Presidents (or future presidents) religion, an effect on the election?

In summary: I do believe he follows Christ's teachings and principles. He is certainly not the first president to speak about God's support, and I doubt he will be the last. Cut up your volume, grab a tissue, and click the link.
  • #1
Political Prodigy
Hi everyone, I'm new and just wanted to say hello before i got into this topic so...hi!

I am sure many of you know that John F. Kennedy was the first and only (as of now) United States President that was Catholic. I too am Catholic (although not as involved as some members of my church) and, while I am an independent, for this election I support President Bush although it was very difficult for me to decide.
The reason I made this thread is that when many people think conservative, they think Christian which is hard for me to understand for a few reasons.
First, every president has been a type of Protestant with the exception of JFK, and although I don't know the number, several were democrats. How then does this fit into the stereotyping that says most christians are conservative?

Also, many Catholics dissaprove of John Kerry. This is simply because although he is Catholic, he doesn't really support or live out the religion. I considered him a good candidate until recently when I really looked into the election and saw more specifically what he is for and although I never let religion dictate my political decisions, I could not help but notice that he seems to contradict his religion. Just thought it was interesting and wanted to see what you all thought of it :smile:
Physics news on
  • #2
Bush is the first president, at least since the nineteenth century, to speak about having the direct support of God. To this, a lot of people can't decide which is worse, if he's lying about it or if he isn't.
  • #3
Political Prodigy said:
I too am Catholic (although not as involved as some members of my church) and, while I am an independent, for this election I support President Bush although it was very difficult for me to decide.
Being a Catholic yourself ... isn't Bush a man of the aggressive Old Testament (a eye for an eye), and not of the New Testament (Jesus)? Isn't Bush promoting revenge and shows a history of death and death penalties (as Governor of Texas). You really consider him an honest Catholic or Christian? Can you show one single point where he applies the ideas of Jesus?
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  • #4
Welcome to PF!

Personally, I wouldn't let that bother me. A LOT of Catholics, dare I say, the majority, don't believe in and/or practice 100% of the church's teachings. There are some who are even trying to get Kerry excommunicated from the church. I think if they do this, they might as well do this to every Catholic who isn't following the catechism word for word. Look at a candidate's policy and not religion.
  • #5
pelastration said:
You really consider him an honest Catholic?

Bush is not Catholic.
  • #6
check said:
Bush is not Catholic.
Yes I realized after my post, so I edited. Our posts crossed.But he calls himself a Christian.
  • #7
selfAdjoint said:
Bush is the first president, at least since the nineteenth century, to speak about having the direct support of God. To this, a lot of people can't decide which is worse, if he's lying about it or if he isn't.

Godless?? My last, best effort to save Adjoint's soul - by changing his vote.

Cut up your volume, grab a tissue, and click the link.
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  • #8
Tigers2B1 said:

That's the biggest load of crap I've seen today. Congrats.

After this post, I'm considering voluntarily moving from the United States (if Bush does get re-elected). This is the only land where a president who claims to be a cowboy (insulting himself at the same time) and has an IQ that a 2 year old can count to, can become the leader of.

See, this is the thing. Christians are favoring the guy because he says he is a Christian. Wait, maybe if I go around advertising that I was a drunk, and found my way to the Christian God - I can become President. If I could become the President that way, I certainly would.

If Americans do continue to favour this sort of thing, it'll prove that we are regressing in our evolution. :rolleyes:
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  • #9
graphic7 said:
...Congrats...This is the only land where a president who claims to be a cowboy ... can become the leader...

See, this is the thing...I can become President. If I could become the President that way, I certainly would.

Thanks :smile:
  • #10
Being a Catholic yourself ... isn't Bush a man of the aggressive Old Testament (a eye for an eye), and not of the New Testament (Jesus)? Isn't Bush promoting revenge and shows a history of death and death penalties (as Governor of Texas). You really consider him an honest Catholic or Christian? Can you show one single point where he applies the ideas of Jesus?

President Bush isn't catholic and, no he is hardly an image of God but religion doesn't really effect my outlook on politics, this topic was soley to discuss whether the religion of the candidates might effect the outcome and a little other information I decided to put up. Although I'm not sure if John Kerry is still going by this (I'm not trying to joke or harass him, i really can't keep up with the constant changes) but he was for abortion at one point, along with gay marriage (at one point) and will most likely not support Israel in the future, whereas Bush does not support these things. Now its true that gay marriage is not in the bible and personally I'm not completely against it, yet the church has spoken against it yet kerry support(s/ed) it. Abortion is against what the church says yet he is for it. Plus as I was mentioning before, Bush is least likely to go against Israel, which if you happened to read on clintons early years where it was mentioned a few times or if you read a book entitled American Prophesies (I believe that's the correct title) you would know that Bill Clintons pastor said the words "You will make mistakes, and God will forgive you. But if you ever go against the state of Israel, God will never forgive you."
A few years later Clinton practically forced palestinian and Israeli leaders (Arafat and Israels prime minister before Areil) to shake hands and agree to a peace treatment. In the following months surprise suicide bombings killed thousands in Israel, which broke the short lived peace treaty.

