Predicting Particle Trajectories in a Velocity Field

In summary, the conversation discusses the computation of flow curves of a vector field, which involves solving the differential equation for the vector position of a particle over time. There is no standard method to solve this equation, but an explicit solution may be obtained for certain types of vector fields, such as the example provided in the conversation. Otherwise, numerical techniques would be needed.
  • #1
member 428835
Hi PF!

A professor drew a velocity field on the board and he placed a line segment in the field at some time ##t_1## and then drew the stick at some new time ##t_2##. My question, let's say we're given a velocity field ##\vec{V} = v_x \hat{i} + v_y \hat{j}## where ##v_x## and ##v_y## are the magnitudes of velocity. Given a point in space ##(p,q)##, after a certain amount of time, how would we tell where the point would be?

Thinking about this, if all we had was ##\vec{V} = f(x,y) \hat{i} + g(x,y) \hat{j}## then to determine where ##p## would go, we would say ##\partial_t p = f(x,y) \implies \int_{p(0)}^{p(t)} \, dp = \int_0^t f(x,y) \, dt## but here I am stuck.
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  • #2
The problem you are trying to solve is called the computation of flow curves of a vector field. It involves solving the differential equation:
$$\frac{d}{dt}\vec r(t)=\vec V(\vec r(t))$$
where ##\vec r(t)## is the vector position of the particle at time ##t##.

There is no standard method to solve this differential equation. Given a particular vector field ##\vec V##, an explicit solution may be able to be obtained if ##\vec V## is particularly nice. Otherwise numerical techniques would be needed.

Take the example ##\vec V(\vec r)=\vec r##. Then the above DE is:
$$\frac{d}{dt}(x(t)\hat i+y(t)\hat j)=(x(t)\hat i+y(t)\hat j)$$
which separates out into two equations:
$$\frac{dx}{dt}(t)=x(t);\ \ \frac{dy}{dt}(t)=y(t)$$
which has solutions ##x(t)=x_0e^t;\ y(t)=y_0e^t## (where ##x_0,y_0## are the coordinates of the point at ##t=0##), which can be expressed neatly as ##\vec r(t)=\vec r_0e^t##.

Most vector fields do not yield to analysis as readily as this one though.
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Likes member 428835
  • #3
Cool, so it seems the first ODE you wrote is the one to follow for general cases? Good to know in case this ever arises. Thanks!

FAQ: Predicting Particle Trajectories in a Velocity Field

1. What is the meaning of "stick" in velocity field?

In fluid dynamics, "stick" refers to the phenomenon where fluid particles move with the same velocity as the surrounding fluid. This means that the particles do not slip or slide and maintain a constant position in the flow.

2. How is "stick" related to laminar flow?

"Stick" is closely related to laminar flow, which is a type of flow where fluid particles move in parallel layers with little to no mixing between them. In laminar flow, the fluid particles are able to "stick" together and move in the same direction, resulting in smooth and predictable flow patterns.

3. Can "stick" occur in turbulent flow?

Yes, "stick" can occur in turbulent flow, but it is less common compared to laminar flow. In turbulent flow, the fluid particles move in a chaotic and irregular manner, causing mixing and fluctuations in velocity. However, in some cases, the particles may still maintain a certain level of "stick" and move together in the same direction.

4. How does "stick" affect the behavior of fluids?

"Stick" has a significant impact on the behavior of fluids, particularly in laminar flow. It allows for the formation of smooth and well-defined flow patterns, making it easier to predict and control the movement of fluids. In turbulent flow, "stick" may contribute to the formation of vortices and eddies, which can affect the overall behavior of the fluid.

5. Can "stick" be manipulated or controlled?

Yes, "stick" can be manipulated or controlled through various methods. In fluid dynamics, researchers and engineers often use techniques such as surface coatings or boundary layer control to alter the level of "stick" in a velocity field. These techniques can have a significant impact on the behavior and performance of fluid systems.

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