Postcard from the Front Line of Life

  • Thread starter Astronuc
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    Life Line
In summary, the conversation included a story about attending a funeral for an elderly man who had been struggling with senile dementia for the last decade. It also touched on the struggles of being a caretaker for an elderly adult and the difficulties of navigating the US medical system. The conversation ended with a discussion about gratitude and the different perspectives people can have on life.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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2023 Award
This has been one of those weeks where life gets really intense.


I went to a funeral this afternoon for an elderly gentleman I have have known for several years. I spent 2 hrs at the funeral and with the family, where I learned from the family about their struggle with this elderly man as he gradually deteriorated mentally during the last decade, particularly during the last year.

The elderly gentlemen was 88 years old. He had survived a torpedo attack on his ship during WWII. He went on to medical school, settled in our area and became an accomplished surgeon. He also rose to chief of surgery and director of medical education at one of the local hospitals.

During the last two years, I would drive him to and from church on Sunday. I didn't think his wife cared. On the contrary, she was simply overwhelmed by a husband who was slowly losing his mind to senile dementia. Sunday was a day she could relax for while and not worry about her husband.

His behavior deteriorated during the last year. So when I took him to church, I had to keep an eye on him. He could remember my face and my name, but otherwise he would easily get disoriented.

Driving to church, he asked me the same questions every Sunday - how old I am, how much do I weigh, how tall I am, where did I go to school, how many kids I had, and so on. He never could remember that information. On the other hand, he could remember the score of his college football team whenever they played a game. And he could remember the classic old songs from the 1930's and 40's, when he was a young man. He would seranade me with old songs while I listened to National Public Radio's Weekend Edition.

His wife now has a chance to regain her life. It is surely difficult to be a primary caretaker of an senior adult who cannot take care of himself.


Earlier this week, my mother-in-law almost died because of our dysfunctional US medical system. :mad: She has been at home recovering from knee surgery, and is also being treated for diabetes, which was only just discovered after her surgery.

On Monday, she was not been feeling well. She called the doctor and got an appointment 2 weeks from this past Monday. My wife thinking that's ridiculous, got an appointment for Tuesday (2 days ago). The health care workers visiting my mother-in-law did not realize that her health was deteriorating.

On Tuesday, my wife took the day off from work to accompany her mother to the doctor's office. They tried but could not get a blood sample. They took a urine specimen. Lo and behold, they discovered that she was severely dehydrated and hours away from kidney failure. In the late afternoon, my wife took her mother to the ER for IV hydration. At the ER, they did an ECG (EKG) and found that an indication that she may have had a mild heart attack, probably complication of the dehyrdation.

Yesterday, mom underwent more tests including an angiogram, which revealed significant blockage of one cardiac artery, and only slight blockage of others. Rather than perform an ivasive procedure like angioplasty or insertion of a cardiac stent, she will be treated with medication.


It's been crunch time at work, and other personal stuff has been going on too, but that's enough. You get the picture. :wink:
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  • #2
It could have been worse, least you didn't have to shoot any claim jumpers!
My grandpa lost his mind as he grew older and his funeral was almost a happy occasion. When the mind is gone death seems kind.
Also you should be grateful that this week, while bad, is not a normal week for you. If it was normal you wouldn't be talking about it. I know people who have weeks like that everyday. Your mom in law is getting treatment so that's good news.
I see that your glass is half empty, well good news is mine is half full and I'll give you some if you need it.
  • #3

Hey there, it sounds like you have been through a lot this week. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend and the struggles your mother-in-law has faced with her health. It's during times like these that we truly see the fragility of life and how important it is to cherish every moment we have with our loved ones.

It's amazing to hear about the incredible life your friend lived, surviving a torpedo attack and becoming a successful surgeon. It's a testament to his resilience and determination. And it's heartwarming to know that you were there for him and his wife during their difficult times, even if it was just a simple act of driving him to church.

As for your mother-in-law, it's unfortunate that our healthcare system can be so frustrating and inefficient at times. But I am glad that she was able to get the treatment she needed in time. It's a reminder to always trust our instincts and advocate for ourselves and our loved ones when it comes to our health.

I hope things start to calm down for you and your family soon. Life can be intense, but it's important to remember to take care of ourselves and find moments of peace amidst the chaos. Sending you positive thoughts and strength during this tough time. Take care.

Related to Postcard from the Front Line of Life

1. What is "Postcard from the Front Line of Life" about?

"Postcard from the Front Line of Life" is a short film that explores the experiences and emotions of soldiers fighting in war zones. It is a powerful and moving portrayal of the realities of war and the impact it has on the lives of those involved.

2. Who created "Postcard from the Front Line of Life"?

The film was created by a team of scientists and filmmakers who collaborated to bring the stories of soldiers to light. It was a joint effort to use the power of film to increase awareness and understanding of the experiences of those on the front lines of war.

3. What inspired the creation of "Postcard from the Front Line of Life"?

The film was inspired by the personal experiences of soldiers and the desire to shed light on the often overlooked and misunderstood realities of war. The creators were also motivated to use their scientific expertise to bring a unique perspective to the topic.

4. How does "Postcard from the Front Line of Life" contribute to the scientific community?

The film provides a valuable and insightful perspective on the psychological and emotional impacts of war on soldiers. It also sheds light on the importance of considering the human experience in scientific research and understanding.

5. Where can I watch "Postcard from the Front Line of Life"?

The film is available for viewing on various streaming platforms and can also be requested for screenings at events or educational institutions. You can also contact the creators directly for more information on how to access the film.

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