Power Density of Solar Cell Question

In summary, a solar cell array of approximately 28,800 cm2 is needed to meet the power requirement of a sensor node consuming 10mW of power, assuming 12 hours of direct sunlight per day and the ability to store excess power for use at night. This calculation takes into consideration potential losses and the need for additional area if the node runs constantly.
  • #1
I have this homework question I can't quite figure out. Any help is greatly appreciated.

In direct sunlight, solar cells have a power density of approximately 15 mW/cm2. Suppose a sensor node consumes on average 10mW of power. How large of a solar cell array is needed to meet this requirement assuming direct sunlight is available for 12 hours each day? (Assume all excess power generated during the day can be stored and used during the night).

My thinking is this: maybe I'm right maybe I'm wrong
15mW/cm2 x Y cm2 = 10mW * 43200s
Y = 28,800 cm2
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Shooting from the hip, as I'm not sure what a sensor node is, but I figure its overhead, as it helps to keep the cells aligned. So in designing an array, you need to keep track of losses. In sun then you need enuf area to meets its demands=this is easy, you need 10/15 cm^2. Each cm^2 delivers 15 mW, and you need only 10. Now if it runs all the time, and it only gets lit 1/2 the time, then you have payback during the night. It is still consuming but not generating, in which case you need to figure in twice the area.
  • #3

Hello! Thank you for reaching out for help with your homework question. Your thinking is on the right track, but there are a few things that need to be clarified and corrected.

Firstly, the unit for power density is mW/cm2, not just mW. This means that the power density of a solar cell is the amount of power (in milliwatts) that is produced per unit area (in square centimeters). So in this case, the power density of a solar cell in direct sunlight is 15 mW/cm2.

Next, the unit for time is missing in your equation. The question states that the sensor node consumes 10mW of power on average, so the total power consumption over a 12-hour period (43200 seconds) would be 10mW * 43200s = 432000mW*seconds, or 432000mJ.

To determine the size of the solar cell array needed, we need to divide the total power consumption by the power density of the solar cell. This will give us the total area of solar cells needed to produce enough power to meet the sensor node's requirements.

So the correct equation would be: (10mW * 43200s) / 15mW/cm2 = 28800 cm2, or 2.88 square meters.

This means that a solar cell array of at least 2.88 square meters would be needed to meet the sensor node's power requirements, assuming direct sunlight is available for 12 hours each day and all excess power can be stored and used at night.

I hope this helps clarify the question and provide a correct answer. Keep up the good thinking and good luck with your homework!

FAQ: Power Density of Solar Cell Question

1. What is power density of a solar cell?

Power density of a solar cell is the amount of power that can be generated per unit of surface area of the solar cell. It is typically measured in watts per square meter (W/m²).

2. How is power density of a solar cell calculated?

Power density of a solar cell is calculated by dividing the maximum power output of the solar cell by its surface area. This can be determined through laboratory testing or by referring to the specifications provided by the manufacturer.

3. What factors affect the power density of a solar cell?

The power density of a solar cell can be affected by various factors such as the efficiency of the solar cell, the intensity of sunlight, the temperature, and the angle at which the solar cell is positioned. Other factors include the material used for the solar cell, the size and quality of the solar cells, and any shading or obstructions that may block sunlight.

4. How does the power density of a solar cell impact its performance?

The power density of a solar cell directly impacts its performance, as a higher power density means that the solar cell is capable of producing more power per unit of surface area. This is important because it determines the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the solar cell in converting sunlight into usable energy.

5. How can the power density of a solar cell be improved?

The power density of a solar cell can be improved by using more efficient materials, increasing the size of the solar cell, optimizing its position and orientation, and minimizing any shading or obstructions. Advancements in technology and research are also continuously improving the power density of solar cells.
