Predict the US Presidential Election Winner!

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  • Thread starter Gokul43201
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In summary, the conversation revolved around the US Presidential Elections and the prediction of who will win. Most participants believed that Bush would win due to the flaws in the Democratic party's primary system and the Republican party's superior campaigning skills. However, some still held out hope for Kerry, while others were staunchly anti-Bush. The conversation also mentioned the influence of media and the public's naivety in determining the outcome. One participant shared a quote about political parties, while another believed that Bush's win would not be based on what was right or wrong, but rather on successful marketing. Overall, the general consensus was that Bush would win, with a few exceptions.

Who wins ?

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  • #1
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Just for the heck of it...let's see how the political analysts on PF fare.

So who do you think is going to win the US Presidential Elections (not "who you'd vote for" but "who you think will win" ) ?

NOTE : The poll is a public poll. It closes on 10 Sep 2004.
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  • #2
Kerry, for reasons posted in "Bush or Kerry".

Both the economy and Iraq are working against Bush.
  • #3
I'm going to "flip flop" from what I said in the "kerry or bush" thread and go with kerry. :biggrin:
  • #4
Republicans and Democrats were both 5/6 to win the presidential elections last time I checked.
  • #5
I voted 5 :biggrin: times for the President. I know I can do better in the real voting booth.
  • #6
Bush by 8 points.
  • #7
I voted 5 :biggrin: times for the President. I know I can do better in the real voting booth.
At least your a real flesh and blood person. The Democrats register an army of the dead to vote.
  • #8
Robert Zaleski said:
At least your a real flesh and blood person. The Democrats register an army of the dead to vote.
You're just mad 'cause zombies don't like your health-care system :smile:
  • #9
No, bush is ruining the economy, the bilderbergers (big corporations) don't like that and will oust him in favour of kerry
  • #10
Apparently looks good to me. I agree with the majority so far. But that's very few votes here, maybe it is not significant.

In France, the famous newspaper "Le Monde" is sometimes really hard on Bush choices. I do not even mention "Le Monde Diplomatique" which I love, but is really utopic somehow. That is those reading which lead me to believe Bush must loose. Besides, I saw a recent issue of "The Economist" entitled "Je ne regrette rien" (en francais dans le texte :approve:) : the economist. The Economist is very politically correct, but here they seem to me not so supportive to your president.
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  • #11
I think Bush will win - unless something happens in the debates and people finally understand the meaning of the word 'puppet'.
  • #12
I voted 5 :biggrin: times for the President. I know I can do better in the real voting booth.
Well, sure, IF that voting booth is in Dade County, FL.
  • #13
Robert Zaleski said:
At least your a real flesh and blood person. The Democrats register an army of the dead to vote.
They don't just summarily erase registered voters from their rolls in an act of abject desperation masquerading as routine "housekeepong" expedience.
  • #14
BobG said:
Kerry, for reasons posted in "Bush or Kerry".

Both the economy and Iraq are working against Bush.
Could it be that Bush is working against Bush too...or...could it be.....SATAN?
  • #15
Clearly even PF members go by their hearts, not their minds, when it comes to something like this.

All the polls show Bush ahead by about 10 points. Yet all the liberals (except for Adam) have picked Kerry to win. :confused:
  • #16
Gokul43201 said:
Clearly even PF members go by their hearts, not their minds, when it comes to something like this.

All the polls show Bush ahead by about 10 points. Yet all the liberals (except for Adam) have picked Kerry to win. :confused:

I, for one, admit defeat already. Bush will win because the Primary system used to select our party candidates is no less flawed than the old "party boss" system. The media seems to be the one that gives momentum to frontrunners, so that their efforts in upcoming primaries/caucuses virtually assures their success at winning enough delegates for nomination... hmmm well there was that thing with Dean...nevermind... who'd a thunk it at the time though? Kerry does not impress me as the BEST choice to win against an incumbent. Edwards does, but he isn't THE candidate... Kerry and Mrs. Tootsie-Heinz Kerry are unlikely to win in my estimation... still, being hardcore antiBush, I don't give a good ****amn! I'll do down with the {swift} boat guy by casting my vote for the TRUE truth...not the Swift-Boat Veterans for Truth that is reminiscent of say, The Democratic-Republic of East Berlin, or The People's Republic of North Korea...
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  • #17
As I've been saying now for something like a year: its a foregone conclusion that Bush will win. The Democrats really need to take a step back and fix their party.
  • #18
russ_watters said:
As I've been saying now for something like a year: its a foregone conclusion that Bush will win. The Democrats really need to take a step back and fix their party.

