Predicate calculus: Proof problem (please check for me)

In summary, we are trying to prove the statement (∀x)(∃y)(p(x, y) -> p(y, x)) is a tautology. We begin by assuming that we are only dealing with non-empty sets, and that p(x,y) is a predicate with a domain of definition D x D. From this, we can say that (∃y)(p(d, y) -> p(y, d)) is true, where d is an arbitrary element in D. Then, we can generalize this to AxEy(Pxy -> Pyx), showing that the statement is true for all x and y. Therefore, we can conclude that (∀x)(∃y)(p(x, y) -> p
  • #1
Hey guys,
I've been given a problem and I attempted it but I have no idea if it is right, I was hoping you guys could help me.

Show that (∀x)(∃y)(p(x, y) -> p(y, x)) is a tautology.

Since, I am new to logic and Predicate Calculus I was wondering if someone could check my working, (I was amazed how hard it is to get logic 0.0):

Okay, i was told to assume that we will only deal with non-empty sets.

Let D any non-empty set and let p(x,y) be a predicate with a domain of definition D x D. Then since D is non-empty we can find some d ∈ D.
since "p(d,d) -> p(d,d)" is true
We can say there is some y ∈ D such that "p(d, y) -> p(y, d)" is true (namely y=d).
(∃y)(p(d, y) -> p(y, d)) is true
and we can also say
¬(∃y)(p(d, y) -> p(y, d)) is false
(Note: the following is the section I am unsure if I am right or not)
therfore for since
¬(∃y)(p(d, y) -> p(y, d)) is false
So for any d it must be false.
(∃x)¬(∃y)(p(x, y) -> p(y, x)) must also be false.
(∃x)¬(∃y)(p(x, y) -> p(y, x)) <=> ¬(Ax)(∃y)(p(x, y) -> p(y, x))
so ¬(∀x)(∃y)(p(x, y) -> p(y, x)) is false too
and we can say
¬¬(∀x)(∃y)(p(x, y) -> p(y, x)) must be true
therefore (∀x)(∃y)(p(x, y) -> p(y, x)) must be true for any non-empty domain and any predicate p. tehre for (Ax)(∃y)(p(x, y) -> p(y, x)) is a tautology.
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  • #2
This looks okay to me -- but I don't have a logic degree. Can you take a shortcut and write: "We can say there is some y ∈ D such that "p(d, y) -> p(y, d)" is true (namely y=d) so (∃y)(p(d, y) -> p(y, d)) is true. Since d was arbitraryly chosen, it must be true for all d." That is, can you "merely" rename d as x?
  • #3
EnumaElish said:
This looks okay to me -- but I don't have a logic degree. Can you take a shortcut and write: "We can say there is some y ∈ D such that "p(d, y) -> p(y, d)" is true (namely y=d) so (∃y)(p(d, y) -> p(y, d)) is true. Since d was arbitraryly chosen, it must be true for all d." That is, can you "merely" rename d as x?

hmm... yeah I guess you could. Thanks. ^_^
  • #4
I wish I would have kept going with predicate logic, but what about
[tex]\forall x \in \mathbb{N} \ \exists y \in \mathbb{N} \ ((x < y) \rightarrow (y < x))[/tex]
?? Even if you mean
[tex](\forall x \in \mathbb{N} \ \exists y \in \mathbb{N} \ (x < y)) \rightarrow (\forall x \in \mathbb{N} \ \exists y \in \mathbb{N} \ (y < x))[/tex]
isn't this still a semi-counterexample?

Do you have some inference rules? Normally, to prove that a propostion is a tautology, you derive it from the empty set (of premises). You would use universal and existential generalization, which I'm shaky on, and I'm not sure how to work with predicates either, but it would go something like this:
Start by assuming Pwa, where w is some arbitrary individual; derive Paw; infer, by conditional proof, (Pwa -> Paw); generalize from (Pwa -> Paw) to AxEy(Pxy -> Pyx).
I could be wrong but thought I would mention it just in case.
  • #5
honestrosewater said:
I wish I would have kept going with predicate logic, but what about
[tex]\forall x \in \mathbb{N} \ \exists y \in \mathbb{N} \ ((x < y) \rightarrow (y < x))[/tex]
?? Even if you mean
[tex](\forall x \in \mathbb{N} \ \exists y \in \mathbb{N} \ (x < y)) \rightarrow (\forall x \in \mathbb{N} \ \exists y \in \mathbb{N} \ (y < x))[/tex]
isn't this still a semi-counterexample?

Do you have some inference rules? Normally, to prove that a propostion is a tautology, you derive it from the empty set (of premises). You would use universal and existential generalization, which I'm shaky on, and I'm not sure how to work with predicates either, but it would go something like this:
Start by assuming Pwa, where w is some arbitrary individual; derive Paw; infer, by conditional proof, (Pwa -> Paw); generalize from (Pwa -> Paw) to AxEy(Pxy -> Pyx).
I could be wrong but thought I would mention it just in case.

Um for the example I think the statement is still true... I think it is saying
For all x: (x < some Natural Number y -> there exists some y < x)
And since this is true for all x then that statement is true for that example, and is not a counter example... I think.

