Potential inside a charged conductor

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of electric potential and its relationship to electric fields and work. It is mentioned that inside a conductor, the electric field is zero and the potential is constant throughout. However, at points outside the conductor, the potential may vary depending on the strength of the electric field. The conversation also touches on the analogy of a Mesa to explain the concept of equipotential and the varying potential at different points.
  • #1
Hardik Batra
As shown in figure, we know that at the sharp end E field is strong, and at the other end field is weak.
Inside the conductor E=0. that means V=constant. on its surface and throughout the conductor.

if we move unit positive charge from B to A or P to Q (as shown in fig.) then different amount of work will have to do to bring this charge (because field intensity is different at both the ends).
(assumed distance between PQ = distance AB)

According to the definition of Potential,
Work done (against the field ) to bring unit positive charge from infinite distance to point in the electric field is called electric potential at that point.

Here, Work done will be more to move B to A rather than P to Q because field is strong(at B to A) therefore more work will to do.

So the potential is different at point A and at point Q?(it is not the same throughout the conductor.)
If i wrong please correct me...


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  • #2
To use a physical analogy, the potential of this whole setup looks similar to a Mesa:


The flat top is the inside of the conductor. As you point out correctly, the lack of electric field inside means the potential is the same in that whole area.

Your question is regarding the slopes. Just like in the picture above, it doesn't matter, in terms of potential energy, whether a ball gets pushed up the left (more shallow) slope, or the more steep right slope. The end result is exactly the same. It's exactly the same with a unit charge that gets pushed towards the conductor. The weak field will extend further out, so in the end you expend exactly the same energy as pushing it from the pointy side where the field is strong (but doesn't extend as far).
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Likes Hardik Batra and Dale
  • #3
The drawing is not quite clear. Are A and Q inside the conductor or outside?
  • #4
They are just on the outer surface of the conductor.
  • #5
Then they are not equipotential, I believe.
  • #6
Dale said:
Then they are not equipotential, I believe.

But when you put the charges on the conductor, the charges distributed on the surface of conductor such that it acquires the same potential ( charges moves on the surface from higher potential to lower potential until whole surface becomes equipotential.)
  • #7
Just inside the surface is equipotential, but just outside the surface is not equipotential. I am unsure about actually on the surface.
  • #8
Dale said:
Inside the surface is equipotential, but just outside the surface is not equipotential. I am unsure about on the surface.

As point A and Q are just outside(A and Q are very close to surface) the surface , the potentials are not same. But as we move on surface potential becomes equal.
I don't understand this phenomena.
  • #9
rumborak said:
To use a physical analogy, the potential of this whole setup looks similar to a Mesa:

The flat top is the inside of the conductor. As you point out correctly, the lack of electric field inside means the potential is the same in that whole area.

Your question is regarding the slopes. Just like in the picture above, it doesn't matter, in terms of potential energy, whether a ball gets pushed up the left (more shallow) slope, or the more steep right slope. The end result is exactly the same. It's exactly the same with a unit charge that gets pushed towards the conductor. The weak field will extend further out, so in the end you expend exactly the same energy as pushing it from the pointy side where the field is strong (but doesn't extend as far).

But here on both sides gravitational field is same and same height will have to covered. Means same energy used.
But here on both sides have different electric field intensity means different amount of work will have to do.
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  • #10
Hardik Batra said:
As point A and Q are just outside(A and Q are very close to surface) the surface , the potentials are not same.
Yes, if they are just outside then they are not necessarily equipotential.

Hardik Batra said:
I don't understand this phenomena
Think about the excellent analogy from @rumborak, but make it a little more extreme. On the left let there be a gentle slope and on the right let there be a steep cliff. If you step 10 cm off the left then you gain a little KE and maybe stumble. If you step 10 cm off the right then you gain a lot of KE and maybe die.
  • #11
Hardik Batra said:
As shown in figure, we know that at the sharp end E field is strong, and at the other end field is weak.
Inside the conductor E=0. that means V=constant. on its surface and throughout the conductor.

if we move unit positive charge from B to A or P to Q (as shown in fig.) then different amount of work will have to do to bring this charge (because field intensity is different at both the ends).
(assumed distance between PQ = distance AB)

According to the definition of Potential,
Work done (against the field ) to bring unit positive charge from infinite distance to point in the electric field is called electric potential at that point.

