Poynting theory apply to both static and time varying fields?

In summary, the conversation discusses the applicability of the Poynting vector, which represents the flow of energy per unit area, in both static and time varying electromagnetic fields. The Poynting theorem, which is derived using time varying relations, is valid in all cases. An example of calculating the Poynting vector in a steady current scenario is given in Griffiths, and the conversation also mentions the possibility of applying this concept to a DC conducting coaxial cable.
  • #1
Poynting vector is flow of energy per unit area. Dose it apply for both static field where E and B are decoupled, AND time varying EM field where E and B are coupled?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The reason I ask is referring to page 346-349 of Griffiths. The Poynting theorem was derived using time varying relation where

[tex] \nabla \times \vec B= \mu\vec J -\mu\frac {\partial \vec D}{\partial t} \;\hbox { and }\; \nabla \times \vec E=-\frac{\partial \vec B}{\partial t}[/tex]

But then in Example 8.1 on page 348, it gave an example of a steady current I flow down a wire and calculate the power flow down the wire ( Poynting vector S). Where is use E= (voltage across wire) divided by the length of wire. B is calculated by current I.
  • #3
The Poynting theorem follows from the complete Maxwell equations and thus is valid always.

E.g., it is interesting to calculate the energy flow of a DC conducting coaxial cable (I choose this as an example, because this is a very simple to solve stationary problem). Calculate both, the electric and magnetic fields and then the Poynting vector. Then think about, what this means concerning energy transport.
  • #4
What you suggested is very similar to problem 8.1 in Griffiths and I worked it out already.
  • #5

Yes, Poynting's theory applies to both static and time-varying fields. In the case of a static field, where the electric and magnetic fields are decoupled, the Poynting vector represents the flow of energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. This is commonly seen in situations such as the propagation of radio waves or the energy transfer in an electric circuit.

In the case of a time-varying electromagnetic field, where the electric and magnetic fields are coupled, the Poynting vector still represents the flow of energy, but it also takes into account the changing nature of the fields. This is important in understanding phenomena such as electromagnetic induction, where the changing magnetic field induces an electric field and results in the transfer of energy.

In both cases, the Poynting vector is a useful tool for quantifying and analyzing the flow of electromagnetic energy. However, it is important to note that in the case of a time-varying field, the Poynting vector may not always be constant and can vary over time. Overall, Poynting's theory is applicable to a wide range of electromagnetic phenomena, providing valuable insights into the behavior of energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation.

FAQ: Poynting theory apply to both static and time varying fields?

1. What is Poynting theory?

Poynting theory is a fundamental concept in electromagnetism that describes the flow of energy in electromagnetic fields. It was first proposed by British physicist John Henry Poynting in the late 19th century.

2. How does Poynting theory apply to static fields?

In static fields, Poynting theory states that the energy flow is solely determined by the electric and magnetic fields. This means that the energy flow is constant and does not change over time.

3. How does Poynting theory apply to time-varying fields?

In time-varying fields, Poynting theory states that the energy flow is not only determined by the fields, but also by the rate of change of these fields. This means that the energy flow can vary over time.

4. What is the mathematical expression for Poynting theory?

The mathematical expression for Poynting theory is given by the Poynting vector, which is defined as the cross product of the electric field and magnetic field vectors. It is represented by the symbol S and has units of watts per square meter (W/m^2).

5. How is Poynting theory used in practical applications?

Poynting theory is used in a variety of practical applications, such as understanding the energy flow in antennas, motors, and transformers. It is also used in the design of wireless communication systems and in the development of renewable energy technologies.
