
World Religions (my last GenEd class)

I think it's going to be a fun semester, I'm looking forward to digging into it.
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #30
Second semester here in my country, second year (aiming for Geophysics major), started 4th of August

Waves and oscillations
Numerical programming for Geophysicists (Python)
Catching up on Differential equations (ordinary and partial), failed it last semester (by like 2%)
  • #31
I'm starting with my bachelor thesis on topological insulators right now. The next semester begins in the 2nd or 3rd week of october, but i don't think that i'll be finished by then, so i probably won't be taking more than two or maximum three classes, specifically:
1. Advanced quantum mechanics
2. Solid state theory
3. Algebraic topology from the math department (if my schedule allows it)
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #32
I start on September 9th. In a way it's my third year, despite being a forth year student because of how the rotation works. I have already done every 4000 level course available at my university.


Analog Electronics
Statistical Thermodynamics
Complex Variables
Differential Equations 2
Problem Solving
Directed Studies

and I guess I will add in the winter courses too:

Digital Electronics
Advanced Mechanics
Euclidean Geometry
Directed Studies cont.
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #33
Chemical Engineering Laboratory
The Berkeley Lectures on Energy: Energy from Biomass
Dynamics and Control of Chemical Processes

Then I will graduate. Woohoo!
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Likes Greg Bernhardt
  • #34
Physics for Scientists & Engineers I
Calculus II
English Composition I (Gen Ed)

First day back is tomorrow. I should probably go to bed right now.
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