Here, Work done will be more to move B to A rather than P to Q because field is strong(at B to A) therefore more work will to do.

So the potential is different at point A and at point Q?(it is not the same throughout the conductor.)
If i wrong please correct me...
I don't see your problem. Points A and Q may have the same potential (if they are on the surface) but P and B have definitely different potentials. So the potential difference between B and A is not the same as between P and Q. So the work done in the two situations is different even though the distance is the same. There is no contradiction.
  • #12
nasu said:
I don't see your problem. Points A and Q may have the same potential (if they are on the surface) but P and B have definitely different potentials. So the potential difference between B and A is not the same as between P and Q. So the work done in the two situations is different even though the distance is the same. There is no contradiction.

According to @rumborak , The potential at points P and B may have different. But the potential difference between B & A and P & Q should be same. because the work done in the two situations is same.
  • #13
Hardik Batra said:
But the potential difference between B & A and P & Q should be same. because the work done in the two situations is same
No, this is not correct. The work done would be different.

Go back to the definition of work and check if something is different for the two paths.
  • #14
Remember, the absolute value of the potential is arbitrary. Defining infinitely far away to be V=0 ist convenient in many cases, but it's nothing but a choice that has no influence on the setup. You could just as well define the center of the conductor to be V=0.

What matters in terms of work and energy is the potential *difference* between A and B (and P and Q), just like in the Mesa picture, where clearly it's easier to move a ball 5m from the left to the top than 5m from the right. If you bring the charges in all the way from infinity (and I thought that was initially the setup), then you'd expend the same amount of work. But these small segments have different amounts of work required.
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Likes Hardik Batra and Dale
  • #15
Work done :
W(Infinity to P)+W(P to Q) = W(infinity to B) + W(B to A)
I don't see any contradiction.
  • #16
Universeer said:
Work done :
W(Infinity to P)+W(P to Q) = W(infinity to B) + W(B to A)
I don't see any contradiction.

Your equation must be true if the potential at Q and A are the same. But since W(P to Q) < W (B to A) as the field between B and A is stronger than the field between P and Q, it implies W(∞ to P) > W(∞ to B). Can you provide a reason for this?
  • #17
pixel said:
Your equation must be true if the potential at Q and A are the same. But since W(P to Q) < W (B to A) as the field between B and A is stronger than the field between P and Q, it implies W(∞ to P) > W(∞ to B). Can you provide a reason for this?
Infinity in case of potential is arbitrary (V=0). So i guess Workdone in bringing to P and B might be different.
E= -(dV/dr) so potential will drop differently in both directions, making V=0 at different 'infinities'.
(Note: Don't take infinity literally).

Correct me if I'm wrong.
  • #18
Universeer said:
So i guess Workdone in bringing to P and B might be different. E= -(dV/dr) so potential will drop differently in both directions...

Yes, it must be that W(∞ to P) > W(∞ to B) but I was just trying to see if someone could come up with a hand-waving argument for what Rumborak said: "The weak field will extend further out, so in the end you expend exactly the same energy as pushing it from the pointy side where the field is strong (but doesn't extend as far)."

FAQ: Potential inside a charged conductor

What is the potential inside a charged conductor?

The potential inside a charged conductor is constant and equal to the potential on the surface of the conductor.

How is the potential inside a charged conductor calculated?

The potential inside a charged conductor can be calculated using the formula V = Q/C, where V is the potential, Q is the charge on the conductor, and C is the capacitance of the conductor.

Does the shape or size of the conductor affect the potential inside?

No, the shape or size of the conductor does not affect the potential inside as long as the charge and capacitance remain constant.

What happens to the potential inside a charged conductor if the charge is doubled?

If the charge on the conductor is doubled, the potential inside will also double. This is because the potential is directly proportional to the charge.

Can the potential inside a charged conductor ever be zero?

No, the potential inside a charged conductor cannot be zero. If the potential inside were to become zero, the charges would redistribute themselves until the potential is no longer zero.
