Poynting Vector - Finding stored energy per unit length of a solenoid

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the expression for the rate of increase of stored energy per unit length in a solenoid with a cylindrical core, given the increasing current and relative permeability. Three different methods are proposed: using the inductance per unit length and the rate of change of current, using the energy associated with the internal fields, and integrating the Poynting vector over a surface. The equations used include Ampere's Law, the relation between inductance and flux, and the formula for stored energy. There is confusion about the presence of an electric field and the correctness of the calculations.
  • #1

Homework Statement

long solenoid of n turns per unit length is wound upon a cylindrical core of radius a
and relative permeability. The current I through the solenoid is increasing with time t at a
constant rate. Obtain expression for the rate of increase of stored energy per unit length in the core
of the solenoid
(a) from the inductance per unit length of the solenoid, and dI=dt.
(b) from the energy associated with the fields internal to the solenoid core.
(c) by integration of the Poynting vector over an appropriate surface.

Homework Equations

None are given but I believe this is what should be considered:

-∂/∂t ∫[ εE2/2 + B2/2μ ] dv = ∫ Jf dot E dv + ∫ E cross H da

Ampere's Law

E cross H = S

The Attempt at a Solution

Using Ampere's Law: B=μnI

L = flux/I
L = μn2lA Where l is some length and A is a surface

Part A)

∅ = L dI/dt

∅ = μn2lA dI/dt

U = Q∅/2

U/dt = μn2lA (dI/dt) (Q/dt) (1/2)

U/dt = μn2lA (dI/dt) I (1/2)

This just does not seem right to me??

Part B)

U = ∫B2/2μ dv

U = ∫(μnI)2/2μ dv

U = μn2lAI (1/2)

U/dt = μn2lA (dI/dt) I (1/2)

Part C)

U = ∫ S dv

where S = E cross H, assuming ∫ Jf dot E dv = 0

This is where I am confused. Is there an electric field in the solenoid? If so then did I not do the other parts correctly? What am I missing here...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Not that complicated. Given inductance L, what is the formula for stored energy?

Then, calculate L per unit length.

FAQ: Poynting Vector - Finding stored energy per unit length of a solenoid

What is the Poynting Vector?

The Poynting vector is a mathematical concept used in electromagnetism to describe the flow of electromagnetic energy in a given direction. It is named after the physicist John Henry Poynting.

How is the Poynting Vector related to a solenoid?

The Poynting vector is used to calculate the stored energy per unit length of a solenoid, which is a coil of wire that creates a magnetic field when an electric current is passed through it.

What does the Poynting Vector tell us about a solenoid?

The Poynting vector tells us about the rate of energy transfer in a solenoid, and can be used to determine the strength of the magnetic field and the amount of energy stored per unit length in the solenoid.

How do you calculate the Poynting Vector for a solenoid?

The Poynting vector can be calculated using the formula S = (1/μ₀)E x B, where S is the Poynting vector, μ₀ is the permeability of free space, E is the electric field, and B is the magnetic field. For a solenoid, this formula can be simplified to S = (1/μ₀)B², where B is the magnetic field strength inside the solenoid.

What are the units of the Poynting Vector?

The units of the Poynting vector are watts per square meter (W/m²), which represents the rate of energy transfer per unit area. This unit is often used in the study of electromagnetic radiation and energy transfer.
