Potential for an infinite line charge

In summary, the student is trying to find an expression for potential due to a point charge on an infinite line and is having trouble with the limits of integration. They suggest using the superposition principle and then find the potential due to a point charge on an infinite line using the kdq/r equation. The student also suggests that the constant at the end of the integral should not matter.
  • #1

Homework Statement

For the single line charge, derive an expression for Electric Potential.

Homework Equations

E for infinite line = [itex]\frac{\lambda}{2\pi r\epsilon}[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

The integration is straightforward enough—my question is as to what the limits of the integration should be for a conceptual problem such as this. 0 to r makes the most sense to me but I am entirely stumped.
Not paying attention to the limits, I just got [itex]\frac{\lambda ln(r)}{2\pi \epsilon}[/itex] but I am again not sure of the sign.
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  • #2
##\vec{E}## in the integrand is a vector. So is ##d\vec{r}##.
Don't forget to include the coordinate system. Which direction is ##d\vec{r}##?

Why not start with the known solution for a point charge and use the superposition principle?
  • #3
You could do the indefinite integral. This will give you the potential plus a constant. Physically, the constant doesn't matter, so you can set it to any value you want, usually 0.
  • #4
I'm not sure if that was a rhetorical question to get me thinking, but dr⃗ is intended to be radially outward from the line charge.

I'm not sure how I would use the superposition principal here for a point charge...

frogjg, so in that case with the indefinite integral, my answer should still be negative?
  • #5
Think about it graphically. E=dV/dr is always positive, so V should be sloping up. Is +ln(r) or -ln(r) sloping up?
  • #6
I'm not sure how I would use the superposition principal here for a point charge...
If you put the line on the z axis, a short length of the line, dz, at position z, has charge dq ... you know how to find the potential due to dq at some particular point a distance r away from the line. Adding up all the contributions (superposition principle) amounts to integrating along the line.

There are any number of worked examples online for this.

But you may be happier with the integral you've got. frogjg2003 can help you with that ;)
  • #7
For an infinite line of charge there's a difficulty in integrating over the line if you use kdq/r as the potential of a charge element dq = λdz. The integral will not converge. That's because kdq/r assumes you're taking V = 0 at infinity. But, for an infinite line of charge, taking V = 0 at infinity will make V infinite at any finite distance from the line.
  • #8
Yeah - one needs be more careful than that... though it is also why OP is having trouble picking limits to the integration. Excuse: I don't want to clutter the thread further with this side-chat.

I want to watch frogjg do this :)
  • #9
Now I feel stupid, I completely missed the minus sign when I was talking about the slope of the curve.
The correct way of thinking:
E=-dV/dr is positive, so V must have a negative slope. Since all the other constants are positive, that means there's only one source of negatives, the only place for there to be a negative is -ln(r).

As for what the constant at the end of the indefinite integral should be, it doesn't matter. The physics is in the E field, which doesn't see the constant. This usually means the constant is just assumed zero. Other times, the problem gives natural points to consider where to put the zero, and therefore what value to use for that constant.

FAQ: Potential for an infinite line charge

What is an infinite line charge?

An infinite line charge is a theoretical construct used in physics to model the behavior of a uniformly charged line that extends infinitely in both directions. It is often used as a simplification in calculations involving electric fields and potential.

How does the potential of an infinite line charge vary with distance?

The potential of an infinite line charge varies inversely with distance from the line. This means that as the distance from the line increases, the potential decreases. However, the potential at any given point is also dependent on the magnitude of the charge and the distance from the line to that point.

Can an infinite line charge have a net charge?

No, an infinite line charge is a theoretical construct and does not have a net charge. In order for an object to have a net charge, it must have a finite amount of charge. Since an infinite line charge extends infinitely in both directions, it cannot have a finite amount of charge.

How does the electric field of an infinite line charge compare to that of a point charge?

The electric field of an infinite line charge is similar to that of a point charge in that it follows an inverse square law. However, the electric field of an infinite line charge is also dependent on the distance from the line, whereas the electric field of a point charge is only dependent on the distance from the point charge.

Can an infinite line charge exist in the real world?

No, an infinite line charge is a theoretical construct and cannot exist in the real world. In reality, all objects have a finite size and therefore cannot have an infinite length. However, an infinite line charge can be used as a useful approximation in certain calculations and scenarios.
