Potential divider and sensor related help

Other potential ideas for the coursework could include using a potential divider in a circuit to control the speed of a motor or to detect the temperature of a room.In summary, the person is new to the forum and seeking help for a sensor coursework. They are expected to build and test a sensor, potentially using a potential divider as part of the circuit. They are looking for ideas and guidance on how to set up the circuit for tasks such as liquid level detection, door angle measurement, and airflow detection. Potential dividers are commonly used for voltage measurement and can also be used to control the intensity of a light source.
  • #1
Hi everyone, i am new to these boards so sorry if this thread has gone in the wrong section:shy:

So i need help for the following, in the near future i will be expected to do a sensor coursework in which I am expected to build and test a sensor. examples of this sort of a task could be the liquid level based on flotation and a rotary potentiometer, the angulart position od a door as it opens/closes or airflow from a fan with a hot wire anemometer. We should also obviously involve potential dividers in the coursework.

Now what i need help on is two things, firstly being that although i know that a potential divider is a series circuits with one variable resistor and one fixed resistor however i am not 100% on its actual use and relevance.

Secondly my other problem is that i am not conmfident in doing any of the tasks that i have thought of, i am looking to do preferably one of the above three mentioned however i was looking for help on how the circuit would be set or if anyone had any particularly good ideas that i haven't mentioned.

Thanks for all your help.
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  • #2
A potential divider is a circuit that divides a voltage into two parts. It consists of two resistors connected in series, with the input voltage applied across them. The output voltage will be lower than the input voltage and is determined by the ratio of the two resistors. The variable resistor may be adjusted to change the ratio of the two resistors and thus to vary the output voltage. Potential dividers are commonly used for voltage measurement applications, such as thermistors or strain gauges, where the variable resistor is used to adjust the sensitivity of the measurement. They can also be used to control the intensity of a LED or other light source.

For the tasks you mentioned, a potential divider could be used with the liquid level based on flotation, as the output voltage from the potential divider could be used to indicate the level of the liquid in the container. The same could be done with the angular position of a door, with the output voltage being used to indicate the angle of the door. For the airflow detection, the output voltage from the potentiometer could be used to measure the airflow.

Related to Potential divider and sensor related help

What is a potential divider and how does it work?

A potential divider, also known as a voltage divider, is an electrical circuit that divides a voltage into smaller parts. It consists of two or more resistors connected in series, and the output voltage is a fraction of the input voltage determined by the ratio of the resistors. This is based on the principle that the voltage across a series circuit is divided proportionally according to the resistance of each component.

What are some common applications of potential dividers?

Potential dividers are used in a variety of electronic devices, such as sensors, transducers, and analog-to-digital converters. They are also commonly used in voltage regulators, signal conditioning circuits, and in controlling electronic components.

How do potential dividers relate to sensors?

Sensors, such as temperature sensors, light sensors, and pressure sensors, often require a specific input voltage to function properly. A potential divider can be used to adjust the input voltage to the sensor, ensuring it operates within its desired range. This allows for more precise measurements and better control of the sensor's output.

What factors should be considered when designing a potential divider circuit?

The resistance values of the resistors used in the potential divider should be carefully chosen to achieve the desired output voltage. The power rating of the resistors should also be considered to ensure they can handle the voltage and current in the circuit. Additionally, the tolerance and temperature coefficient of the resistors should be taken into account for accurate and stable results.

How can I troubleshoot potential divider circuits if they are not functioning correctly?

If the output voltage of the potential divider is not what is expected, the first step is to check the connections and make sure they are correct. Next, check the values of the resistors and replace any that are damaged or have drifted from their specified values. It is also important to consider any external factors that may be affecting the circuit, such as temperature or interference from other components.
