Potential of a uniformly polarized sphere

In summary, the potential of a uniformly polarized sphere is given by kP \int \frac {z - lcos\theta} {(z^2+l^2-2zlcos\theta)^{3/2}}l^2sin\theta dld\theta d\psi.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Calculate the potential of a uniformly polarized sphere directly from eq. 9

Homework Equations

[tex]V(r)=k \int \frac {P(r') \cdot \hat{r}} {r^2} d\tau[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

P is a constant and can be factored out. Since r is taken, call the radius of the sphere R and and an arbitrary radial length l. Then by the law of cosines we can express the denominator for every volume element as.


This is where I'm stuck. What can I do with r hat? Nothing? I understand that its a unit vector in the direction of of the volume element to the point I'm trying to evaluate at, but I'm not sure if I need to change anything about it or not. z is constant so in theory once I have that changed I can evaluate the integral. Is there an easier way?
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  • #2
It says uniformly polarized, but what is the direction of polarization? Keep in mind it's actually a vector field, and you are dotting it with ##\hat r##.
  • #3
Your expression for the potential should be
$$ V(r)=k \int \frac {\vec{P}(r') \cdot (\vec{r}-\vec{r}')} {|\vec{r}-\vec{r}'|^{3/2}} d^3 r' $$
where ##\vec{r}## is the position of the point of interest and ##\vec{r}'## is the position of volume element ##d^3 r'##. Note the integration over primed coordinates. I suggest that you write each of the vectors in the integrand in terms of unit vectors, then assemble the integrand.
  • #4
Okay so P is uniform in the z direction. z hat dotted with r hat is equal to the cosine of the angle between the two, which I call phi. This angle is the top angle in the triangle that i utilized with the law of cosines to find r^2. Using the law of cosines again, I can relate phi to the rest of the triangle and plug in for r.


[tex]cos\phi = \frac {l^2-z^2-r^2} {-2zr}[/tex]

With some simplication,

[tex]kP \int \frac {z - lcos\theta} {(z^2+l^2-2zlcos\theta)^{3/2}}l^2sin\theta dld\theta d\psi[/tex]

How's that integral look?
  • #5
You are cutting corners that will lead you into trouble. The integration is over primed coordinates which your integrand does not show.
1. Use spherical coordinates ##(r, \theta, \phi)## for ##\vec{r}## and ##(r', \theta ', \phi ')## for ##\vec{r}'##.
2. Write expressions for ##\vec{r}## and ##\vec{r}'## in terms of these coordinates in the Cartesian representation. Without loss of generality, you can set ##\phi=0## and ##\phi ' = 0##.
3. Find an expression for ##(\vec{r}-\vec{r}') ##.
4. Find an expression for ##|\vec{r}-\vec{r}'|^{3/2} ##.
5. Take the dot product ##\vec{P}(r') \cdot (\vec{r}-\vec{r}')##.
6. Assemble the integrand. It should be in terms of ##(r, \theta, \phi)## and ##(r', \theta ', \phi ')##.
7. Integrate over primed coordinates. I would do ##\theta '## first.
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  • #6
kuruman is right. I didn't notice at first but your equation is slightly off. But, if that's what the book is giving you/asking you to use then so be it.

FAQ: Potential of a uniformly polarized sphere

What is the potential of a uniformly polarized sphere?

The potential of a uniformly polarized sphere is the amount of work required to bring a unit positive charge from infinity to a point inside the sphere, divided by the charge itself.

How is the potential of a uniformly polarized sphere calculated?

The potential of a uniformly polarized sphere can be calculated using the formula V = (P*cosθ)/4πε0r, where P is the polarization vector, θ is the angle between the polarization vector and the position vector, ε0 is the permittivity of free space, and r is the distance from the center of the sphere.

What is the relationship between the potential and the electric field of a uniformly polarized sphere?

The electric field inside a uniformly polarized sphere is directly proportional to the gradient of the potential, meaning that as the potential increases, the electric field also increases.

Does the potential of a uniformly polarized sphere change with distance from the center?

Yes, the potential of a uniformly polarized sphere decreases as the distance from the center increases. This is because the electric field strength also decreases with distance, resulting in a lower potential.

What is the significance of the potential of a uniformly polarized sphere?

The potential of a uniformly polarized sphere is important in understanding the behavior of polarized materials and their interaction with electric fields. It also helps in calculating the electric potential energy of a system involving a polarized sphere.
