Power trips don't advance scientific understanding

  • Thread starter Elquery
  • Start date
In summary, power trips and a desire for dominance can hinder scientific progress by creating an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, discouraging open communication and collaboration. This can lead to biased research and a lack of critical thinking, ultimately hindering the advancement of scientific understanding. To truly advance in the world of science, it is important to foster an environment of mutual respect and cooperation, rather than allowing personal agendas to take precedence.
  • #1
Summary:: PF forums is afflicted with 'mentors' on power trips

Just sayin.
Power trips--shutting down discussion because it conflicts with some old farts internal monologue--doesn't advance science.

But I'm sure they feel important.
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  • #2
You mistake the purpose of the forum. We are not here to advance science. We are here to educate about existing science.

When you go to a vegetarian restaurant do you complain when they don’t serve you steak?
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  • #3
Elquery said:
Power trips--shutting down discussion because it conflicts with some old farts internal monologue--doesn't advance science.
And to elaborate on what Dale said, we don't entertain discussions about personal theories. From the forum rules (https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/physics-forums-global-guidelines.414380/, in the section titled Non-mainstream theories:
Personal theories or speculations that go beyond or counter to generally accepted science
Your post that was closed that you're complaining about definitely runs counter to this rule.
Just sayin'.
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Likes sysprog, Vanadium 50 and Astronuc
  • #4
The value of this site is that it is moderated. If it was not, many of the people who on a daily basis answer questions would probably move on.

There are plenty of places on the internet where you can say whatever you want. Why does this need to also be one?
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  • #5
Elquery said:
Power trips--shutting down discussion because it conflicts with some old farts internal monologue--doesn't advance science.

Layman-led internet discussions doesn't either. Science is advanced by people who spent years mastering the subject and are working at scientific institutes/universities/etc.
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  • #6
weirdoguy said:
Layman-led internet discussions doesn't either. Science is advanced by people who spent years mastering the subject and are working at scientific institutes/universities/etc.
Yes. Let me just point out that not all mentors, nor all scientific advisors on this forum fall into that latter category. (Or it is impossible to decide if they do, because some of them use a pseudonym.) That is fine.

More generally speaking, one should avoid creating the impression that everyone with a badge here is an expert in science, without further specification. (Given that I specialize in certain specific areas of mathematics, I would definitely not describe myself as a "verified expert in science".)

With that said, I agree that, overall, moderation is necessary to prevent discussions from becoming completely nonsensical. And if the OP does not agree with a moderation decision, he can always address it in private correspondence with the moderator or the forum owner, without accusations of flatulence.

Or, if that leads nowhere, as remarked above, the OP can display his views somewhere else on the internet, or even seek to get them published in a journal.
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  • #7
S.G. Janssens said:
seek to get them published in a journal.
Yes. In the end, our stance here at PF is that the proper venue for the advancement of science is through publication in the professional scientific literature. That is too important a job to be left to an Internet forum, even one as high-quality as PF.
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  • #8
I really appreciate the replies. That, in fact, is what i find helpful-- discussion and correction.

Simply shutting down/silencing those who have spoken scientifically inaccurate words runs counter to education.

Funny too, I consider educating science advancing science. And in no way do I suggest laymen dictate what is correct. Quite the contrary.

As far as my latest thread: the hope (which perhaps should have been better spelled out) was that experts would advise on why that line of thinking either does or does not align with science. To tease out the contradictions, inaccuracies, or wrong headedness in scientific terms.

Either way, in the end, it is clear to me certain personalities enjoy exercising control and power vs educating and asking to clarify.
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  • #9
Elquery said:
it is clear to me certain personalities enjoy exercising control and power vs educating and asking to clarify.

Nonsense, as hundreds of threads show that ALL mentors are helpfull. Debunking your personal speculations is simply not what this forum is meant for. And all they did was their job. Instead of making things up, just learn what is already known and ask questions about that.
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  • #10
Elquery said:
As far as my latest thread: the hope (which perhaps should have been better spelled out) was that experts would advise on why that line of thinking either does or does not align with science. To tease out the contradictions, inaccuracies, or wrong headedness in scientific terms.
I read that post. You were not asking any discernible questions about any standard theory in physics. You simply wrote your own theory and asked us to evaluate it. That is not a productive path for education.
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  • #11
Elquery said:
Summary:: PF forums is afflicted with 'mentors' on power trips

Just sayin.
Power trips--shutting down discussion because it conflicts with some old farts internal monologue--doesn't advance science.

