Practical investigation on motors and generators

In summary, the aim of the experiment is to measure the amplitude of the pendulum formed by a magnet and thread, and to see if it decreases as energy is lost to heat. The experiment can be done by making a protractor out of cardboard and attaching it to the pivot of the pendulum, so that you can easily "eyeball" the angle the string makes with the vertical at maximum displacement. The pendulum should stay swinging for quite a while, so it should be sufficient to take a measurement every few swings.
  • #1
I'm not sure on what I have to do for this practical. I have to develop a theory and choose certain equipment for me to perform the investigation and obtain results... only i don't know where to start.

the aim is:
Investigate how the amplitude of a pendulum formed by a magnet and thread varies against time with or without a nearby electrical conductor.

Any ideas?!
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  • #2
The changing magnetic field will generate eddy currents in the conductor, so I'm thinking the amplitude of the pendulum would decrease as energy is lost to heat through I^2 R.

A similar effect happens when you drop a strong magnet in a copper tube. It appears to defy gravity as it floats very slowly down the tube before falling out the other end. (Neat to watch...try it if you can find the materials)

Of course, there is probably more going on than that, but it's a start.
  • #3
thanks PBRMEASAP! that was a great start :-p at least i think I am understanding abit more! thanks!
  • #4
applepie said:
thanks PBRMEASAP! that was a great start :-p at least i think I am understanding abit more! thanks!

It sounds like a really cool experiment. Let us know what you find out!
  • #5
does anyone know how to measure the amplitude??
time is with stopwatch right??
hope some one can help!
  • #6
Make yourself a protractor out of cardboard and attach it to the pivot of the pendulum somehow (but don't let it interfere with the pendulum swing). Make it nice and big so that you can easily "eyeball" the angle the string makes with the vertical at maximum displacement. The pendulum should stay swinging for quite a while, so it should be sufficient to take a measurement every few swings, giving you time to write your measurement down. Yes, use a stopwatch to note the time at each measurement.

Related to Practical investigation on motors and generators

1. How do motors and generators work?

Motors and generators both use electromagnetic induction to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy (for motors) or vice versa (for generators). This is achieved by rotating a coil of wire within a magnetic field, which creates an electric current that can power a motor or be harnessed as electricity by a generator.

2. What are the main components of a motor and generator?

The main components of a motor are the rotor (or armature), stator, and commutator. The rotor is the rotating part of the motor, while the stator is the stationary part that contains the magnetic field. The commutator is a device that allows for the reversal of current in the rotor, which creates a continuous rotation. For generators, the main components are the opposite, with the rotor being the stationary part and the stator being the rotating part.

3. How can I test the efficiency of a motor or generator?

The efficiency of a motor or generator can be tested by measuring the input and output power. For example, to test a motor, the input power (electrical energy) can be measured with a wattmeter, and the output power (mechanical energy) can be measured by attaching the motor to a dynamometer. The efficiency can then be calculated by dividing the output power by the input power and multiplying by 100%.

4. What are some common practical uses for motors and generators?

Motors and generators have a wide range of practical uses in our everyday lives. Motors are commonly used in appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines, and fans. They are also used in vehicles, elevators, and industrial machinery. Generators are often used to generate electricity in power plants or to power portable devices such as generators for camping or construction sites.

5. How can I troubleshoot common issues with motors and generators?

If a motor or generator is not functioning properly, the first step is to check for any loose connections or worn out parts. It is also important to check the power source and make sure it is supplying the correct voltage and current. If the issue persists, it may be necessary to consult a professional or refer to the manufacturer's troubleshooting guide.

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