Preparing for College Calculus ?

In summary, if you are fresh out of Algebra II and failed Pre-Calculus, you will need to focus on studying functions, conic sections, asymptotes, the logarithm, basic trigonometry, and adding fractions.
  • #1
Okay, so I start Community College in late-August. I have hopes to transfer over to the University of Virginia after my first two years. My original plan was to major in Nursing, but I keep being drawn in by the field of Physics, which I see as a HUGE sign to at least reconsider my field of study.

So, I flunked out of Pre-Calculus last year for personal reasons (I fell behind due to doctor's appointments concerning my heart, and I don't do well when I start to struggle... I'm one of those people where if I fall behind, I tend to stay behind, but I'm working on it...).

For all intents and purposes, you should consider me fresh out of Algebra II.
What specific areas of mathematics should I study to prepare for Calculus I?
One good thing out of my failed Pre-Calculus venture: I still have my book "Precalculus with Limits", but I would love more online resources if you guys have any suggestions, too. I hate books, but I can keep my eyes glued on a computer and learn for hours. Regardless, I'll use the book if I need to.

TL;DR: What specific mathematics concepts do I ABSOLUTELY need/would be super helpful before jumping into Calculus I? If you have any amazing online resources for each specific subject/concept, please post it?
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  • #2
I honestly think an algebra background is the most important thing for calculus at your level. Precalculus course material seems to vary quite a bit between high schools.

I think the most import topics from a Pre calc class would be:

Functions with e, log, and natrual log.

Recognition of conic sections and their equations.

Asymptotes and the idea of a tangent line.


Introduction to a verctor.

You can learn a little more about these topics here:

Maybe you can dive into calculus by yourself and see if you are ready.

There are awesome college level lectures on differential calculus here:
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  • #3
There's a lot of material available when it comes to low-level stuff like that.

Try Khan Academy. Just google it. It has algebra and pre-calculus. Videos and exercises. The exercises are in the practice section of the website. It takes you through sort of a tree. I don't know exactly how it works, since I don't need it myself (I am actually teaching a calculus class right now).

For calculus, you need to be good at solving algebraic equations, what a logarithm is and the basic properties of logarithms, functions, how to compose functions, be able to graph a function, given a formula for it, find the equation of a line through a given point with a given slope. Usually trigonometry, like what sine, cosine, and tangent are. What it means to raise a number to a negative powers, fractional powers, rules of exponents. That's most of it.

I also find that some people end up in calculus who don't know how to handle more basic things, such as fractions. I think Khan Academy covers that stuff, too. For people who have a really hard time with math (or people who just don't know much math at all, like children), I would suggest trying to look into JUMP math, which has some stuff online, including, I believe some material on how to add fractions. From what I have heard, JUMP math seems to work even for most people who are severely mathematically challenged, although it only covers grades 1-8.

FAQ: Preparing for College Calculus ?

1. What math courses should I take before taking college calculus?

Before taking college calculus, it is recommended to have a strong foundation in algebra and trigonometry. It is also helpful to have taken pre-calculus or a similar course that covers topics such as functions, graphs, and basic calculus concepts.

2. Is it necessary to take AP or IB math courses in high school to prepare for college calculus?

No, it is not necessary to take AP or IB math courses in high school to prepare for college calculus. However, taking advanced math courses can help you develop a deeper understanding of the concepts and may make the transition to college calculus easier.

3. How can I practice and improve my calculus skills before starting college?

There are many resources available to practice and improve calculus skills, such as online tutorials, practice problems, and study groups. It is also helpful to review previous math courses and brush up on algebra and trigonometry concepts.

4. Are there any specific study techniques or strategies for preparing for college calculus?

Some effective study techniques for preparing for college calculus include practicing regularly, reviewing material consistently, seeking help from teachers or tutors, and actively participating in class. It is also important to have a strong understanding of algebra and trigonometry concepts before diving into calculus.

5. What are some common mistakes students make when preparing for college calculus?

Some common mistakes students make when preparing for college calculus include not reviewing previous math concepts, relying too heavily on memorization rather than understanding, and not seeking help when needed. It is important to have a solid foundation in algebra and trigonometry and to actively engage with the material to avoid these mistakes.

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