Predicting Cell Movement and Shape in Conway's Game of Life

  • Thread starter johngalt827
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    Game Life
In summary, the high schooler is looking for equations that could predict the movement and shape of the cells after "n" generations in a Game of Life simulation. Unfortunately, nothing of this sort exists.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I've decided to research Conway's Game of Life for my science project. and I can't seem to find any equations that would fit as Life's physical laws. Any ideas would be gratefully received. (Please keep in mind that I am merely a high schooler)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Physics news on
  • #2
Im not sure life has any equations as such. I am not a biologist but nobody had answered your question so I thought Id give my two cents.

Life is normally governed by rules such as Darwinian Natural Selection (read " "). These theories don't really have equations and are concepts.

At a fundamental all life and everything is governed by Quantum Mechanics or some even more fundamental theory, which does contain equations, but we are a ways off working this out yet!

Hope this helps.

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  • #3
  • #4
phyzguy said:
I don't really understand your question. Are you just looking for the algorithmic rules of the game? These are spelled out clearly here:'s_Game_of_Life

Actually, I was wondering if there were equations that would be able to predict the movement(?)/shape of the cells after "n" generations.
  • #5
johngalt827 said:
Actually, I was wondering if there were equations that would be able to predict the movement(?)/shape of the cells after "n" generations.

I don't think anything of this sort exists.
  • #6
johngalt827 said:
Actually, I was wondering if there were equations that would be able to predict the movement(?)/shape of the cells after "n" generations.
Well, not an equation, no. An algorithm, yes.

See, what you do is you set up a simulation. You configure your simulation to match the rules of the Game of Life that you're going to run (we'll call the simulation "The Game of the Game of Life"), then you iterate through the simulation until you reach generation 'n'. Your simulation will now spit out the movement and shape of the cells at generation 'n'. Now you can go back to your Game of Life and know what it will look like at gerenation "n".

Now here's a bonus question: how might you predict what the cells' shape and movement will be like at generation "n" in your Game of the Game of Life?


FAQ: Predicting Cell Movement and Shape in Conway's Game of Life

What is Conway's game of Life?

Conway's game of Life is a cellular automaton simulation created by mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. It is a zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state and does not require any further input.

How does Conway's game of Life work?

The game takes place on a grid of square cells, each of which can be either alive or dead. The cells follow a set of rules that determine whether they will live, die, or multiply in each generation. These rules are based on the number of alive neighbors each cell has, and are applied simultaneously to all cells in the grid.

What are the rules of Conway's game of Life?

The rules of the game are as follows:

  1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies, as if by underpopulation.
  2. Any live cell with two or three live neighbors lives on to the next generation.
  3. Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies, as if by overpopulation.
  4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes alive, as if by reproduction.
These rules are applied to every cell in the grid simultaneously, and the resulting state becomes the new generation.

What are some interesting patterns in Conway's game of Life?

There are many interesting patterns that can emerge in Conway's game of Life, including stable structures, oscillators, and spaceships. Some notable patterns include the "glider" which moves across the grid in a diagonal direction, and the "pulsar" which oscillates between two different states.

What is the significance of Conway's game of Life?

Conway's game of Life is significant as an example of emergent behavior and complex systems. Despite its simple rules, the game can produce incredibly complex and unpredictable patterns. It has also been used in various fields of study, such as biology and computer science, to model real-world systems and phenomena.

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