Power series summation equation

In summary, In section 4.3 of Roger Penrose's book "Road to Reality", he discusses the convergence of power series and introduces the equation 1 + x^2 + x^4 + ... = 1/(1-x^2) to demonstrate the concept of imaginary numbers. He also mentions that in certain cases, such as x=2, this equation can yield nonsensical results, but can still be considered "correct" in a mathematical sense. This is due to the concept of analytic continuation, where a function can be extended to the entire complex plane and still retain some properties of the original function. In this case, the function 1/(1-x^2) is the true object of study, rather
  • #1
(Was posted in general physics forum also)

I am currently reading Roger Penrose’s “Road to Reality”. In section 4.3, Convergence of power series, he refers to the sum of the series:
1 + x2 + x4 + x6 + x8 + ... = 1/(1-x2)

Of course, this is true for |x| < 1, beyond which the series diverges and the equation for the summation does not apply. Penrose uses this equation and the similar one, namely 1 - x2 + x4 - x6 + x8 - ... = 1/(1+x2), to demonstrate the “reality” of imaginary numbers. I understood that and the argument is very impressive.

As a digression, he uses the first equation for x=2:
1 + 22 + 24 + 26 + 28 + ... = 1/(1-22) = -1/3

which is obviously nonsensical. But then, he goes on to say “Yet, I think that it is important to appreciate that, in the appropriate sense, Euler really know what he was doing when he wrote down apparent absurdities of this nature, and that there are senses according to which the above equation must be regarded as ‘correct’...”. Further on, he says “...In fact, it is perfectly possible to give a mathematical sense to the answer ‘-1/3’ to the above infinite series, but one must be careful about the rules telling us what is allowed and what is not allowed. [refers the reader to GH Hardy’s book, Divergent Series]” and then he says “in modern physics, particularly in the areas of QFT, divergent series of this nature are frequently encountered...”

In what sense is the above absurdity ‘correct’? Can someone elaborate for me? I understand the part that outside the circle of convergence, one cannot reach the answer (infinity) by attempting to sum the series directly; such an attempt keeps diverging from the answer provided by 1/(1-x2). But it the ‘correctness of -1/3’ that I am not able to understand.
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  • #2
A key idea here is known as analytic continuation. There is a region of values for x in which the series S(x) = 1 + x^2 + x^4 + ... can be summed straightforwardly to get a finite answer. In this region S(x) defines a perfectly well behaved function of x. There is a nice result in complex analysis that any sufficiently nice function defined on some region of the complex plane can be extended ("continued") to a function defined on the entire complex plane, and this extended function is essentially unique. 1/(1 - x^2) is the extended version of the function S(x): it agrees with S(x) for |x| < 1, and it is defined on the entire complex plane (excluding 1 and -1, where it blows up).

Maybe a better way to think of it is that, if we find ourselves using the equation "1 + 2^2 + 2^4 + ... = -1/3," we were never really interested in literally summing the series 1 + 2^2 + 2^4 + ... . Rather, we were interested a function f(x) which happens to agree with the series S(x) = 1 + x^2 + x^4 + ... when that series converges, but which is also defined outside that region of convergence. That function, f(x) = 1/(1 - x^2), is the true object of our study. From this perspective, the equation 1 + 2^2 + 2^4 + ... = -1/3 is rather silly. Yes, for |x| < 1 we can represent f(x) by the power series 1 + x^2 + x^4 + ..., but for |x| > 1 we can't really, and it's perverse to write an equation suggesting that you can.
  • #3
Hi vibhuav !

one must not forget a term in the closed form.
If the forgotten term tends to 0, then OK, the closed form is correct.
If the forgotten term tends to infinity, then obviously the closed form is unsuitable.


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Related to Power series summation equation

1. What is a power series summation equation?

A power series summation equation is a mathematical expression that represents a function as an infinite sum of powers of a variable. It is typically written in the form of f(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + a3x3 + ... where an are constants and x is the variable.

2. What is the purpose of a power series summation equation?

A power series summation equation allows us to approximate a function by adding an infinite number of simpler terms. This can be useful in solving differential equations, evaluating integrals, and representing functions that cannot be expressed in other forms.

3. How do you determine the convergence of a power series summation equation?

The convergence of a power series summation equation can be determined by using the ratio test or the root test. These tests compare the absolute value of the ratio or root of consecutive terms to a limit, and if the limit is less than 1, the series converges. If the limit is greater than 1, the series diverges.

4. Can a power series summation equation converge at some values and diverge at others?

Yes, a power series summation equation can converge at some values and diverge at others. This is known as conditional convergence. It occurs when the series converges but the absolute values of the terms do not decrease to 0. This can happen when the series alternates between positive and negative terms.

5. How can a power series summation equation be used to find the value of a function at a specific point?

A power series summation equation can be used to find the value of a function at a specific point by plugging in the value of the variable into the equation. If the series converges at that point, the sum of the terms will approximate the value of the function at that point. The more terms included in the sum, the more accurate the approximation will be.

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