But I'm sure they feel important.
I'm very offended by this. I've been a member here since Nov 28, 2003 and am a personal friend of this sites creator. I haven't seen any post from you that has given any help to anyone.
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  • #12
Sometimes in life people are offended by things. I am simply making an observation and offering my perspective-- one I know others share based on comments. But I understand that I will be viewed as an outsider casting stones on a culture, and so there is little benefit to come of this. Sorry.

Look you can claim and gang to be in the right, but that doesn't make it so. Just like science.

If the way I worded a question appeared to lead no where useful, why not explain that, and point to the errors? How am I to know where the rails are, and where I supposedly went off them?

As far as making personal judgements that I've contributed nothing: that's an opinion and one you're entitled to, but nothing more. I am not asking for anarchy, rather professionalism.
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  • #13
And it wasn't intended to be my own theory, rather my own phrasing. Perhaps that could be missed. It is my way of learning. I was hoping for insights. Instead: delete. Hopefully some understand how that comes off, even if I'm the bad guy here. (Which I am and will be at this point no matter).
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  • #14
Elquery said:
Sometimes in life people are offended by things. I am simply making an observation and offering my perspective-- one I know others share based on comments. But I understand that I will be viewed as an outsider casting stones on a culture, and so there is little benefit to come of this. Sorry.

Look you can claim and gang to be in the right, but that doesn't make it so. Just like science.

If the way I worded a question appeared to lead no where useful, why not explain that, and point to the errors? How am I to know where the rails are, and where I supposedly went off them?

As far as making personal judgements that I've contributed nothing: that's an opinion and one you're entitled to, but nothing more. I am not asking for anarchy, rather professionalism.

So you want us to explain why “power trip”, “old farts” and ”gang” are uncivil?
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  • #15
Elquery said:
How am I to know where the rails are, and where I supposedly went off them?
You received a message at the time of the deletion that explained where the rails are and where you went off them.

Elquery said:
I am not asking for anarchy, rather professionalism.
Rejections and refusals to publish are certainly part of the scientific profession. Were the published forum rules or processes violated? In the message you received privately, was there any unprofessional language used? If not then you were indeed treated professionally.

On the other hand, your language in this thread has been decidedly unprofessional. You stand on pretty shaky moral ground here. You demand a standard of treatment that you were in fact given but which you are not fulfilling yourself.

Elquery said:
It is my way of learning.
It is not an effective way of learning. You may not realize, but these rules are based on decades of experience in trying different approaches and seeing what worked and what didn’t. Your way of learning might be effective face-to-face and one-on-one with a teacher, but we have tried it here and it is not effective here.
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  • #16
Elquery said:
Just sayin.
Power trips--shutting down discussion because it conflicts with some old farts internal monologue--doesn't advance science.
Neither does posting crackpot blather. Not saying you did. Just adding to the list of things that don't advance science.
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  • #17
Vanadium 50 said:
Neither does posting crackpot blather. Not saying you did.
I think we may assume this w.o.l.g.
Time does not exist.
The past and future do not exist.
There is only 'now.'
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  • #18
There is no Dana, only Zuul.
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  • #19
At this point I think it is safe to say that this feedback thread has run its course. It is now closed
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Likes Elquery and Wrichik Basu

FAQ: Power trips don't advance scientific understanding

What does "power trips don't advance scientific understanding" mean?

This phrase means that when individuals in positions of power prioritize their own personal agendas and desires over the pursuit of scientific knowledge and understanding, it hinders progress and can lead to biased or flawed research.

Why is it important to avoid power trips in scientific research?

Power trips can lead to biased or incomplete research, as well as hinder collaboration and open-mindedness in the scientific community. This can ultimately impede the advancement of knowledge and understanding in a particular field.

How can power trips be recognized in scientific research?

Power trips can be recognized by looking for signs of personal bias or conflicts of interest in the research process. This can include ignoring contradictory evidence, manipulating data, or prioritizing personal gain over scientific integrity.

What can scientists do to prevent power trips?

Scientists can actively work to maintain objectivity and integrity in their research by being aware of their own biases and conflicts of interest. Collaborating with diverse perspectives and being open to criticism can also help prevent power trips.

What are the potential consequences of power trips in scientific research?

The consequences of power trips in scientific research can include flawed or biased results, hindrance of progress and innovation, and damage to the credibility of the scientific community. It can also lead to a lack of trust in scientific findings by the general public.

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