Potential Energy of a roller coaster cart

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the potential energy of a roller-coaster car at two points, A and B, and the change in potential energy as the car moves between the two points. The formula U=mgy is used to calculate potential energy, with m representing the mass of the car, g representing the acceleration due to gravity, and y representing the height. The conversation also highlights the importance of converting all units to SI units before performing calculations to avoid errors.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A 900 kg roller-coaster car is initially at the top of a rise, at point A. It then moves 165 ft, at an angle of 40.0° below the horizontal, to a lower point B.

Choose the car at point B to be the zero configuration for gravitational potential energy of the roller coaster-Earth system. Find the potential energy of the system when the car is at points A and B, and the change in potential energy as the coaster moves.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I've found that the potential energy at point B is 0 (obviously), but I can't find it at A.

I'm pretty sure it's U=900(9.8)h

But I'm not sure how to find the height. Wouldn't it be something like 165sin40?

Edit: D'oh. Figured it out. the distance is in feet, got to convert it to meters. Stupid conversions. :P
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  • #2
Two approaches to avoid this kind of errors:

1) First write down all the data in a list, including units. Before you even start writing down formulas, convert everything to SI units (m, s, kg, J, W, ...).

m = 900 kg
g = 9.81 m / s^2
h = ... ft [tex]\widehat{=}[/tex] ... m
where I used [tex]\widehat{=}[/tex] as a symbol for "corresponds to" (people tend to use just the equality sign, but I find it better to use this symbol because feet aren't meters, they can just be used to measure the same thing).

2) Try dragging the units along in your calculation (for some people this makes things more complicated, but IMO once you get used to doing so it can catch a lot of errors for you).

U = m g h = (900 kg) * (9.81 m/s^2) * (... ft) = ... (kg m ft / s^2)

Errr... kg m ft / s^2 is not Joules, because Joules are kg m^2 / s^2. There must be a conversion from ft to m somewhere.

Advantage of this last approach is, that if it had given you kg m / s^2, for example, you would have known that you had made a calculation error. Because it should give kg m^2 / s^2, and there is no way you can get an extra length inside there, so you have forgotten to multiply by a length. (Only this does not work when rewriting formula's, and you doubt whether the 2pi has to be in the denominator or the numerator of the fraction, otherwise it will help you catch errors).
  • #3

You are correct in your attempt at finding the potential energy at point A. The equation U=mgh is the correct formula to use, where m is the mass of the roller-coaster car, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the car above the ground. As you mentioned, the distance given is in feet, so it needs to be converted to meters in order to use the equation. The correct conversion factor is 1 ft = 0.3048 m. Therefore, the height at point A would be 165 ft x 0.3048 m/ft = 50.292 m. Plugging this value into the equation, we get U=(900 kg)(9.8 m/s^2)(50.292 m) = 441,088.64 J. This is the potential energy of the system at point A. The change in potential energy as the coaster moves from point A to B is simply the difference between the potential energies at the two points, which would be 0 - 441,088.64 J = -441,088.64 J. This negative sign indicates that the potential energy decreases as the coaster moves from point A to B.

Related to Potential Energy of a roller coaster cart

1. What is potential energy?

Potential energy is a form of energy that an object possesses due to its position or state. It is the energy an object has stored within itself, ready to be converted into other forms of energy.

2. How is potential energy related to roller coasters?

In a roller coaster, potential energy is built up as the coaster car is lifted to the top of a hill. Once the car reaches the top, it has a high amount of potential energy, which is then converted into kinetic energy as the car travels down the hill.

3. How is potential energy calculated for a roller coaster cart?

The potential energy of a roller coaster cart is calculated using the equation PE = mgh, where m is the mass of the cart, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the cart from the ground.

4. Why is potential energy important in understanding roller coasters?

Potential energy is important in understanding roller coasters because it explains how the coaster car moves and how the energy is transferred throughout the ride. It also helps engineers design and build safe and exciting roller coasters.

5. How does the potential energy of a roller coaster cart affect the ride experience?

The potential energy of a roller coaster cart affects the ride experience by determining how fast the car will go and how high it will travel. A higher potential energy at the top of a hill will result in a faster and more thrilling ride experience. Additionally, potential energy helps maintain the momentum of the ride and allows for smooth transitions between hills and loops.

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