Potential Energy and Conservation Of Energy Atwood's Machine

In summary: Also somehow the algebra doesn't make sense where the person managed to get (m2-m1)The person in the link used the equation Ei=Ef, but rearranged it to Ef-Ei=0. This allows them to combine the potential and kinetic energy terms on one side and the rest on the other side. So when they plug in the values, they get (1/2m1+m2)v^2+(m1-m2)gh=0. Then they solve for v^2, which is what they want to find.
  • #1
The two masses in the Atwood's machine shown in Figure 8-23 areinitially at rest at the same height. After they are released, thelarge mass, m2, falls through a heighth and hits the floor, and the small mass,m1, rises through a height h.

(a) Find the speed of the masses just beforem2 lands. Assume the ropes and pulley have negligible massand that friction can be ignored. (Use m1 form1, m2 for m2, andh and g as necessary.)

(b) Evaluate your answer to part (a) for the case where h= 1.2 m, m1 =3.7 kg, and m2 =4.1 kg.


So what I basically did was state the fact that Ei= Ef

Initial Potential Energy Ui = m1gh + m2gh
Initial Kinetic Energy would be 0 for both masses due to the masses at rest.

Final Potential Energy Uf = m1gh + 0 (due to the object being at rest on floor)
Final Kinetic Energy = .5v2(m1 + m2)

Ei= Ef

m1gh cancels out for both sides.
Leaving this (4.1)(9.81)(1.2) = 5v2(3.7+4.1)

Velocity is 3.52 m/s

Anyone have any idea if answer is correct? I am currently unsure if i did it correctly but i compared it to this procedure.


If the link above shows correct procedure can somebody explain why the potential energy of final is 2h? Also somehow the algebra doesn't make sense where the person managed to get (m2-m1) someone care to explain this? This kind of makes me furious on how I am not able to understand how the person did this!


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  • #2
This isn't correct. I haven't analyzed your process but it follows the basic form that the energy is conserved. This special case, however, in the final stage, the height of the first mass is doubled, so potential energy has increased instead of going to zero as it did for the second mass. KEf = 1/2m(1)v^2+1/2m(2)v^2+m(1)g(2)h
  • #3
godkills said:
If the link above shows correct procedure can somebody explain why the potential energy of final is 2h?
m1 rises from the initial height of h to a final height of 2h, so the final PE (using the given reference level) is 2m1gh. (You forgot the change in PE of m1.)

FAQ: Potential Energy and Conservation Of Energy Atwood's Machine

1. What is potential energy?

Potential energy is the energy that an object possesses due to its position or configuration. It is often referred to as stored energy because it has the potential to do work when it is converted into kinetic energy.

2. How does an Atwood's machine demonstrate conservation of energy?

An Atwood's machine consists of two masses connected by a string passing over a pulley. The system demonstrates conservation of energy because the total energy (potential and kinetic) remains constant as the masses move. As one mass moves down, it gains kinetic energy while the other mass moves up, losing the same amount of potential energy. The total energy of the system remains constant.

3. What factors affect the potential energy of an object in an Atwood's machine?

The potential energy of an object in an Atwood's machine depends on its height above the ground and its mass. The higher the object is and the more massive it is, the greater its potential energy will be.

4. How can the potential energy of an object in an Atwood's machine be calculated?

The potential energy of an object in an Atwood's machine can be calculated using the formula PE = mgh, where m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the object above the ground.

5. Can potential energy be converted into other forms of energy in an Atwood's machine?

Yes, potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy as the masses in an Atwood's machine move. Other forms of energy, such as heat or sound, may also be produced due to friction and other factors.

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