Power required to accelerate an object question?

In summary, the conversation discusses calculating the mechanical power output on a stationary bike and the energy required for acceleration. The equations for this can be determined by measuring the time it takes to accelerate from one speed to another. The mass of the bike and rider, as well as the velocity, play a role in determining the power required. The same principles can be applied to bikes in motion, but the power needed to maintain a constant speed may differ.
  • #1
I want to calculate the mechanical power I can output continuously on a stationary bike. The good news is I have the power vs. speed curve available for the given bike, the question is how much power does it take to accelerate from one speed to another?

If I know it takes 250W at 20mph and 275W at 21mph, how many watts does it take to accelerate from 20mph to 21mph in 1 second? I think I need to know something about the inertia of the system but that could be calibrated if I just knew the equations.

Also how would the equations change if it was not a stationary bike assuming riding in a vacuum on flat ground?
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  • #2
The bike has some mass which has to be accelerated - for a regular bike, this is mainly the rider and the bike itself, for a stationary bike I think it is some rotating disk.
Anyway, this has inertia, and a corresponding energy for each velocity. You can take the difference between (energy hat 21mph) and (energy at 20mph) and get the energy required for the acceleration. Power is now simply this energy divided by the acceleration time.

It is possible to estimate those numbers without analyzing the bike itself: Ride with 21mph, reduce your power to 0 and measure the time until the bike is at 20mph. The bike will continue to consume 250-275W, and take this power from its inertial energy.

All bikes can be described with the same procedure (unless you introduce some very strange active constructions). The inertial energy is proportional to the velocity squared. The power required to hold a constant speed depends on the velocity - this will be different for stationary and moving bikes, but as you already know it this is not important here.

FAQ: Power required to accelerate an object question?

1. What is power required to accelerate an object?

The power required to accelerate an object is the amount of energy needed to increase its velocity over a given period of time. It is a measure of how quickly work is being done on the object to change its motion.

2. How is power related to acceleration?

Power and acceleration are directly proportional, meaning that as the acceleration of an object increases, the power required to accelerate it also increases. This is because a greater amount of energy is needed to increase the velocity of an object with a higher acceleration.

3. What factors affect the power required to accelerate an object?

The power required to accelerate an object is affected by its mass, the force applied to it, and the duration of the acceleration. The larger the mass of the object, the more power is needed to accelerate it. Similarly, a greater force or longer duration of acceleration will also require more power.

4. How is power calculated for accelerating an object?

The power required to accelerate an object can be calculated using the formula P = F x v, where P is power, F is the force applied, and v is the velocity of the object. Alternatively, it can also be calculated using the formula P = (m x a) x v, where m is the mass of the object and a is its acceleration.

5. How is power required to accelerate an object different from power required to maintain its motion?

The power required to accelerate an object is different from the power required to maintain its motion because accelerating an object involves changing its velocity, while maintaining its motion only requires enough power to overcome any resistance or friction acting against it. Therefore, the power required for acceleration will be greater than the power required for maintaining its motion at a constant velocity.
