Potenital Differnce between Salt Bridge and rxn

In summary, a 0.100 M solution of sodium palmitate is separated from a 0.200 M NaCl solution by a membrane barrier that allows Na+ and Cl- ions to pass through, but not palmitate ions. The concentrations of Na+ and Cl- ions on both sides of the barrier are equal at 0.15 M and 0.1 M, respectively, once equilibrium is reached. However, the potential difference across the membrane calculated using equations from the data section did not seem accurate. Further guidance is needed to solve this problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A 0.100 M solution of sodium palmitate (C15H31COONa) is separated from a 0.200
M NaCl solution by a membrane barrier that is permeable to Na+ and Cl-, but not to palmitate

I need to calculate the concentrations of the ions on both sides of the barrier once equilibrium is established. Along with the potential difference across the membrane due to the equilibrium established above.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

To find the concentration on each side, a comparison of Na, and Cl was made, and the each side was made equal to each other. This resulted in .15 Na, and .1 Cl for each side.
To find the potential difference, equations from our data section were used, however these numbers did not seem right.
Looking for any direction on how to get through the problem. Thanks!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
What equations will describe equilbrium?
  • #3

it is important to understand the concept of potential difference and its role in chemical reactions. In this scenario, we have a membrane barrier separating a 0.100 M solution of sodium palmitate from a 0.200 M NaCl solution. The membrane is permeable to Na+ and Cl- ions, but not to palmitate ions. This means that the Na+ and Cl- ions can freely pass through the membrane, while the palmitate ions cannot.

To calculate the concentrations of the ions on both sides of the membrane once equilibrium is established, we need to consider the principles of equilibrium and the concept of electrochemical potential. At equilibrium, the concentrations of ions on both sides of the membrane will be equal, as stated in the problem. This means that the concentration of Na+ on both sides will be 0.15 M, and the concentration of Cl- on both sides will be 0.1 M.

To calculate the potential difference across the membrane, we need to consider the electrochemical potential of each ion. The electrochemical potential is a measure of the energy required to move an ion from one side of the membrane to the other. In this case, the electrochemical potential of Na+ and Cl- will be the same on both sides of the membrane, as they are in equal concentrations.

Therefore, the potential difference across the membrane will depend on the difference in the electrochemical potential of the palmitate ion on the two sides of the membrane. Since the membrane is impermeable to palmitate ions, the electrochemical potential of palmitate will be different on each side. This will result in a potential difference across the membrane.

To accurately calculate this potential difference, we would need more information about the properties of the membrane and the electrochemical potential of palmitate. Without this information, it is difficult to provide a specific solution to the problem. However, understanding the principles of equilibrium and electrochemical potential can help guide us in finding a solution.

In conclusion, the potential difference across the membrane will be dependent on the differences in the electrochemical potential of the palmitate ion on each side of the membrane. Further information is needed to accurately calculate this potential difference.

FAQ: Potenital Differnce between Salt Bridge and rxn

1. What is the purpose of a salt bridge in a chemical reaction?

A salt bridge is used to maintain electrical neutrality in a galvanic cell by allowing ions to flow between the two half-cells. It also prevents the buildup of excess charge in either half-cell, which can disrupt the flow of electrons and reduce the efficiency of the reaction.

2. How does the potential difference between a salt bridge and a reaction affect the overall reaction?

The potential difference between a salt bridge and a reaction is a measure of the difference in electrical potential between the two half-cells. This difference drives the flow of electrons from the anode to the cathode, generating an electrical current and allowing the reaction to occur.

3. Can the potential difference between a salt bridge and a reaction be manipulated?

Yes, the potential difference between a salt bridge and a reaction can be manipulated by changing the concentration of ions in the salt bridge or by using different types of ions. This can affect the rate of the reaction and the efficiency of the cell.

4. Are there any limitations to using a salt bridge in a chemical reaction?

One limitation of using a salt bridge is that it can only be used in galvanic cells where the half-cells are physically separated. It cannot be used in electrolytic cells, where the half-cells are connected by a conducting material.

5. How does the potential difference between a salt bridge and a reaction relate to the standard electrode potential?

The potential difference between a salt bridge and a reaction is related to the standard electrode potential by the Nernst equation. This equation takes into account the concentrations of ions in the salt bridge and the half-cells, and can be used to calculate the potential difference at non-standard conditions.
