Preparing for Calc II: Advice for Math Major

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Farmtalk
  • Start date
In summary, Petrus plans to fully repeat everything he learned in calculus 1 in order to better prepare for calculus 2.
  • #1
Hi everyone! Glad to be back around here! I'd been real busy the past few months, and honestly kind of forgot about this site, but the global moderator here, Mark, reminded me, and I'm glad he did!

I have a question that I've been contemplating that someone on here might be able to help me with. I have mathematics as a second major; loved math since I was a kid; and am taking calculus 2 next semester and 3 afterwards. I honestly do not know a lot of what is to be expected calculus 2, so should I just study all of my material from calculus 1 or study everything of the last 5 years or so?(Cool) Not that I don't anyways as I try to help on yahoo answers and on my website, but just wanting some opinion.

Greatly appreciate it everyone!
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  • #2
Hey, glad to see you around again! :D

A few things you might want to review in preparation for Calc II are:
  • sequences and series
  • conic sections
  • translation/rotation of axes
  • parametric/polar equations
  • #3
I really appreciate it!:D

One more question, I have always had problems remembering formulas. Once I see one, I can use it just fine typically. Tell me how to find a trig identity from another trigonometric expression and I do fine, but when I was 13 and 14 it took me weeks just to remember the quadratic formula; is there a good technique you all use to help remember all of these formulas?

Thanks again everyone!
  • #4
Speaking of trig. identities, our administrator Ackbach has posted a great topic here:

As far as formulas in general, my philosophy has always been to memorize as little as possible and be able to quickly derive what you need from what little you do have memorized. With repeated practice and use though, you will find that you simply know more and more formulas by heart.
  • #5
Great topic!:D;) I will be sure to use it!

I really appreciate the advice! You make a good point! I remember being able to prove the derivative of sine the first time and how good I felt about it(Cool)
  • #6
Hello Farmtalk,
This is one interesting question which I have been thinking how I will study under my summer, but after a lot thinking I decide that I will fully repeat everything that I learned. You may wounder why but this is how I thought. If I am honest to myself to succeed an exam don't tell me anything if I have learned or not then I mean understanding the basic. Some part like Epsilon delta prove takes time which we got a perfect In my school we learned basicly new thing everyday and had not so much time to spend and read to understand what we are doing and some new thing needs more then one day, you just need to take so much time as you need. If I would study Calculus 2 in summer and when school start I would pretty much know everything which will ruin something I always is exiting for in math, learn new method! I would feel like if I am going to a movie and if someone would spoiled me everything that would happened I would not enjoy it as I would watch it without knowing anything. What I exactly mean with this is that if you are going to lesson and you know everything what teacher would say I would be bored. If I would go to a lesson which I had no clue what teacher would say I would be exiting and have full focus on everything he/she says! Well this is how I thought but remember this is my opinion.

\(\displaystyle |\pi\rangle\)
  • #7
It's a great opinion Petrus!:D I think then if I prepare for all of the contents of calc II, then the end of the movie won't be spoiled for me. But I do think I should definitely refresh calc I concepts, some pre-calc and trig, and then the additional list that Mark provided. Great thread on epsilon delta by the way!

Thanks for your opinion!(Cool)
  • #8
Farmtalk said:
It's a great opinion Petrus!:D I think then if I prepare for all of the contents of calc II, then the end of the movie won't be spoiled for me. But I do think I should definitely refresh calc I concepts, some pre-calc and trig, and then the additional list that Mark provided. Great thread on epsilon delta by the way!

Thanks for your opinion!(Cool)
I wish you best luck! I will start my study soon as well !:) I think tomorow =D

\(\displaystyle |\pi\rangle\)

FAQ: Preparing for Calc II: Advice for Math Major

How should I review my algebra skills before starting Calc II?

It is important to have a solid understanding of algebra before starting Calc II. You can review by practicing basic algebraic operations, factoring, and solving equations. You can also review concepts such as graphing and solving systems of equations.

Are there any specific topics from Calc I that I should review?

Some key topics from Calc I that you should review include limits, derivatives, and basic integration techniques. It may also be helpful to review trigonometric functions and their derivatives.

How can I improve my problem-solving skills for Calc II?

Practice is key for improving problem-solving skills in Calc II. Make sure to attend all classes and complete all assigned homework problems. You can also try working on additional practice problems or seeking help from a tutor or study group.

Are there any specific resources or tools that can help me with Calc II?

There are many helpful resources available for Calc II, including textbooks, online tutorials, and study guides. You can also make use of mathematical software such as WolframAlpha for checking answers and visualizing concepts.

How can I stay organized and keep up with the course material in Calc II?

It is important to stay organized in Calc II, as the material can quickly become overwhelming. Make sure to attend all classes, take organized notes, and review them regularly. It can also be helpful to create a study schedule and break up the material into manageable chunks.

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