Precession of the LRL Vector in SR

In summary: For a charged body orbiting a massive body, quadrant I would be more accurate, as the body's own gravity would add a term. However, if we consider a mass on a heavier body that is not in orbit around anything, then quadrant II would be more accurate.
  • #1
This is a continuation of", now that my confusion on Thomas precession has been clarified and my root question has been shown to not stem from this effect.

In classical mechanics for any inverse square force, [itex]\vec{F}=-\frac{C}{r^2}\hat{r}[/itex], one has the Laplace-Runge-Lenz eccentricity vector. This is a constant of motion and has the magnitude of the eccentricity and points from the center of attraction towards the periapsis.

[tex]\vec{e}=\frac{\vec{L}\times \vec{p}}{mC} + \vec{r}[/tex]

For the argument's sake, let's consider a charged mass in orbit about a much more massive oppositely charged mass under Coulomb's law ([itex]C=kQq[/itex]), with a speed high enough that the SR effects are significantly larger than the effects of the curvature of space-time from the mass-energies involved.

Q1) How much precession would such an orbit have in SR? Is this twice the excess in the angle [itex]\theta[/itex] given on" evaluated between two consecutive apsis?

Q2) Is this the "Newtonian Model" that I have heard predicts half of the observed precession of Mercury (without clarification and attributed to Einstein), or does that model include a change to the inverse square law force due to the relativistic energy of the orbiting body? Half of the first order estimate of the DeSitter precession in GR would be [itex]\delta=\frac{3\pi C}{c^2rm_0}[/itex], [itex]C=GMm_0[/itex] and r being the semi-latus rectum of the precessing ellipse.

Thoughts) My guess is that the first order SR precession defined above is [itex]\delta_{SR}=\frac{\pi C}{c^2rm_0}[/itex], with an additional [itex]\delta_{E=mc^2}=\frac{2\pi C}{c^2rm_0}[/itex] when the classical effects of Newton's theorem of rotating orbits is considered with the inverse square law adjusted by replacing the rest mass with the relativistic energy. I believe I have worked out the second half of this previously (" ), but need to relocate those notes. I may have the factor of two in the wrong component, or my guess might be completely off base.
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  • #2
Is it safe to assume that with no comment on this post in over a month means that no obvious error exists in my assumptions?
  • #3
Speaking of that integral in Wiki, how do you solve an integral of the form:

[tex]\theta = L \int^{u} \frac{du}{\sqrt{m^{2} c^{2} \left(\gamma^{2} - 1 \right) - L^{2} u^{2}}}[/tex]

I would be content with the limit as [itex]\gamma[/itex] and L are nearly constant. Setting [itex]X=\frac{mc\sqrt{\gamma^{2} - 1}}{L}=\frac{mv\gamma}{L}[/itex] gives:

[tex]\theta = \int^{u} \frac{du}{\sqrt{X^{2} - u^{2}}} = \sin^{-1}\left(\frac{u}{X}\right)\approx\sin^{-1}(1)=\pi[/tex]

Now, if we have a perturbation from this, how does one determine whether to use the value from quadrant I or II?

FAQ: Precession of the LRL Vector in SR

What is the definition of precession in Special Relativity?

Precession in Special Relativity refers to the rotation of the Local Reference Frame (LRF) vector in a non-inertial frame of reference. It is caused by the curvature of spacetime due to the presence of mass or energy.

How does the precession of the LRF vector affect measurements in Special Relativity?

The precession of the LRF vector affects measurements in Special Relativity by introducing a correction factor known as the Thomas precession. This correction accounts for the rotation of the LRF vector and ensures that measurements are consistent with the principles of Special Relativity.

What factors influence the magnitude of precession in Special Relativity?

The magnitude of precession in Special Relativity is influenced by the velocity and acceleration of the non-inertial frame, as well as the mass and energy present in the frame. The closer the frame is to a massive object, the greater the precession will be.

Is precession of the LRF vector a relativistic effect?

Yes, precession of the LRF vector is a relativistic effect. It is a result of the curvature of spacetime, which is a fundamental aspect of the theory of Special Relativity.

Can the precession of the LRF vector be observed in everyday life?

No, the precession of the LRF vector is not noticeable in everyday life. It is a very small effect that is only significant in extreme conditions, such as near massive objects or at high velocities.

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