Its odd how often religion and politics continuously become intertwined.

check Welcome to PF!

Personally, I wouldn't let that bother me. A LOT of Catholics, dare I say, the majority, don't believe in and/or practice 100% of the church's teachings. There are some who are even trying to get Kerry excommunicated from the church. I think if they do this, they might as well do this to every Catholic who isn't following the catechism word for word. Look at a candidate's policy and not religion.

Thank you for the welcome! Yes I heard about the attempts at getting kerry excommunicated which I also think is rediculous.
  • #11
selfAdjoint said:
Bush is the first president, at least since the nineteenth century, to speak about having the direct support of God. To this, a lot of people can't decide which is worse, if he's lying about it or if he isn't.

The whole deal, his evangelical stance and the mistakes his administration made about Iraq raises lots of uncomfortable questions.

Has the Bush administration been incompetent planners (the plan for Phase IV - Stabilization of post-War Iraq To Be Provided rumor, for example) or are we 'misunderestimating' Bush? Is this really bumbling or is Iraq really part of a war on Islam, itself?

Either way, there's too many unanswerable questions to have any idea what Bush does next.
  • #12
check said:
Welcome to PF!

Personally, I wouldn't let that bother me. A LOT of Catholics, dare I say, the majority, don't believe in and/or practice 100% of the church's teachings. There are some who are even trying to get Kerry excommunicated from the church. I think if they do this, they might as well do this to every Catholic who isn't following the catechism word for word. Look at a candidate's policy and not religion.
I agree that the majority of catholics don't practice the churches teachings. I think it's something like 70% use unacceptable birth control methods etc. but just to keep things on a relevent, factual basis...the catholic law that Kerry's excommunication would be based upon has nothing to do with "following the catechism word for word" it has to do specificly with abortion and the level of direct support and contribution to abortion. I think we delved into specifics in an earlier thread so...don't let me derail this one but I did want to clarify that.
  • #14
Thanks kat. Yes, I was aware that Kerry’s support for ‘pro-choice’ is the basis for the whole excommunication suggestion. I guess I shouldn’t have suggested that a less than total following of the Catechism should be grounds for excommunication.
  • #15
Political Prodigy said:
The reason I made this thread is that when many people think conservative, they think Christian which is hard for me to understand for a few reasons.
First, every president has been a type of Protestant with the exception of JFK, and although I don't know the number, several were democrats. How then does this fit into the stereotyping that says most christians are conservative?
I think the stereotype is slightly misdirected: its the level of faith that is the key. And though I don't have the stats to back this up, it seems that conservatives are more likely to strictly adhere to their religion. Kerry and Bush both fit (opposite sides) of that.
  • #16
I think the stereotype is slightly misdirected: its the level of faith that is the key. And though I don't have the stats to back this up, it seems that conservatives are more likely to strictly adhere to their religion. Kerry and Bush both fit (opposite sides) of that.

True. Its weird how earlier in the year Bush got a little respect for being a more religious president, and a lot of criticism. I wonder how Kerry would have been treated.
  • #17
Well, Kerry's getting both too.
  • #18
selfAdjoint said:
Bush is the first president, at least since the nineteenth century, to speak about having the direct support of God. To this, a lot of people can't decide which is worse, if he's lying about it or if he isn't.

That about covers it. Tsu and I have a family member who is a [more, was a] fundamentalist Christian. Her faith was seriously challenged as she learned about extreme, fundamentalist Islamic groups - terrorist. She commented to me one day that "they sound just like us". She couldn't understand how people having such a deep faith in God could be so evil.

FAQ: Presidents (or future presidents) religion, an effect on the election?

1. How does a president's religion affect their chances of winning an election?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it ultimately depends on the beliefs and values of the voters. Some voters may prioritize a candidate's religious affiliation and be more likely to support a candidate who shares their beliefs, while others may not consider a candidate's religion at all.

2. Has a president's religion ever been a determining factor in an election?

It is difficult to determine if a president's religion has ever been the sole determining factor in an election. However, there have been instances where a candidate's religious beliefs have been heavily scrutinized and debated, such as in the case of John F. Kennedy's Catholicism in the 1960 election.

3. Can a president's religion influence their policies and decision-making?

While a president's religion may play a role in shaping their personal values and beliefs, it is ultimately up to the individual to separate their religious beliefs from their political decisions. Many presidents have been able to balance their personal religious beliefs with the separation of church and state in their decision-making.

4. Is there a correlation between a president's religion and their approval ratings?

There is no clear correlation between a president's religion and their approval ratings. Factors such as political policies, economic conditions, and current events tend to have a greater impact on a president's approval ratings than their religious beliefs.

5. Are voters more likely to support a president who shares their religious beliefs?

This is a difficult question to answer definitively as there are many factors that influence a voter's decision. Some voters may prioritize a candidate's religious beliefs, while others may prioritize other factors such as political policies or leadership qualities. Ultimately, it varies from individual to individual.

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