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Earth has an equatorial circumference of 40030.17Km and diameter of 12742Km, in 24 hours you will travel 40030.17Km or 40030.17Km / 24 = 1667.92Km/h in space from the earths spin rotation.
If you move 1 Km up in a tall building you are now on a circumference of 40036.45Km, diameter of 12744Km and travel 40036.45Km in 24hrs or 40036.45Km / 24 = 1668.18Km/h
I know these measurements are not set to the height differences between the source and receiver in the P&R experiment.
My question, did they account for the speed difference between the source and receiver at different circumferences in the P&R experiment results?
Is my logic flawed somewhere?
If you move 1 Km up in a tall building you are now on a circumference of 40036.45Km, diameter of 12744Km and travel 40036.45Km in 24hrs or 40036.45Km / 24 = 1668.18Km/h
I know these measurements are not set to the height differences between the source and receiver in the P&R experiment.
My question, did they account for the speed difference between the source and receiver at different circumferences in the P&R experiment results?
Is my logic flawed somewhere?
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