If Bush wins, it will have nothing to do with with what right or wrong with either party. It's just that the Republicans are far better at campaigning (and the people are far too naive), and that's what usually counts.
  • #19
russ_watters said:
As I've been saying now for something like a year: its a foregone conclusion that Bush will win. The Democrats really need to take a step back and fix their party.

C'mon russ. You couldn't have known this for sure, a year ago - and it's not even certain now.
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  • #20
Gokul43201 said:
If Bush wins, it will have nothing to do with with what right or wrong with either party. It's just that the Republicans are far better at campaigning (and the people are far too naive), and that's what usually counts.

Correcto Grasshopper: In my part of the country we call it marketing...and in politics the Republicans have had it sewn up for ages... trivia moment, by whom and when was this quote made?

"...I have an idea, if Republicans will stop lying about Democrats, we'll stop telling the truth about Republicans."
  • #21
I didn't know who said this - though I've heard it so many times (kinda like I don't know who first said "To err is Truman") - so I Googled it.

Nice tidbit !
  • #22
To be realistic, Bush will win. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :biggrin:
  • #23
The_Professional said:
To be realistic, Bush will win. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :biggrin:

Not me, I cannot stomach the THOUGHT of four more years of this dullard and his band of thugs.
  • #24
To Quote Mick Jagger : "You can't always get what you want" :rolleyes:
  • #25
Bush, because the Clintons are helping him, the Wicked Witch of the East wants to run next time.
  • #26
If the last election's anything to go by, Bush will get a second term, regardless of who wins.
  • #27
Pyrovus said:
If the last election's anything to go by, Bush will get a second term, regardless of who wins.

har har har! I made a joke about Bush stealing the election, despite there being a statistical tie in FLorida, recount after recount finding in favor of Bush, Gore not wanting a recount of all of Florida, and the Supreme court finding for Bush. Somehow, if a lot of people are upset with having Bush in power, history should be undone - too bad you guys just don't learn to move on (ha, look at that pun) or perhaps you'd have a compitent competitor to Bush right now. 4 years to come up with something, and Kerry is it?! :smile:
  • #28
Gokul43201 said:
If Bush wins, it will have nothing to do with with what right or wrong with either party. It's just that the Republicans are far better at campaigning (and the people are far too naive), and that's what usually counts.
I submit that the reason Kerry got no bounce after his convention is that he doesn't stand for anything, only against Bush. And the fact that he's the best candidate the party could find tells me the party is having some problems. The people just aren't buying what the party is selling.

A similar situation existed in 2000 - Gore felt the need to disconnect himself from one of the most popular Presidents in history in his campaign. That he was unsuccessful is often cited as the reason he lost the election. How can it be that he had to do that? Bush Sr. won largely by riding the Reagan wave. Why couldn't Gore win by riding the Clinton wave?
C'mon russ. You couldn't have known this for sure, a year ago - and it's not even certain now.
Its a prediction, Gokul. I don't have esp and I don't claim to: when I say its a foregone conclusion, I mean the problems in the Democratic party that have been festering since Clinton left office (since the campaign in 2000) have been leading them down the path they are on now. The result will be long term Republican domination of the US government and an eventual re-construction of the Democratic party.

Its often said that 45% of the population will vote democrat regardles of who the candidate is and 45% will vote republican regardless of who he candidate is. The remaining 10% are who decide elections. When it comes time to make a decision, those 10% will decide to vote for someone, not against someone.

Now, the reason I stated previously is the economy: the economy is generally what wins elections. While it hasn't been a stellar recovery (less than expected), people still recognize that the economy is in a recovery. Because of that, people will choose to vote for Bush.
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  • #29
russ_watters said:
I submit that the reason Kerry got no bounce after his convention is that he doesn't stand for anything, only against Bush.
That is a very relevant point. I find it very sad, yet that would be enough for me in this very specific case :-p

No, that's not even funny. The world is doomed to cowboy's rules :cry:
  • #30
Gokul43201 said:
Clearly even PF members go by their hearts, not their minds, when it comes to something like this.
I submit that that's largely a liberal trait.
  • #31
f Bush wins, it will have nothing to do with with what right or wrong with either party. It's just that the Republicans are far better at campaigning (and the people are far too naive), and that's what usually counts.

