Potential of Spherical Shell with Nonunifor Surface Charge

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the electric field inside and outside a thin spherical shell with a surface charge density of kcos^3θ using Laplace's equation and separation of variables. The solution involves integrating using Legendre polynomials, with all terms except for P1 and P3 cancelling out due to their orthogonality.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A thin spherical shell of radius R carries a surface charge density of the form kcos 3 θ .
Find the electric field inside and outside the sphere and demonstrate explicitly that its
components satisfy the relevant boundary conditions at the surface

Homework Equations

The solution to Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates

The Attempt at a Solution

I solved Laplace's equation using separation of variables, and got to where I would integrate to find the coefficients of the Fourier series, but that's where I'm stuck. I get that my coeffcient Al = k/2εRl-1∫cos3θ Pl(cos θ) sin θ dθ where Pl(cos θ) are the Legendre polynomials.

I don't know how to integrate this, but intuitively shouldn't all terms that aren't P3 give me zero?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You need to write [tex]
In terms of legendre polynomials to do this integral easily. See wikipedia for the P polynomials http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Associated_Legendre_polynomials.

I'll try and get you started.
We start without cos^3theta term, and now we need to find the corresponding legendre polynomial.
now\, use\, the\, fact\, that\, P^{0}_{1}(\cos\theta)=\cos\theta\, and\, sub\, in

now you can sub in and integrate!
  • #3
Yes this is exactly what I was looking for thank you! When I integrate, I should get that all terms that are not P1 and P3 drop out due to the orthogonality of the Legendre Polynomials, yes?
  • #4
Yes, the orthogonal P terms will cancel out!
  • #5

As a scientist, my response would be that the potential of a spherical shell with nonuniform surface charge has the potential to be a complex and challenging problem to solve. It requires a deep understanding of Laplace's equation and the use of advanced mathematical techniques such as separation of variables and integration. It is important to carefully consider the boundary conditions at the surface of the shell in order to accurately determine the electric field both inside and outside the sphere. Further research and analysis may be necessary to fully understand the behavior and implications of this potential solution.

Related to Potential of Spherical Shell with Nonunifor Surface Charge

What is a spherical shell with nonuniform surface charge?

A spherical shell with nonuniform surface charge refers to a hypothetical situation where an electric charge is distributed unevenly on the surface of a spherical object. This means that different regions of the spherical shell have different amounts of charge, resulting in a nonuniform distribution.

What is the potential of a spherical shell with nonuniform surface charge?

The potential of a spherical shell with nonuniform surface charge is the amount of electrical potential energy per unit charge at a given point on the surface of the shell. It is determined by the distribution of the surface charge and the distance from the center of the shell.

How do you calculate the potential of a spherical shell with nonuniform surface charge?

To calculate the potential of a spherical shell with nonuniform surface charge, you need to use the formula V = kQ/r, where V is the potential, k is the Coulomb constant, Q is the total charge on the shell, and r is the distance from the center of the shell to the point of interest.

How does the potential of a spherical shell with nonuniform surface charge vary with distance?

The potential of a spherical shell with nonuniform surface charge is inversely proportional to the distance from the center of the shell. This means that as the distance increases, the potential decreases.

What factors affect the potential of a spherical shell with nonuniform surface charge?

The potential of a spherical shell with nonuniform surface charge is affected by the distribution of the surface charge, the distance from the center of the shell, and the Coulomb constant. Additionally, the potential may also be influenced by the presence of other electric charges in the surrounding environment.

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