Powering 10 Lasers with a 6V 500mA Adapter

In summary, you can power ten laser pointers at the same time with a 6v DC adapter using an LR44 battery. You only need one resistor to adjust the current to avoid blowing anything.
  • #1
Hello to all,

I need to be able to power 10 laser pointers at the same time all running from one adapter. Each laser is normally powered by 3 LR44 batteries, which are 1.5v each (I don't know how many amps). The DC adapter ill be using for the project is 6v and 500 mA. Is that enough? if not I am sure i have another one around the house. So basically, I want to know if this adapter will do and what kind of resistor i need to add to the circuit(hopefully I only need one, it would stink to have to solder one for each laser). Is there's anything else you think i should add to make this work?

Thx for the help

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  • #2
ive taken one of those laser pointers and powered it from a rectified 300v transformer, also powered it from my phone battery charger, from what i can tell the input power makes no difference on the beam, i really don't know anything abt lasers but those were my own observations... just string em together and into your power supply is all i can think of. i really don't know though, should probably wait for someone who knows what they're talking abt to give you better advice
  • #3
You do know that may a fairly dangerous device you're building there? One of those can damage your or someone elses eyes if used improperly. Seems to me, ten of them could cause significant, permanent damage with a mere flick in the wrong direction.

Googling "LR44 battery current" turns up a reliable-ish .6mA.

So your laser array, depending on how you wire it up, should take 4.5V @ 6mA - way below your powerpack's 500mA.
  • #4
what exactly are you doing anyway?
Are you trying to make a laser system that you'd find in a club or something like that or what?
  • #5
Im am buidling this for my own fun. These lasers have a output of >1mW which is not dangerous. i know someone who counted up to 30 shooting one of them in each eyes to prove a point(I DONT RECOMEND TO TO THIS) and he dosent see any black holes (yet). I want to know if the 4.5v is enought or do i have to get one that's equal to the amount of the voltage required for all the lasers (1.5x3)x10 = 45?? also, what kind of a resistor or capacitor will i need to have 6mA?

thank you
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  • #6
WhiteBen said:
i know someone who counted up to 30 shooting one of them in each eyes to prove a point
What an idiot.
  • #7
lol... idiot indeed... and actually this friend of yours could have permanent damage to their eye's already and just not realize it, that's often the case with laser burned eyes, the damage is just not always in their direct line of sight so they can't tell but its still there...
if you(or this person) ever notice what seems to be orbs or watermarks floating around when your staring at something distant off in he corner of your eye and you try tracking it but it moves with your eyes so you can't get a direct look at it that would be from damaging your eyes if not from lasers then from staring at the sun...
and saying a 1mw laser is not dangerous is like saying the sun is not...
  • #8
Ok, enought about talking about how 1mW laser can make your head explode, does anyone here have enough knowledge to answer my questions?
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  • #9
DaveC426913 said:
You do

Googling "LR44 battery current" turns up a reliable-ish .6mA.

So your laser array, depending on how you wire it up, should take 4.5V @ 6mA - way below your powerpack's 500mA.
i think that should answer it doesn't it? i don't know much abt lasers but it seems to be as good an answer as any...

i think you should just string em together in series and put em right into your power source, use one variable resistor to adjust the current to be sure you don't blow anything though. i don't know how your input may effect your result but from my own experiment i described earlier it doesn't have much effect...
  • #10
tc_kid said:
i think you should just string em together in series and put em right into your power source, use one variable resistor to adjust the current to be sure you don't blow anything though. i don't know how your input may effect your result but from my own experiment i described earlier it doesn't have much effect...
as I've mentioned i don't really know anything about lasers so don't take my word for it.

Related to Powering 10 Lasers with a 6V 500mA Adapter

1. How many lasers can be powered with a 6V 500mA adapter?

It is possible to power up to 10 lasers with a 6V 500mA adapter, assuming each laser requires a maximum of 60mA of current.

2. Will using a higher voltage adapter damage the lasers?

Yes, using an adapter with a higher voltage than the recommended 6V can cause damage to the lasers. It is important to use the correct voltage to ensure the proper functioning of the lasers.

3. What happens if I use a lower amperage adapter?

If a lower amperage adapter is used, the lasers may not receive enough power to function properly. This can result in dim or inconsistent laser beams.

4. Can I use a different type of adapter, such as AC instead of DC?

No, it is important to use a DC adapter for powering lasers. AC adapters will not work as they do not provide a constant flow of current, which is necessary for the lasers to function.

5. Is it safe to leave the lasers powered on for extended periods of time?

It is not recommended to leave the lasers powered on for extended periods of time as it can cause them to overheat and potentially damage them. It is best to turn off the lasers when not in use.

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