Precisely or astronomical observation of Schulze and Taylor.

In summary, the conversation discusses R. Penrose's book "Big, Small and Human Reason" published with the help of Stephen Hawking, Yalkut Shimoni, and Nancy Cartwright. The book covers topics such as space-time, cosmology, and quantum mechanics. Penrose's work is praised for its eloquence and interesting content, especially in the chapter on space-time and cosmology. The conversation also mentions Penrose's acknowledgement of the General Theory of Relativity and its accuracy in predicting the behavior of the double pulsar PSR 1913+16. However, there is some doubt raised about the accuracy of the calculations and the impact of gravitational waves on the pulsar's orbit.
  • #1
«Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by the age of 18» Albert Einstein.

At the very beginning of my small article I would like to pay attention of the reader to R. Penrose’s rather new book «Big, small and human reason» publishing house the Amphora, St.-Petersburg 2008. The book was published under Stephen Hawking’s edition, with his comments, and also with Yalkut Shimoni, and Nancy Cartwright comments.
Work of the well-known professor of mathematics of the Oxford University not only is eloquent and interesting, but I would tell, it is beautiful, so, reading this book, I have personally received, in some measure, even aesthetic pleasure.
This work was especially interesting for me, as in Chapter 1 Space-time and cosmology the author could, without using a difficult mathematical apparatus and terminology, retell about his vision of processes occurring in the Universe though the Chapter Secrets of quantum mechanics, probably, will be even more interesting to someone else.
I will return to cosmology – the traditional topic of my Live Journal. In work of Penrose, my attention was involved with two facts:
The first and what was pleasant to me more in total:
There is not a word about radiation of black holes; you will not believe that in the book which was published under the edition of Stephen Hawking there is nothing about Hawking radiation. I have not found, maybe, I searched not attentively, or it is written somewhere by a small font, or watermarks, but I have not found. Those who read other articles of my live journal understand what I searched and why I am so glad.
The second and which at first was pleasant for me (to the fanatical supporter of general relativity theory), even more than the first, is R. Penrose’s direct indications, on full acknowledgment of the General theory of a relativity received, as a result of interpretation of astronomical observation of Schulze and Taylor (the Nobel Prize of 1993) concerning double pulsar PSR 1913+16. We will discuss this in detail – “this astronomical object consists of two neutron stars, with so big density that the weight of each of them is approximately equal to weight of our sun though their radius makes only few kilometers! Neutron stars rotate round the general centre of gravity on very extended elliptic orbits, one of stars possesses the strongest magnetic field thanks to what it becomes a source of so intensive radiation that on the Earth (on distance of 30 000 light years) it is perfectly registered in the form of a series of accurately certain impulses. It has allowed to conduct various and careful measurements, in particular, parameters of orbits of both neutron stars managed to be measured with very split-hair accuracy and to check up the amendments connected with the account of the general theory of a relativity». According to R. Penrose – high reliability of registration of radiated signals and duration of measurements allows to develop accuracy of calculation of parameters of orbits to 10 in 14 degrees that makes General theory of relativity the most exact and verifiable area of modern science”.
But when I have read one more phrase, namely «the measured speed of loss of energy of the mentioned double neutron star with a split-hair accuracy has coincided with the theoretical calculations made in frameworks of General theory of relativity», I felt a doubt arising concerning thermodynamic analysis of an object of 30 000 light years away and accuracy 10 in 14 degrees, it is interesting misters.
My surprise has even more increased, when one of " coryphaeus" of a site[/URL], has suggested me to examine the original article describing experiences of Schulze and Taylor , from Magazine «Successes of Physical sciences» 1982, volume 137 issue 4 «Gravitational waves from a pulsar in double system» J. Weisberg, J. Taylor, L. Fowler:
«We will examine now in details observant acknowledgment of that PSR 1913+16 really radiates gravitational waves, i.e. the proof of justice of such prediction of the general theory of a relativity which till now was not possible to check up. Though, as it was already told, intensity of gravitational radiation of our system is too small for gravitational waves to be registered directly by means of existing receivers, nevertheless, their existence can be revealed indirectly. We already said that an energy source of gravitational radiation is energy of orbital movement. Therefore, if gravitational waves really exist and, hence, carry away energy from double system, its orbital energy should decrease gradually that in turn should lead to pulsar and its partner approaching, and at the same time to reduction of the orbital period of rotation. As it is known, in the similar way the sizes of orbits of artificial companions of Earth, decrease, however in this case losses of orbital energy are connected not with radiation of gravitational waves, but with collisions with molecules in an upper atmosphere. Strictly speaking, artificial companions too radiate gravitational waves; however this process can be neglected».
Having read it, I have asked a question, and what data can be neglected in calculations if according to authors’ diameter of PSR 1913+16 orbit has to be decreased by 3, 1 mm for each turn of a pulsar, and it on distance of 30000 light years from the Earth.
I will explain my doubts at level of school knowledge of physics: the article is about that scientists have proved that pulsar PSR 1913+16 loses kinetic energy in such a manner that its orbit, decreases by 3, 1 mm for each turn of a pulsar, taking into account that the big axis of an orbit of a pulsar surpasses diameter of the Sun by 4, 5 times.
Neutron stars rotate round the general centre of gravity on very extended elliptic orbits, one of stars possesses the strongest magnetic field thanks to what it becomes a source of so intensive radiation that on the Earth (on distance of 30 000 light years) it is perfectly registered in the form of a series of accurately certain impulses. It has allowed to conduct various and careful measurements, in particular, parameters of orbits of both neutron stars managed to be measured with very split-hair accuracy and to check up the amendments connected with the account of the general theory of a relativity». According to R. Penrose – high reliability of registration of radiated signals and duration of measurements allows to develop accuracy of calculation of parameters of orbits to 10 in 14 degrees that makes General theory of relativity the most exact and verifiable area of modern science”.
But when I have read one more phrase, namely «the measured speed of loss of energy of the mentioned double neutron star with a split-hair accuracy has coincided with the theoretical calculations made in frameworks of General theory of relativity», I felt a doubt arising concerning thermodynamic analysis of an object of 30 000 light years away and accuracy 10 in 14 degrees, it is interesting misters.
My surprise has even more increased, when one of " coryphaeus" of a site [PLAIN][/URL], has suggested me to examine the original article describing experiences of Schulze and Taylor , from Magazine «Successes of Physical sciences» 1982, volume 137 issue 4 «Gravitational waves from a pulsar in double system» J. Weisberg, J. Taylor, L. Fowler:
«We will examine now in details observant acknowledgment of that PSR 1913+16 really radiates gravitational waves, i.e. the proof of justice of such prediction of the general theory of a relativity which till now was not possible to check up. Though, as it was already told, intensity of gravitational radiation of our system is too small for gravitational waves to be registered directly by means of existing receivers, nevertheless, their existence can be revealed indirectly. We already said that an energy source of gravitational radiation is energy of orbital movement. Therefore, if gravitational waves really exist and, hence, carry away energy from double system, its orbital energy should decrease gradually that in turn should lead to pulsar and its partner approaching, and at the same time to reduction of the orbital period of rotation. As it is known, in the similar way the sizes of orbits of artificial companions of Earth, decrease, however in this case losses of orbital energy are connected not with radiation of gravitational waves, but with collisions with molecules in an upper atmosphere. Strictly speaking, artificial companions too radiate gravitational waves; however this process can be neglected».
Having read it, I have asked a question, and what data can be neglected in calculations if according to authors’ diameter of PSR 1913+16 orbit has to be decreased by 3, 1 mm for each turn of a pulsar, and it on distance of 30000 light years from the Earth.
I will explain my doubts at level of school knowledge of physics: the article is about that scientists have proved that pulsar PSR 1913+16 loses kinetic energy in such a manner that its orbit, decreases by 3, 1 mm for each turn of a pulsar, taking into account that the big axis of an orbit of a pulsar surpasses diameter of the Sun by 4, 5 times.
As I understand, this data means only that the pulsar loses energy of orbital movement, but science well knows mechanisms of transformation of energy of orbital movement in thermal energy (friction), in a tidal energy, even in a radio emission.
Really, why authors have decided, what these 3, 1 mm concerns a transmission of energy of orbital movement in energy of gravitational radiation, instead of in thermal energy, for example?
For calculations to be more plausible, authors should indicate at least, what part of energy of orbital movement will be transformed into energy of the gravitational waves, what part in a radio emission, and what in the thermal? Or to establish accurately, not including transformations to energy of gravitational waves, what other processes are negligibly small and it in comparison with 3, 1 mm? But I have not found it in article, and the distance of 30000 light years - not so good occasion to the conduction of thermodynamic analysis.
In reply to Roger Penrose’s phrase «that accuracy of calculations of parameters of orbits to 10 in 14 degrees makes General theory of relativity the most exact and verifiable area in modern science», it would be desirable to recollect a joke, times of tragically accident of Shuttle, - Interfax has transferred condolences concerning accident of Shuttle 1 minute prior to the moment of accident.
Really, is not it too exact?
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Astronomy news on
  • #2
I think, common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by the age of 18, but it is much more important to be able to use these prejudices correctly.