Gokul, you're supposed to wait until AFTER the election before posting sour grapes. (Similar things were said after Clinton was elected.)

In my opinion, the Democrats simply picked the wrong man. They thought that if they propped up a war hero against Bush the country would just swoon. The Swift Boat Veterans took care of that. Love 'em or hate 'em, the Swift Boat Veterans have decided this election because they rained on the only parade Kerry offered the public.

Could it all change? Sure. All the Democrats have to do is wake the dead.
  • #32
JohnDubYa said:
Gokul, you're supposed to wait until AFTER the election before posting sour grapes. (Similar things were said after Clinton was elected.)

In my opinion, the Democrats simply picked the wrong man. They thought that if they propped up a war hero against Bush the country would just swoon. The Swift Boat Veterans took care of that. Love 'em or hate 'em, the Swift Boat Veterans have decided this election because they rained on the only parade Kerry offered the public.

Could it all change? Sure. All the Democrats have to do is wake the dead.

Well DubYa, you do have a strong grasp of situation. It doesn't matter that those few Swift-Boat Veterans when interview contradicted their claims of first hand information ie, "..I know, I was there." No one is listening. This is why I say that the Republicans are going to win...they have NO scrupples or moral compunction about lying in order to win the White House for four more years... the Swift-Boat Veteran's for Truth is akin to say... The Democratic-Republic of East Berlin, or the Peoples Democratic-Republic of North Korea... I have to almost admire the Swift boat boys... all one has to do is put it on television...because it's negative, people WILL believe it...doesn't matter that it's lies, distortions of fact because of an agenda...they resented his testimony given to Congress when he returned from the War so they have masterfully put together their campaign of lies and misinformation to advance their agenda... the thing about conservatives is that they will allow you to say whatever you want so long as it supports their narrow points of view, hence, The Patriot Act...the shining example of the single greatest threat to the Bill of Rights since the days of J. Edgar Hoover. I don't understand their resentments toward Kerry... Kerry PAID THE PRICE to do what he did if he so chose... and he did not betray these Swift Boat liars... this latest bit about Kerry " the Viet Cong for free what they were tortured for..." is sheer bull. Anyone who cares can investigate this, but like DubYa understands, they's just too much trouble to do that. So, the Republicans are the better at sacking and selling it... I wish the Dems would wake up and start fighting fire with fire. But alas, Kerry IS NOT the best choice to defeat this incumbant... Bush enjoys the home court advantage, most incumbants do. For myself, Edwards would have been the best and the brightest choice for the Dems... anyway, we shall see what transpires between now and ain't over till its over!
  • #33
Well DubYa, you do have a strong grasp of situation. It doesn't matter that those few Swift-Boat Veterans when interview contradicted their claims of first hand information ie, "..I know, I was there." No one is listening. This is why I say that the Republicans are going to win...they have NO scrupples or moral compunction about lying in order to win the White House for four more years... the Swift-Boat Veteran's for Truth is akin to say... The Democratic-Republic of East Berlin, or the Peoples Democratic-Republic of North Korea...

Post a reasonable argument. Then I'll respond.
  • #34
JohnDubYa said:
Post a reasonable argument. Then I'll respond.

When a campaign is waged with half truths, outright lies and innuendo as in using Laci Peterson's name alongside John Kerry's in a Pro Bush commercial is NOT REASONABLE to this argument? That among ALL Swift-Boat Veterans for Truth who did grant interviews to the media contradicted their statements made in their commercials, they lied, plain and simple...that Bush claims that the war in Iraq makes America safe? I really don't depend on your response to vote in November. I know what I must do, and hope that your overall position that Bush WILL win will turn out to be incorrect. I've already supported YOUR contention that Bush will likely win. I am just calling it the way it is...he can't hope to win playing fair...he is just too slow to dare to attempt any live he hides behind his campaign of distortions and misinformation. The Republican SPIN on truth is really something to behold...they can sack and sell cow manure to cattle ranchers in Wyoming.
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  • #35
Now this is getting really close :rolleyes:
10 to 11 right now. And it is more and more significant.

We only succeded to prove that nobody can tell.

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