Power Factor of an L-C-R curcuit

In summary, the voltage is given so that you will know what frequency (ω) the circuit is being driven at. ω is the resonant frequency of the RLC circuit and can only be found by solving for it.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A series L-C-R circuit Comprises of a 250mH coil, 0.01 MFD capacitor and a 5W resistor. A dependent voltage defined by e = 2.5cos(80000t) is applied across it. Determine the power factor. [/B]

Homework Equations

Power Factor = cos(x) = R/Z
Z = sqrt^[R^2 + (XL - XC)^2]

The Attempt at a Solution

Z = sqrt^[R^2 + (wL - 1/(wC))^2] , where w = angular frequency
w = 1/sqrt^[LC] = 1/sqrt^[0.25H * 0.1MFD]

Power Factor = 5W/Z

This was where I came to. I'm having trouble most with the units. I do not know how to utilize a 5W resistor and I don't know what a MFD Capacitor is. At first I thought it could be a Mega-Ferrad, but I don't know how MFD converts to Capacitance. I believe my equation manipulation is correct if I can get those straightened out though.
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  • #2
Hi whitejac, Welcome to Physics Forums.

MFD means micro-Farad (or μF). It's a fairly old term from the early days of radio electronics. A related term is MMFD, or micro-micro-Farad, equivalent to the modern pico-Farad (pF).

In electronics W is usually reserved for units of Watts. Resistance is given in Ohms (Ω).

Does that help?
  • #3
Thank you! The MFD is certainly a bit of trivia I'm glad to know now. I don't understand then how to solve this problem... My book actually says 5W resistor. It might be a printing error.

I'll consider it a 5ohm resistor and see if I receive the answer in the back: cos(x) = 1/25 x 10^-5.

One thing I don't understand is why the voltage is given, however. If I consider it a misprint then it's a useless extra.
  • #4
whitejac said:
Thank you! The MFD is certainly a bit of trivia I'm glad to know now. I don't understand then how to solve this problem... My book actually says 5W resistor. It might be a printing error.
Yes, probably an issue with fonts. If you change a W in "standard" font to a math font, it converts to Ω.
I'll consider it a 5ohm resistor and see if I receive the answer in the back: cos(x) = 1/25 x 10^-5.

One thing I don't understand is why the voltage is given, however. If I consider it a misprint then it's a useless extra.
The voltage is given so that you will know what frequency (ω) the circuit is being driven at. Note that it is not the resonant frequency!
  • #5
My set up is wrong then.

If I assume what I said in the OP was correct, then:
Power Factor = R/Z
Z = sqrt^[R^2 + (ωL - 1/ωC)^2]

Using the given data and a conversion in my book: ω = 1/sqrt[LC] = 0.89.

Subbing into Z, we're given sqrt^[25 + ((0.89*0.25) - 1/(0.89 * 0.1x10^-7))^2]
This gives an answer close to 4.99 which would imply that the Power Factor is almost 1, and that does not come anywhere near my posted solution. Am I using a wrong formula for finding ω and/or the Power Factor?
  • #6
whitejac said:
My set up is wrong then.

If I assume what I said in the OP was correct, then:
Power Factor = R/Z
Z = sqrt^[R^2 + (ωL - 1/ωC)^2]

Using the given data and a conversion in my book: ω = 1/sqrt[LC] = 0.89.
That formula gives you the natural resonant frequency of the RLC circuit. It is NOT the frequency at which the circuit is being driven by the voltage source! Look in the given data to find the frequency at which it is being driven.
  • #7
I'm sorry. I can't see how you acquire the frequency from the voltage without knowing time prior. The problem question is all of the information I'm allowed to have. If I use v = e = 2.5cos(80000t) then I have 2 unknowns. If I use another formula, say...
v = Vcos(ωt +∅) then I have a whole bunch of unknowns. The only sure thing I know how to find is ω at resonance. I don't know how to find it when it's not.
  • #8
whitejac said:
I'm sorry. I can't see how you acquire the frequency from the voltage without knowing time prior. The problem question is all of the information I'm allowed to have. If I use v = e = 2.5cos(80000t) then I have 2 unknowns. If I use another formula, say...
v = Vcos(ωt +∅) then I have a whole bunch of unknowns. The only sure thing I know how to find is ω at resonance. I don't know how to find it when it's not.

In the expression v = Vcos(ωt +∅), what do the terms ω, t, and ∅ represent?
  • #9
ω = frequency, which is integral in finding Z.
t = time
∅ = the angle between the voltage phasor and the current phasor (phase angle)
  • #10
whitejac said:
ω = frequency, which is integral in finding Z.
t = time
∅ = the angle between the voltage phasor and the current phasor (phase angle)

Okay, so you were given the driving voltage as: e = 2.5cos(80000t).

Can you pick out the (angular) frequency?
  • #11
Oh. Wow. Yes I can.
ω = 80000 which will give me a what i need to find Z which will allow for me to find P.
I can't believe it was staring me in the face that blatantly.

FAQ: Power Factor of an L-C-R curcuit

1. What is power factor?

Power factor is the ratio of the real power (watts) to the apparent power (volt-amperes) in an electrical circuit. It represents the efficiency of the circuit in converting electrical energy into useful work.

2. What is an L-C-R circuit?

An L-C-R circuit is a type of electrical circuit that contains inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) components. These components interact with each other to create a resonant frequency, which can be used for various applications such as filtering and tuning in electronic devices.

3. How does the power factor of an L-C-R circuit affect its efficiency?

The power factor of an L-C-R circuit directly affects its efficiency. A low power factor means that the circuit is not utilizing the available electrical energy efficiently, resulting in waste of energy. A high power factor indicates that the circuit is operating efficiently, minimizing energy loss.

4. How is the power factor of an L-C-R circuit calculated?

The power factor of an L-C-R circuit can be calculated by dividing the real power (watts) by the apparent power (volt-amperes). This value is typically expressed as a decimal or percentage between 0 and 1, with 1 representing a perfect power factor.

5. What are some practical applications of power factor in L-C-R circuits?

Power factor is important in L-C-R circuits for various practical applications. For example, in power systems, a low power factor can result in increased energy costs and strain on the electrical grid. In electronic devices, a high power factor can help improve efficiency and reduce energy consumption. Additionally, power factor correction techniques are used in L-C-R circuits to improve the power factor and overall efficiency of the circuit.