Though those domains and that predicate would be a counter example for:
(∃y)(∀x)(p(x, y) -> p(y, x))
  • #6
Waylander said:
Um for the example I think the statement is still true... I think it is saying
For all x: (x < some Natural Number y -> there exists some y < x)
And since this is true for all x then that statement is true for that example, and is not a counter example... I think.
I don't know what that means. Either x and y refer to the same individual, respectively, in both Pxy and Pyx (as in my first statement), or they refer to possibly different individuals (as in my second statement). Of course, this depends on the scope of the quantifiers.

[tex]\forall x \in \mathbb{N} \ \exists y \in \mathbb{N} \ ((x < y) \rightarrow (y < x))[/tex]

So I can assign x = 1 and y = 2 : (1 < 2) -> (2 < 1). False.

[tex](\forall x \in \mathbb{N} \ \exists y \in \mathbb{N} \ (x < y)) \rightarrow (\forall x \in \mathbb{N} \ \exists y \in \mathbb{N} \ (y < x))[/tex]

So I can assign the first x = 3, first y = 4 : 3 < 4. True. And I can assign the second x = 1, but there exists no y in N less than 1, so this and the conditional are false.

You're saying:
1)) Pdd [conditional proof (d is an arbitrary individual)]
2)) Pdd [1, reiteration]
3) Pdd -> Pdd [1, 2 cond. proof]
4) Pdc -> Pcd [3, by what rule? (c is non-arbitrary)]
I don't see how step (4) is valid. How can you substitute c for only some instances of d?
When Pdd is true, Pdc and Pcd will also be true, of course, for at least d = c. However, when Pdd is false, Pdc or Pcd may be true or false, unless you specify that c = d.
Bah, maybe I'm just confusing things, but this really doesn't seem right to me.

Edit: In fact, what's to stop you from doing this:
1) Pdd -> Pdd [premise]
2) Pdc -> Pcd [1, your rule]
3) Pcd -> Pdc [1, your rule?]
4) Pdc <-> Pcd [2, 3, equivalence]
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  • #7
Don't forget the rule:


Incidentally, in:

[tex]\forall x \in \mathbb{N} \ \exists y \in \mathbb{N} \ ((x < y) \rightarrow (y < x))[/tex]

If you choose x = 1, I could choose y = 1, and then (x < y) &rarr; (y < x) would be true!

You don't always have to pick y = x, incidentally: for example, P(x, y) could be an equivalence relation, and then you just pick y to be anything at all. But you do need to pick y = x for the general proof, where P is arbitrary.
  • #8
Hurkyl said:
Incidentally, in:

[tex]\forall x \in \mathbb{N} \ \exists y \in \mathbb{N} \ ((x < y) \rightarrow (y < x))[/tex]

If you choose x = 1, I could choose y = 1, and then (x < y) → (y < x) would be true!
Oh, right. Sheesh. :redface:

I still want to figure out if and how that one rule is valid.
  • #9
Hurkyl said:
If you choose x = 1, I could choose y = 1, and then (x < y) → (y < x) would be true!
Don't you need a weak inequality for this to be true?
  • #10
EnumaElish said:
Don't you need a weak inequality for this to be true?
What's a weak inequality - <? I thought Hurkyl was pointing out that (False -> False/True) is true. And since [itex]\forall x (\neg(x < x))[/itex], there exists some y that makes the implication true by making the antecedent false: (y = x).

[tex]\forall x \in \mathbb{N} \ \exists y \in \mathbb{N} \ ((x < y) \rightarrow (y < x))[/tex]
  • #11
  | (no assumptions)
1 | | p(a,a)                       Assumption
  | |---------
2 | | p(a,a)                       1, Repitition
3 |  p(a,a) --> p(a,a)             1-2, Conditional Introduction
4 | (Ey)(p(a,y) --> p(y,a))        3, Existential Introduction
5 | (Ax)(Ey)(p(x,y) --> p(y,x))    4, Universal Introduction

FAQ: Predicate calculus: Proof problem (please check for me)

1. What is predicate calculus?

Predicate calculus, also known as first-order logic, is a formal system of mathematical logic used to represent and reason about statements involving quantifiers, variables, and predicates. It is used in various fields, such as mathematics, computer science, and philosophy, to analyze and prove the validity of logical arguments.

2. What is a proof problem in predicate calculus?

A proof problem in predicate calculus is a logical statement or argument that requires a formal proof, using the rules and symbols of the system, to demonstrate its validity. It typically involves manipulating quantifiers and variables, applying logical rules, and using previously proven theorems to arrive at a conclusion.

3. How do you solve a proof problem in predicate calculus?

To solve a proof problem in predicate calculus, you need to carefully analyze the given statement and identify the quantifiers, variables, and predicates involved. Then, you can apply the rules of inference, such as universal generalization and existential instantiation, to manipulate and transform the statement until you arrive at a valid conclusion.

4. What are some common mistakes when solving proof problems in predicate calculus?

Some common mistakes when solving proof problems in predicate calculus include using incorrect logical rules, making assumptions not supported by the given statement, and missing steps in the proof. It is important to carefully follow the rules and use precise and accurate reasoning to avoid these errors.

5. How is predicate calculus related to other types of logic?

Predicate calculus is a type of formal logic, along with propositional logic and modal logic. It is more expressive than propositional logic, as it allows for the use of quantifiers and variables, and less expressive than modal logic, which includes operators for modalities, such as possibility and necessity. Predicate calculus is also a foundation for higher-order logics, which extend the system to include predicates of predicates.

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