Related to Precisely or astronomical observation of Schulze and Taylor.

What is the purpose of the Schulze and Taylor astronomical observation?

The purpose of the Schulze and Taylor astronomical observation is to precisely measure the positions and movements of celestial bodies, such as stars and planets, in order to gain a better understanding of their behavior and characteristics.

What equipment is needed to conduct the Schulze and Taylor astronomical observation?

To conduct the Schulze and Taylor astronomical observation, scientists typically use specialized telescopes, cameras, and computer software that allow for precise measurements and analysis of celestial objects.

What types of data are collected during the Schulze and Taylor astronomical observation?

The Schulze and Taylor astronomical observation collects data on the positions, movements, brightness, and other characteristics of celestial bodies. This data can then be analyzed to reveal patterns and relationships among these objects.

How do scientists ensure the accuracy of the Schulze and Taylor astronomical observation?

To ensure accuracy, scientists must carefully calibrate and align their equipment, take into account atmospheric conditions, and use advanced mathematical techniques to account for any potential errors or distortions in the data.

What is the significance of the Schulze and Taylor astronomical observation in the field of astronomy?

The Schulze and Taylor astronomical observation has greatly contributed to our understanding of the universe and has allowed scientists to make important discoveries about the nature and behavior of celestial objects. It also continues to play a crucial role in ongoing research and advancements in the field of astronomy.

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